Out of town 6 days for business?

The catch is the pay is $10 an hour. I'm considering doing it, but would really rather be closer to home/not in a budget hotel, or at least getting paid more. On the bright side, the week would net me around $700 to put on crypto.

Rent out your place while youre gone on airbnb or something similar. Use that money to buy decent prostitutes for your hotel room.

Or bang 4/10 tinder girls while youre traveling.

you're wiling to travel to make $10/hr
how far away do you live from a city?

It's the only job that hired me, and the travel is about 3 hours away from home. I live in a city, but I'm moving for college in two months and the average business response time for applications here is 6 months.

Don't own a place, anyway.

I have to let them know in 6 hours.

I once worked at a place and I had to go on a two day business trip. I thought I would be paid for two actual days (like 36hrs that I was gone).

They paid me as though I worked 8hrs a day for two days.

I didn't say anything because I needed the job at the time, but I was mad.

Also I'm coming up with $520, not the $700 you are using my 8hrs a day thing (40hrs regular and 8hrs OT)

We're working 6am-3pm and 7pm-11pm for six days.
13 x 6 = 78 hour week.
40 x 10 + 38 x 15
400 + 570 = 970
- taxes and social security ~ 700

Non-taxed benefits:
$10 a day for food paid by work(I can package water and beef jerky from the house to survive six days): $70

$120 for gas paid by work (Carpooling with other workers from my job, so we're all only putting down $10 each in gas/courtesy pay for the driver): $110

So $880 dollars, which I intend to spend either obtaining one bitcoin or trying to get into altcoin trading if the NXT rocket hasn't taken off yet.

Wait so you're going to drive three hours both ways every day just to make 800 bucks

No, work is covering a budget hotel room to share with another coworker. I'll be getting one to myself because I'm the only guy and the female coworkers are all rooming up together.