Sup you cucks

Sup you cucks,

I figured out how to make money off of these pump n dumps about 6 months ago and am still learning the little things here and there but I want to share with you the basics because once you guys get a hang of it you can pay it forward.

Here's the gist of it:

Pump and dumps usually begin with an insider suddenly buying a ton of a shillcoin and then it flattens out a bit. Take for example lumens $STR.

Then once its been flat for a while, some shill on this board will say "LUMENS IS FUTURE INVEST NOW" but no one will listen to him because he's probably a total cuck. This is good, because he's probably legitimately just shilling for his own profit.

It doesn't hurt to take a look at what he's shilling though. Never decide based on the shill, always based on what you see on the chart. That's what I saw in $NXT about a week ago.

Usually I wait it out. If it's flat after 3 days, 80$ of the time it will suddenly spike.You just need to wait patiently. If volume goes down after a week to anything under 100btc it might be a loser.

Attached is what happened similarly to $XEM.

But try looking at charts this way. For me wins have been 75% to 80%. Of course there will be some losers ($FCT is fucking cursed.)

Have a good day, you cuckold fetish fiends.

What's gonna happen to Siacoin!?!?

$SC is probably a bear. It peaked 3 times, and I only see it shipped on this site exclusively. Too new to see where the resistant value is. I'm not going to touch it.


Praise you user for this info.

What type of volume are you looking for before investing?

>in a bear
>when it keeps going up
You should research the product rather than just predict the market with graphs.
Sia will go another +100%

You're in denial if you think any altcoins besides ETH isn't a PnD scheme. Do you really think anyone Wil actually use sia? But it's not my problem, if you make more money from sia congrats.

Dash has a strong foundation but investment wise it's shitty. It has shown much volatility in months. Monero is solid too and is a bag holding coin. You never know when that shit pumps. Blackcoin has low volume so seems like a total gamble (is that the one bittrex shills?) and DGB will be fun, I might buy in on a dip.

As of today I'm content with the 31% gain I made on based NXT. Bought STR a bit too early but doesn't hurt to hold for another week, that shit just reeks of pump n dump.

Also, as always, buy ETH at the dip.

My senpai

>Do you really think anyone Wil actually use sia?
I do, which is why your mentality of only looking at the market is skewed and flawed. I bet you don't even know what is Sia.