TFW this board is becoming oversaturated with neets asking "how do I make money"

TFW this board is becoming oversaturated with neets asking "how do I make money"

>is becoming

It's been this way since the first day it went live.

and your solution is to post more frogs? go fuck yourself

Buy trumpcoin


enjoy your 3% annual returns

This board has been shit since day one. People vocalized concerns and literally nothing happened.

Eight cun is objectivally better, but they are dead and its a shame, even as a dead board it has better administration.

>implying the thousands of coin shill threads aren't the same thing

This board was created for posts begging for crypto

If anyone has any

Me too please. Would be eternally greatful.


dead boards are easier to admin


It's always been that way. People think Business just involves some magic wand that you wave and POOF you got money, and they don't want to actually put work in. If they were willing to work hard to make money, they'd be doin it already.

This place is just a containment board for cryptoshills and lazy neets. It has some nice stuff once in a while, but those are few and far between.

1. Get a job. The shittiest minimum wage job will do.
2. Assuming you live with you parents and don't pay rent, save as much money as possible. Only buy things that you absolutely need. Live as frugally as humanly possible.
3. After you acquired lets say $3000 dollars, start learning about stocks. Download every book about stocks, day trading, pennystocks, etc. Watch every youtube video related to stocks. Join Stocktwits. Just learn as must as humanly possible about trading stocks.
4. Make a Robinhood account and start trading. Make small relatively safe trades at first, trades that have little risk and not an amazing reward. I wouldn't buy any stock worth more than $5 unless you have more money than the $3000 I mentioned earlier.
5. Trial and error, you will lose money at first. After you do it for awhile you become good at it, start to understand patterns. You will start to make a consistent profit.
6. Accumulate Money. Move to South East Asia.

This is what I did, I was neet for awhile but now I'm alright, I live completely off day trading penny stocks. I'm very happy with my life.

I'm more bothered by the flood of crypto currency posts. But I'm bothered more that i haven't ventured into this because i dint know hope and I'm too chicken shit.

practically tripled my money in less than a week
keep trying to cope

they are way worse because they all have different names and I can't filter properly

> South East Asia.
Why do all losers move to those shitholes?

anyone post about the Australian stock exchange on stocktwits? or is it all just americans


Its cheap, quality of life based on my income is amazing, everything is basically amazing, Idk what else to say. I'm fucked up rn.

welcome to the real world.

i thought this is the sole purpose of this board to discuss it.

>businesses and business people exist to make money
>is surprised that there are people asking how to make money on a business forum


Successful people don't spend all day on Veeky Forums, only neets who failed at life do.

Knowledge through experience ?

This board was created to get crypto spammers off /g/
It did it's job

I'm on stage 3. Books that you guys reccomend?

Is there any way to register for Robinhood if you are in the UK?

becaue they love the ladies with feminine penis

We had a good question about licensing just slide through because the board needed more crypto shilling and "I haz 20 cents, how I rich?" threads.

What's it like having 12 dollars?