Why do old Americans fall for the we need to bring back manufacturing jobs to America meme?
I'm starting to think the Rust Belt is about to become the South with their muh nostalgia, muh coal, muh factory plant, and muh don't outsource. Ugh.
Why do old Americans fall for the we need to bring back manufacturing jobs to America meme?
I'm starting to think the Rust Belt is about to become the South with their muh nostalgia, muh coal, muh factory plant, and muh don't outsource. Ugh.
we do be needing jobs tho
The Yo. Represent.
We need jobs, why else do we want it back? If our economy keeps going the way its going, nobody will be able to afford any stuff if none of us are working.
we have jobs
people just need to bite their tongue and take a job they thought they would never do
I took a job I didn't want; it worked out when I realized "this place sucks but it was the only place that would hire me, and now I have a ton of friends who all are in the same predicament as me"
it's really not that bad
Such as?
different depending on region
but a lot of jobs in customer service, call centers, insurance, banks, foodservice, auto tech (fuck if you are smart enough to go to school for Diesel Tech [which is like a 1.5 year trade program at any community college]) you'll make crazy money
not to mention lot of jobs in oil, as a CDL driver
Service sector, sales, kneepads and there is law enforcement. There is a lot of jobs and US manufacturing is at an all time high. We just can't compete with China. They have a 1.3 billion machines while we have 325 million.
Chinese workers are losing their manufacturing jobs left and right now that their minimum wage has gone up
everything is moving to vietnam for 1/5 the price
those machines will be resold to americans or companies with american money for cents on the dollar
those aren't close to manufacturing jobs
the manufacturing sector gives a solid steady respectable job market for the working and lower middle classes. it allowed them to build their lives.
food service and call centers are not in any way replacements for that sector. they provide part time, low paying, high turnover, low satisfaction work. they are for the mostly unemployable and businesses in these sectors treat their employees as such. they are not organizations to build a life with.
the plan for our economy can't be to give the former manufacturing sector the jobs of teenagers and the legally retarded. for one, it displaces those people into unemployment. it also leaves the former factory workers with much less than they had before.
dont be retarded, you can't even afford a cockroack ridden box working full time when a stupid beaner or refugee will do it for half of that
sick of having to work 10 hours without any breaks to have to keep up with these fucking spics retards want to bring here so bad
like, seriously, you can make like 150 an hour as a diesel tech and there's a huge shortage so everybody in the field is making a lot of hours
when I first learned about that ten years ago it was a hot career and the momentum has never changed
school districts in my area were actually willing to pay those guys 6 figure salaries, but that's a pay drop compared to owning a company and having a contract with different school districts/businesses
who gives a shit about manufacturing jobs man; theyre gone for now and it's gonna be awhile before there's a resurgence (unless you live in an area with injection molding factories, paper mills, auto industry, etc, but those people hold onto their jobs for life)
my point is there are jobs in other areas....and people need to bite their tongue and just move into a new field
China we still retain that manufacturing power but they'll out source to Vietnam as we did in the 90s. They'll keep a sizeable workforce in China and export the excess labor to cheaper markets. Mexican labor in cheaper than Chinese which is why a lot of companies relocated to the US-Mex border. With NAFTA in place they save a lot of money in fuel, transportation, transportation workforce and no tariffs.
my company has a factory right across the border to manufacture our own medical supplies
they employ 3500 people working 24/7 and are the largest manufacturing factory in the country to their Safety certification from the Ministry of Labor
but the maquiladoras aren't bowing to cartel taxation and the managers are getting murdered all the time...if a big newspaper exposed the dangers involved with our cheap Mexican labor they'd probably shut everything down lol
but for now I know they do good work
Cartels often don't like to fuck big businesses because of what happen to Escobar in the early 90s. They often go to small maquiladors but I've seen a lot of PMC activity in Mexico since the reshoring of manufacturing jobs to teh border. There have been hits on cartel lieutenants in those cities by unknown shooters that aren't affiliated with cartels. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It often just some loose cannon lieutenant who does these hits on managers.
well I grew up in a border city and there were maquiladora managers getting shot at, kidnapped, decapitated, or who ended up working for the cartels all the time
seriously if a journalist exposed the inner workings of that industry it would send shockwaves through american culture
It will happen one day to justified a border wall or increase our presence in Mexico with military aid. These maquiladoras are often locally run and they are suppose to give a certain amount of their profits to the home company while exporting the goods. Look at Monterrey the financial capital of Mexico and it one of the safest cities in the country. Cartels don't shit the bed because they don't want a repeat of Columbia.
where in Mexico do you live? Monterrey is extremely dangerous and has been ever since the military started fighting the cartels in Tamaulipas back in like 07
but they're not stupid enough to let that kind of stuff seep into the headlines; people either get killed execution style in ranches in the suburbs or the stories simply get suppressed
and honestly I don't have much of an issue with the cartels cuz they keep tourist areas safe
and they employ a lot of people / give back to the communities way more than corrupt cops and politicians
crossing them is stupid though and they have way too many guns
Cartel do suppress stories that's not a big secret. Intimidation of journalists is nothing new in Mexico by the cartels of the government. Monterrey was one of the early fronts in the war but the military responded to protect their financial interest. It was a city they couldn't afford to lose. Execution happens but these occur to people who are willing to talk or didn't take their bribes. The cartel presence in that city is locked into the shadows and the killings are their way of showing that they are there and trying to intimidate people to get a bigger foothold hasn't worked so far. This is why the city is dangerous but not at the level of teh border towns. The presence of the marines is what keeps teh city "secure". Cartels are just shadow figures with an agenda to place their peopel in key positions. Which hasn't worked because of resentment the wealthy have toward the cartels.
>cartels cuz they keep tourist areas safe
They used keep it safe. This was the PRI and Cartel argreement back in the day. But Calderon destroyed the old agreement went to war. They're losing their foothold to the marines and now teh vaccum is being open due to El Chapo being arrested. The Neuvo Generation cartel is attacking Sinola strongholds since his capture. The government is being pressured by Washington and even fucking China to control their country or lose investment. Some cartels do business with China via illegal mining of resources in teh western part of the country.
I feel safe when I'm in tourist districts, to be honest
there are plainclothes cartel security in every aisle, next to the cash register by the pharmacy counters, at bars to make sure there's no fights or whatever. they keep the homelesses to just women/children
no issue here
the problem is theres no other industries to replace the outsourced jobs. there are not many decent paying jobs outside of the few manufacturer jobs left
oh well. i live in the midwest and im okay with the jobs not coming back, its been hugely profitable for me. im probably one of the few people cheering the depression and muh global economy
Manufacturing has a much higher multiplier effect for an economy. Factory investments creates way more jobs and demand in other industries.
Service economy type shit doesn't produce much more additional economic activity.
A bunch of retail strip malls and starbucks can't produce 1 / 1000 the amount of economic impact as say an airplane plant would.
>its been hugely profitable for me
If you want jobs for the sake of there being jobs I hear Cuba is pretty nice.
The people who want manufacturing jobs back aren't smart enough to be a diesel tech. There is a reason why they worked at a place like GM putting the same part on the same same car day in, day out. That type of environment is drying up and will never be replaced.
Show me a call center that pays 30 dollars an hour for unskilled labor.
when people start moving to cuba for opportunity I think it's time to realize there is a problem
>and now I have a ton of friends who all are in the same predicament as me
This. The secret to social mobility is finding the few among those friends who don't intend to spend their lives in that predicament and work together to get out of it.
yeah if you enjoy zero freedom and communism.
>Coming soon to a city near you
I'm the only one who got out
tfw my friends settled =(((((((((((((
Its hypocricy at its finest
Rape the third world with globalization and whed no tears
Addicted to cheap slave labor crap
But when it all comes home to us? "Wah wah wah foreigners"
I own repossession companies. Business has been solid since 09'.
kek that would make sense, prepare for even more repos and business expansion when the auto loan bubble pops.
>implying muh STEM, muh Trumpcoin, or muh day trading are better options