who /fired/ here?
share your stories
who /fired/ here?
share your stories
From almost every job I've had.
It's them, I tell you, not me.
i aint seeing no stories nigga
Who /suspicious reasons/ here?
>start a job after beating 250+ applicants
>get fired within 1 month
>only reason given is that I'm supposedly "not the right fit"
>had a check-in meeting a week ago where supervisors told me that they'd received nothing but positive feedback about me from other departments
I mean I assume this means I've done something, but they were adamant that there was no triggering event.
I just packed up my stuff and left. Felt pretty good honestly.
Working for other people is the oldest scam in the book.
I let a company vehicle roll down a hill and crash.
I also threw some guy in a lake during an employee weekend.
Oh, and dumped a drink on a girl and got in to a fight with her boyfriend (another employee).
do you have le autism?
Who here /get hired, be model employee for a few months then get bored and feel unappreciated so quit/fuck shit up on purpose/????
Beats me.
To be fair, most of those people were dicks.
Oh man I swear on of my greatest joys in life is quitting without a notice. I've never been fired, but I've quit so many jobs.
I got fired almost a month ago from my first job working at a health smoothie place.
It was going fine at first, positive feedback from supervisor and was encouraged to get promoted from team member to "shift lead" in a couple months. But then, after the manager quit the owner decided to promote a guy who had been working there for a couple of months to manager.
The guy was a complete moron, 21 and a hard ass that would follow company procedures incorrectly and talk down to employees. We didn't get a long and the tension between us was evident in how we interacted with each other. I ended up getting fired 7 months into the job by him.
Feels bad because I actually put effort into the job just to be told "I wasn't getting work done". It was a bs excuse to fire me, he just didn't like me. My other co-worker, who I was fond of, was much lazier than me and they praised him.
just shit management
I'll cut the details since I'm tired
>new boss was a condescending cunt
>lost all enjoyment for my job and the money was no longer worth my time
>eventually decide enough is enough
>called her a condescending cunt
>tells me I'm fired
>tell her I've already quit
>receive a letter a couple months later explaining that calling her "a fucking cunt" was a serious breach of trust and confidence
>write back explain that I had actually called her a "condescending cunt"
trust & confidence?
like, we trusted and were confident that you do not think and will never say that your boss is a fucking cunt?
how does that work?
beats me
I quit my job before almost getting fired. Basically two senile secrataries wouls file 72 complaints a day. So every monthy, our regional manager would fire a few people randomly and then replace our site manager. The new manager would always come in, find out what the last guy was "doing wrong," then find very small nistakes in everybodies work to try and have something to blackmail them with to keep their own job.
People honestly shouldnt be allowed to try at jobs under 10 dollars an hour. Like, the shits so menial and random. I almost got fired for leaving specs on a floor two days in a row, but one of my coworkers would sometimes just sleep, not do any worker and still get approved by the manager even though there was shit on the floor.
Again, at that pay people should just be showing up and doing their jobs, nothing more.
This desu. I've been working a min. wage job for the past year because school troubles, but I've learned it's absolutely garbage how quick management is to take advantage of someone.
You shouldn't even start caring if your job isn't paying more than $10 an hour. It's literally not worth it, because nobody else will care, and if you show concern, management will instantly pin you for everything, because they know you'll bend and fix it to keep your job.
I've helped out a lot at my job, to the point that management has started trying to guilt-trip me for when I decide I don't feel like helping people on my off day because other employees didn't show up or call in. I cannot wait to return to college.
>use green text you moron
As a very good programmer, I've found it very easy to be fired for stupid reasons.
I worked for one company that was replacing a lot of its systems with Dynamics and had nothing to show for it after two years. We didn't have even a sandbox for development, yet I was accused of not turning in any work assigned to me.
Then I worked for an insurance company with a real basket case of a system but I bit my tongue. I was out for lunch with my recruiter when we stumbled upon where two of the managers were cheating on their spouses. Next thing I know, sorry it's not working out.
After that, I worked for government in a diversity hire position. Only white male in an application development. Yeah. So I had an old woman, an ancient woman, and a durka durka telling me how to do stuff wrong. Literally, it would throw out error messages saying "you can't do action X in context Y" and they would insist otherwise. At one point, I removed my working code and went back to what they told me to do and they pitched a fit when everything stopped working.
They let the durka make all architectural decisions and he would constantly check in code that wouldn't even compile, shutting down the whole team while he dragged his ass posting "plz send me teh codez" on ExpertsExchange. Forget filing a bug report, he just ignored them and then wouldn't understand why work stalled or workarounds were pit in place. No communication at all in that office; management never communicated decisions or accepted input. Project was a year late when I came on board and made almost no progress in 6 months. It was so bad, they hired a company to help with a project I shouldn't even have had to help with bevause it was so Mickey Mouse.
I was waiting for the results of a civil service test when I got surprised because damned if I was going to stay a second longer than I had to.
Man, that third job, I remember one time I was pulled into durka's office to explain a line of code I put in to work around a bug. There was a bug where you couldn't update the same object twice because reasons. I filed a bug and it sat for over a month. I filed the bug and the solution but it too sat for very a month.
Well finally, since I was being harassed about deadlines and I couldn't touch his holy framework code, I used a dirty Reflection trick to bypass it at runtime.
He was pissed. I told him I filed two bug reports, one with the solution, and they were ignored. Then he turns his monitor around to me to show me the whopping 10 e-mails he got this week. "Look how busy I am and how much mail I have to deal with!" Nigger, please, I get more than 10 e-mails per hour.
How did you get fired for seeing your bosses cheating on their wives? Surely you were in a position of power there, you should have gotten a promotion.
What do you do now?
Tfw you have to work to get the capital to do your own thing.
This. If you didn't end up profiting from that encounter, you don't know wtf you're doing.
>boss: gonna have to let you go
>you: well, guess i'm gonna have to call your wife
>boss: fine, never mind, how about a raise instead?
You fucked up user
>someone wants to buy the stocks of the business
>have to ensure it's being sold for the highest price possible
>do it
>well done user you get a bonus
>new boss arrives
>you're fired
Contractor in a right to work state. Also it was basically an open secret. Place was like a TV highschool with cliques and all. These people conspired to get my boss's boss fired about a month earlier.
Plus I hated the job. Nothing like being underwater on problems that you're not allowed to fix. Only good part of the job was being like 10 miles from home.
I was a security guard at a zoo. I was on parking lot duty and had closed the lot because it was full, and then as soon as i go to walk away some idiot in some shitty ass mini van with his stupid fucking family drives on the wrong side of the road attempting to go around the gate in an attempt to get in. I told him he had to turn around and go find somewhere else to park, started shouting a bunch of bullshit, explained to him if he had read the many signs we wouldnt be having this conversation right now. Told him to take a hike and he supposedly wrote some shitty letter to the director about me. I thought it had blown over but a few days after that they call me in the middle of my shift and have me write my side of the story, say they are going to suspend me until further notice. Never heard back from that job and everytime i called to ask my status they said they didnt know or screened my calls or acted as if i was some sort of stranger. i even tried to collect my last check and they wouldnt even let me on the property. fortunately that company went bankrupt or some shit. Fuck them. Lesson learned: never EVER trust ANYONE. i was 20 when that happened and im 24 now, and now i know when to threaten litigation.
Never fired, but I was sort of put in a position where I basically had no choice but to quit. Then I wrote a bad review of the business on Google because I was a petty little shit, and...
Actually it'll be funnier if I just greentext it.
>"quit" my job
>boss was a total cunt
>like a real cunty mccuntface
>one of those female business owners with a chip on her shoulder always feeling slighted and needing to prove herself as a business woman
>newly-unemployed, I go home, drink a few beers and watch my stubble grow in
>suddenly I've got a bright idea
>open up the laptop and navigate to the business' google results
>start crafting a really weird, funny, but ultimately negative review of the business
>submit that shit
>get a phone call an hour later from my former boss
>she's pissed
>tells me she wants it taken down by the days end or she'll have her lawyer file "paperwork" on me
>hangs up on me
>I wasn't expecting that
>I call an attorney who has done some work for me in the past
>he's this wiry little old Jewish man
>can tell he's busy but he quickly hears my predicament
>"uh...yeah...ok...yeah you still got my email address? ok yeah send me the link and I'll just look it over and we'll go from there."
>hang up with him not feeling too much better
>send him the link
>immediately get a call back
>can't make out what he's saying
>he's hysterically laughing
>"user, you...hahaha...you keep that review up! bahaha...you hear me? DON'T TAKE IT DOWN! ....crazy fuckin' dick..."
>and so I took my lawyer's advice
>never got served or anything and it's still there to this day
Posts review says its ton of fun, does not give link...
>why you do this user :(
I considered it, but honestly, it's a small business and I kind of feel bad about it now that I'm a little older, wiser, and more mature (just a little bit more mature).
Actually, I may take it down now that enough time has passed. My lawyer didn't want me taking it down for 2 reasons: First, he loved it and thought it was great. But second, and more importantly, when someone threatens you with litigation the best thing to do is *usually* nothing and to take a wait-and-see approach. Anything done *before* getting served can look suspicious and can actually complicate the case or some shit.
I've actually got to see him sometime this week so I'll ask him if I can take it down now that it's been a couple years. He still talks about it...
Every time I walk in the office he yells, "Stacy!" (That's his paralegal.) "Check our Avvo rating! Quick!" Kek
I have never put in a two-week notice, that shit is for people with real careers.
I always just stop going and don't answer phone calls lol. Feels so liberating when you have a lot of money saved up and don't have to work.
Just sucks when you have to go find another job because you're out of money.
Please let us read it, redact some info? Change some names? Pleeeeaaaase
>get tech job for hvac company
>doing simple pms for frats
>always play Fifa with them
>Chillin on the deck on my phone one day
>old fag co worker snaps pic
Fired next day
>work for city after as tech
>me and other young cat always cruising by uni checking out ass
>get paired with boomer
>he actually likes busting ass
>laying down in grass one morning
>he tries to tell me what to do
>tell his old ass to fuck off and retire
>calls in to city hall pretending to be someone pissed
Fired next day
Only been fired once, usually i like to randomly quit on old faggot boomers cuz they think they can talk shit and abuse someone more intelligent than them. My favorite move is to get whatever leverage i have, ask(demand) a raise, present my leverage and if they decline quit on the spot.
>Be me. Interview with one of the top tech firms in my city.
>Hired, basically a sympathy hire, lived in ghettos my whole life. I'm white though.
>Jokes on them i'm actually good at my job
>Job is good, people are cunty but not bad for an office
>Start making more money than i've ever had before
>Instead of just getting kind of drunk after work i get really super uber drunk every day for months.
>Stay out late, tag up neighboring neighborhoods, chase bitches, all until about 5AM when i have work at 8AM
>keep coming in late
>Manager says he can't have me coming in late even though he likes my work it sets a bad example especially since i'm because so new. He's pretty bro about it.
>keep coming in late
>get final warning
>come in late one last time
>I told ya, you're fired.
I crashed my best friends 350z a day later with my strap and a bunch of XTC pills. No cops saw though, didn't get arrested. Damn it's awesome being white.
That just sounds so wonderful.
The only negative from quitting like this or being fired in a funny way is that you will never get to see the reactions.
You arent white jamal. Now stop that.
You can't post on Veeky Forums from jail you silly bitch.
> At one point, I removed my working code and went back to what they told me to do
Story of my life. You can't get quality programming done at corporations, if the person who approves your shit going in doesn't understand how things work exactly (e.g. why you should interrupt the thread again on interruption exception instead of just masking with) then its all just time wasted in debates an showing them stackoverflow. Frustrating.
You're a fuck head
theres always that ONE guy huh.
If it makes you guys feel any better i've lived in disgusting poverty my whole life and that period of time was the brief moment i didn't.
I'm back to being poor now. I deserve everything i get.
It's not what you did, user
It was how
Underrated post. that's actually useful info
I thought I was just reading shitposts for keks
So much this.
Most liberating feeling *ever* until a year later the car is repossessed and power is cut.
I've been fired for:
> Showing my boss several consecutive emails where he directly told me to do opposite things
> Been fired because COO thought she could fire the talent (they went on 3 months later)
> Fired for getting sued for a couple million in federal court about a decade back
> Last time I got fired was because I was stupid enough to fall for the UA meme.
Funny thing is I'm so in demand. I literally can walk around town, burn bridges all day and I could still write my own ticket and get a pay raise every time.
Dude, that is me.
Oh, I won that lawsuit. Got their fuxkin' visas cancelled too, bitches.
i quit working my old job before i was almost /fired/
>work in retro fitness as a "floortech" a stupid title for a person who just janitor work
>the guy who works after me complains to the retard boss that i'm leaving weights around and dont pick them up before i leave
>i worked the rush hour from 5-11PM
>people use stuff and dont put it back
>leave stuff lying around
>i can't be every where at once
>also when its rush hour i can't do nothing because its crowded
>sometimes i would stand around and talk to people
>manager did not like it.
>calls me into the office and tells me the guy after is complaining about me leaving a mess when its actually the customers and that he is not paying to to hangout and will fire me if he tells me again
>think about it over the weekend and just tell them i quit, i lied about having another job.
fuck that job. its degrading. retard manager got relocated to another gym to work there within my last 2 weeks. its a wage cuck job and they wanted me to work like if i was getting paid more. i went a month without work but thank god i'm working again.
Got kinda worried a couple weeks ago. Boss was harping on me multiple days that my chargeability was low. Even though we're low on staff and my 3 month rate is 90%. Guess it was just a corporate talking to, but ive already updated my resume and have jobs saved on my list. Fuck them, im out if you dont want me
Yeah, this is pretty much what I hate about working for someone else.
They bitch and bitch and treat you like shit and act like they own you.
Fuck that. I am so desperate to find a way to escape work. I don't want to be "rich", I just want to be able to live without having to work for someone else.
I'm gonna make a pof profile with this photo and just message people
>I see you
That truck totally had it coming.
I quit before getting fired.
Genuinely awful job. Worst job I've ever had, actually.
>Used to work at Albertsons
>run down grocery store, but still active
>management was very very good, though, and people were genuinely friendly
>got breaks on time, full half-hour and full hour breaks, you weren't ever overworked
>store closes and we're transferred to different Tom Thumbs
My store is literally the definition of inefficient.
>I'm told they need more cashiers, not cart pushers/baggers (clerks)
>they schedule me as a clerk all the time anyway, despite me being both before the transfer.
>ask to be a cashier more, they get angry at me, tell me 9 times out of 10, I'll be a clerk
>Parking lot is downhill, not uphill, so when you bring carts back to the store, they can break off
>speed bumps around the entrance
>When you're a clerk, you're literally the only clerk on duty until the next one shows up, then you leave
>AKA you have to do all the bagging, all the carry outs, all the cart wrangling, all the floor sweep punch-ins (twice hourly), all the bathroom checks
>Even if you're scheduled for an hour break, you only get 30 mins
>you get your breaks/lunches whenever we're not busy. They don't schedule people to come and go at specific intervals
>they got mad at me for asking when my lunch was for the day, as it wasn't set in stone.
>if you were the closing clerk, since one of the grocery managers quit, you had to 'conditon' all the frozen aisles in the store
>the food falls on you because it never sits right, and it takes a good 45 minutes
>all the while having to mop the bathrooms, literally clean the bathrooms with chemicals, do all the trash, take in all the carts, and do all the returns.
The bagging set up was probably the worst.
>Albertsons was like 30 years old before getting closed
>had buttons you pressed with your hip for the cashier and baggers
>had a round turn table between the bagger and cashier to maximize placement of groceries
>cashier had a bag tray right next to their register so they could bag very easily
Tom Thumb on the other hand
>you had to dig for an on/off switch behind the bag trays
>the bag trays were facing to your right and left, not towards you
>the cashier's bags were off to the side, making them walk there and walk back
>they also have a switch
>no turn table, just a narrow conveyor belt that dumps everything
>no scan guns
>no scan guns
>no scan guns
>no scan guns
Even though I'd do my job, they still chewed me out all the time. Specifically me. Always me. There were returns left, the aisles weren't perfect, I needed to stop bagging and get carts, I needed to do this and that. I was 3-5 minutes late. Got chewed out for that.
For instance, I'd condition the frozen aisles, and have two days off, and when I came back, the manger wanted to talk to me about not doing a good job yesterday even though I didn't work.
I knew the cashiering system better than they did and when I was a cashier there, I made my lines move the fastest, yet I was clerk.
Cherry on top - I quit abruptly, and they deleted my employee account immediately after, which didn't allow my last direct deposit paycheck to go through. I need to call them tomorrow.
I hear that.
I think the most openly stupid part of that particular job was all of the crying how there just wasn't enough time for anything. I mean, I'd have the week's work done by the middle of the day Monday, unless it was un-re-un-re-un-redoing previous work, in which case I was done even sooner. That's not as impressive at it sounds; it's like a healthy person winning a race at the Special Olympics.
I can't tell you how many times they would waste 100 hours 1 at a time because taking 2 hours together to really solve a problem was just too much time.
I don't know if it counts as being fired, but the last two companies I've worked for have been acquired by larger companies.
>"Don't worry guys, we're not planning on making any staffing changes. We're going to merge everyone together into one big team!"
>2 weeks later everyone from the original company has been let go
Didn't even get a severance package. Assholes.
I work for a bank. I'm waiting for the day they can my ass. I don't kiss ass, I openly mock the corporate bs, I refuse to say company mantras, I don't try to up-sell customers, I refund shit all the time to customers who aren't losers.
I fired someone recently
> be me
> be contractor
> need help on job sites
> put out ad in my neighborhood
> woman emails me saying her son just graduated college and is looking for work
> call him for phone interview
> he does well over the phone
"okay cool you're hired"
> see him on first day of job
> overweight, glasses
> literally tumblr the person
> mentions to me that he got an English degree and is seeking a masters in poetry
> says terms in conversation like "body shaming"
> I asked him what his parents thought him seeking a masters degree in poetry, and he said they supported it
So, the work...
> I gave him about 3 months
> he got tired easily, like was clearly flustered after working for a couple hours
> his work had mistakes 60% of the time, despite me repeatedly showing him how to properly do the job
> just generally looked like he didn't want to be there
So I fired him. The pay was $15/hr and work days were usually 6 - 8 hours long, with a lunch break. What gives?
Kenny Powers?
Oh God yes. Just not showing up, and having them call your phone like 50 times is hilarious.
Please post the letter senpai.
What's your industry brother?
i'd work for you user
>be me
>work in court recording
>record courtrooms at state supreme court all day
>bit of typing as well, overall chill as fuck job
>be doing this a year and a half
>one day some public servant executive comes in
>"hey user can i get a copy of x courtroom on y date burned onto a CD"
>"no worries" - burn CD and give it to him
a week passes
>one of the sheriffbros at court comes in recording room one day
>him: "hey user just wondering... did you record x courtroom on y date?"
>me: "uh yeah i did, how come?"
>him: "i was having a private conversation in that courtroom, nobody got a copy of that did they?"
>me: "uh yeah i burned a copy that for joe bloggs"
>it suddenly clicks in both mine and sheriffbro's mind
>this executive guy ordered a copy of the CD just to eavesdrop on sheriffbro
>him: "leave it with me user, you did nothing wrong. i'll report this myself."
2 weeks passes
>one day get called into some kind of investigation
>they start interrogating me for an hour and a half
>"why did you tell sheriffbro about the CD... don't you know that's a breach of confidentiality?"
>me: "what about the guy that used recording equipment to eavesdrop on people... isn't that the part you should be worried about?"
>"no user, he's got the authority to do that. but you breached confidentiality by turning him in."
>turned out executive guy was my boss's boss
>executiveguy has the power to rip up our company's $5m contract with the courts
>he made one phone call and they fired me instantly
>tfw lost best job I ever had because accidentally caught someone eavesdropping
>work as tradesman
>get hired by a company- Clearstream Energy Services- i dont give a fuck, ya im giving out their name
>am slightly afraid of heights, okay in JLG, baskets, scaffolds, but i wont go out on an ibeam 5+ feet outside of a mod wth both arms out to my sides to balance myself like a tight rope walker to get a job done
>OHS regulations state that if a worker is uncomftorble with work (ie, a fear) then the company should to the best of its ability find other work- on the ground, on scaffolding, in vessels, in confined spaces which im fine with
>when i get to the job site there was already an accident- hammer fell 5 stories and crushed someones shoulder
>Foreman- Paul is screaming/barking orders as id expect in a situation like this
>except its not related to the guy screaming on the ground with the mince meat shoulder
>no, its to the other workers to get the site tip top shape so OHS doesnt find anything, after 5 minutes he then turns his attention to the now flailing guy on the ground
>few days later, let Paul know about my fear, het lets me know with a smile that hes a good guy, and theres nothing to worry about
>he then proceeds to make me work a week on top of a heat exchange tower without railings; and starts bitching when i ask for ATLEAST a harness so i dont fall to my death
>tell the construction manager this
>he puffs out his chest, and states: "well i guess you dont work here anymore then"
>walked out the gate
>find his truck, slash his tires
i was fired for being too aspergers
And I'd hire you if you lived in my area.
>>tell the construction manager this
>>he puffs out his chest, and states: "well i guess you dont work here anymore then"
>>walked out the gate
>>find his truck, slash his tires
I love this.
This was a fantastic read. Sorry to hear about it user but at least you have a wonderful story about the whole thing.
Any idea what the conversation was about? This sounds more serious than simple workplace politics.
>work at didneylan
>over 2 years
>point system 36 points max in a year
>1.5 for being late 3 for calling out
>points fall off first of the month from previous year
>after 1.5 years hit 36 get verbal warning
>it falls off
>get past 36 again
>get verbal then get more points
>get written warning
>get called in to write a statement to explain myself
>dont really give af so dont try to beg or call union into situation
>get called in a week later
>get fired
>6 months later found a job paying $15/hour that i actually enjoy
also knowing you dont have to give a potential employer the exact reason why you left a job whether you were fired/quit whatever. you can just say you put in your two weeks because things werent working out or some bs
Had a beer with sheriffbro afterwards. Turned out this executive guy had been trying to get him fired for over 5 years and I just got caught in the middle of it.
Executive guy supposedly planted his own sheriffs in the sheriff's office to create hostility so he could justify privatizing the whole thing. He had a mate ready to take over the contract and the quicker it happened the quicker he'd get a kickback (this is all corrupt as fuck naturally).
So the meeting that day was between one of executiveguy's planted people and sheriffbro. They even set up the meeting to take place specifically in court 4 because it was the only one where the mics can't be switched off.
Sheriffbro had hit the switch turning the mics off, not realizing that was the only courtroom where that switch wasn't working. They had this shit planned out for weeks. They just weren't counting on sheriffbro finding out and then asking me about it.
Don't know what they said in the recording, never listened to it. Couldn't give a fuck frankly. Thought about complaining to some ombudsman or something about the way I got fired but decided fuck it. Moved on and got a new job.
Never working anywhere near public servants again.
>sacrificing a 10/10 tale by not being a rogue detective madman and listening to what was said
Learn from this user
I work as a janitor/cook for a burger flipping institute. I might get fired one day even though I literally do my work better than everyone there because my boss is bitter and holds a grudge against me cause I fought her all the way to HR about how her shitty attitude is bad for the workplace and that she was retaliating against me for filing a complaint against her brown nosing right hand that I had an affair with. She doesn't know I had an affair with her because she's married and I told her I'd keep it between us but she was being a real bitch after I told her I didn't want to anymore.
It's probably stupid and a waste of time but I don't like letting people walk all over me and do what they please but any time I'm talking to my coworkers she's right there in my face asking why I'm not working even though I am and better than she ever does. She also is always looking for ways to tell me I'm doing a bad job but can't because I do all my work but one of these days I feel like she's going to do it.
Rather have my integrity intact and know I never eavesdropped on anyone honestly.
>Mediocrity: The Post
Meh. I do miss the job though. Started working at a fucking family law firm after that. Pic related.
7yrs, complacency, change in terms of business partner relationship with the vendor and pre-GFC contract sealed my fate
Positive thing I learned useful skills and started a steadily growing entrepreneurship, now looking to start a small bisinesss with a partner, completely unrelated to my profession
How long ago was this, user? If it was less than 6 months ago you might qualify for whistleblower rights under OSHA.
> I asked him what his parents thought him seeking a masters degree in poetry, and he said they supported it
Holy shit my sides! I was an English major myself, but that's because I wanted to be an English TEACHER. (And I am an English teacher now, so I guess it worked out.)
I was always in English classes with these loopy fucking pseudo-intellectuals who sincerely, genuinely believed that they would all become famous writers. It was sad and pathetic.
If you're an English major, you've basically got 2 "good" options: 1.) Education, like I did. 2.) Law school (knowing how to read and write well is indispensable to law school students and lawyers).
Getting one's masters in POETRY? That's just full fucking retard, full steam ahead!
I'm doing this in 3 weeks, I fucking hate this job and this company and I don't give a fuck anymore so I'm just walking out
That's actually the worst thing I ever heard and I feel bad for you.
Those jobs aren't easy to get and they're pretty decent/comfortable from what I understand.
I'm sorry, man... that sucks.
I was actually going to suggest that you look into finding work at some little family practice or something.
If I weren't a teacher, I'd want to do that, honestly. I just love being around lawyers; they've got this air of confidence and some of the smartest people I've ever met in my life have been lawyers.
I actually considered law school for a long time and *almost* pulled the trigger. It just didn't make sense. I think I'm smart enough to be a lawyerfag, but I'm not sure I have the stomach for it (I'm a pretty anxious guy), and I already had my English degree with teaching certification so I figured that I'd forego the additional 100k in law school and just put my teaching degree to work.
>tl;dr I'd try to find work in a law office if I weren't teaching
>Supervisor is some old dude i always have a bunch of laughs with that's been working for 2 years.
>Some new bitch that apparently joins the company that we almost never see and nobody likes starts to work.
>My supervisor get's fired because on the 3rd year they have to give you a permanent contract and they used as excuse that he's not flexible even though he works there non-stop.
>They make that bitch nobody likes the new supervisor.
>My old supervisor just leaves without a trace.
Poor guy mang.
Yeah man and you're right... was fucking great while I had it. Get to listen to court all day and type shit. Quiet days I'd browse Veeky Forums or watch TV. Got to meet judges and lawyers and shit. Hung out with security guys and laughed.
Even kept a "funny moments" folder of all the lulzy court moments. One time a dude tried to run away in the middle of his trial. Used to play it for all the school groups that came through for tours.
That's life though. If any of you get a shot at a court recording job though you should fucking take it.
>Never working anywhere near public servants again.
Seems unfair to blame the public sector for the schemes of a privatizer. I don't get how the public keeps letting people who hate the public sector into office where they can deliberately fuck everything up even more for personal profit.
>be me
>just got home from working in Japan on contract
>have trouble finding a job
>get desperate
>start working as a door-to-door salesman
>commission only, 25 hours a week
>doing okay until the company assigns me to a poor as fuck area for a month
>I've got bills to pay
>quit and take a crappy minimum wage job in a grocery store
>start working immediately without being offered any contract
>notice they don't let customers pay with anything other than cash
>paid cash in hand at the end of the week
>don't think about it too much
>another week passes
>literal mafioso walks past me into the back entrance of the store smoking a cigar
>apparently he's "the boss"
>money laundering
>kind of obvious in retrospect
>quietly ask a coworker about it
>probably shouldn't have done that
>get fired the next day
>fuck my life
>fuck these people
>in fact fuck this country
>selling all my shit
>moving back to Japan
>never leaving again
>lives in poverty
>given a chance
>still tagging graffiti everywhere, doing drugs, spends it all on booze, comes in late all the time
You're proof that welfare should be abolished.
>itt: what happens when you work for other people
I mean, I'm unemployed still after two years so take that with a grain of salt...
Technical management consulting and risk analysis
I was a male children's librarian. Yes, we once existed, and not all of us are pervs. I served in a "fire-at-will" state under three SJW directors in a row. The first one was the spitting image of Big Red, but she was open-minded to me as an individual and fair. Her replacement was a complete sociopath and a wiccan. Before I was fully aware of how serious she was, I joked that she was a "witch" to her face. That was my end. The third director gave me even less concrete reasons for my firing, so I'm still trying to figure out if I mansplained a little too much. I'm finished with the library world. Actually, I'm starting a business this year. From now on, I will only answer to customers.
Never fired, quit once. Father taught me to take no shit from anybody.
>shitty job, called in day to day for random number of hours
>1 hour 15 minutes at shortest, 18 hours at longest
>often called in to cover for people who called out sick last minute, was often, "come as soon as you can," deal where they wanted me to scramble immediately
>happens frequently, maybe a quarter of my days worked
>one day am really sick
>was hoping to be better by morning but it only got worse, needed to see doctor pronto
>was scheduled to work that day
>call in sick as early as possible that day, several hours in advance
>keep in mind I know for a fact people call in sick all the time
>woman gives me grief, says she would have to "seriously consider whether I could continue working for them or not"
>oh bitch nah, you did not
>say, "then I quit," and hang up
>ignore all their calls henceforth
Fun fact: it was a medical service org and I know for a fact many of the workers there and the admin were guilty of various negligence or illegalities. Literal jew admin tried to do all sorts of illegal shit to cut costs, the head nurses would tell me to ignore his orders, it was like a battlefield of incompetence and patient abuse. I didn't report it because the patients and their families were shitstains and deserved it. (I never committed neglect/abuse, but hey you want to hire shit workers and treat them like crap, don't be surprised when they do.)
Fucking Cunt
>19 years old
> Get a job in a local deli
> About 5 of my friends my age work there, fun time, actually enjoyed work, time went by fast too
> Year passes,
> People leave, they get much stricter on the rules, Fat, ugly, middle aged women causing drama and spreading rumors
> Day time crew became Toxic, Night time crew always getting the blame for everything
> Main Deli Manager was the another, middle aged, obese woman who had obvious favorites; like I had peach fuzz and they tried making me wear a beard guard, while two guys in the morning crew had a goatee and another with a lumberjack tier beard.(Seriously a beard guard doesn't stop anything)
> Started separating my friends and I on the schedule so we worked apart because we "slack when together" when we actually got shit done better than the morning crew ever did.
> One day at work, fat ass manager is there, starts getting in my face again about a beard guard, got fed up and asked her why Morning Coworker doesn't wear a guard but my peach fuzz has too, instead of answering, she immediately calls over said guy and says "user says you never wear a beard guard!"
>He starts getting in my face too
> After 3 1/2 years of this shit, I snap, and go off on the fat bitch, telling her every detail I think about her.
> Called up to HR an hour later
> Suspended pending termination
> Walk out feeling good
While I didn't want my job back I did go to unemployment , said they wouldn't because I was fired, went to the "union" (lol no) I was a part of and asked, they said I could have gotten the manager fired , mind you this bitch did shit like leave nasty notes, harassed people, was manipulative and overall an awful person.
That supermarket was Toxic. and Remember
>working alone at a group home on March 17th
>My client is supposed to be picked up by his bus to go to school
>The bus never comes
>I wake up the other clients, so we can all get into a van, and I can drive my first client to school (I'm the only staff working, and I can't leave clients unattended).
>I drop off my client and drive everyone back
>I get a call from the school saying I have to pick up my client because there is no school today.
Fuck this. Why didn't my super leave a note that his Spring Break starts on a Thursday?
>I go to pick him up
>I'm placed under investigation for leaving my client unattended (the way I was trained and instructed to do when dropping him off at school)
>I remember that I just became eligible for 401k matching
The assholes decided they wanted to find an excuse to kick me out and avoid a goddamn 3% match.
I'm technically still working for them and waiting for investigation results.
If everywhere smells like shit, check your nose.
Man, you're a fuckhead.
Once ghetto, always ghetto.
He never mentioned welfare. Nice agenda there fgt.
Dude... its time to face the music, youre not made to work for other people. You either gotta make it as an entrepreneur, or back to the ghetto it is. Start (legally or grey-area) hustling brother.
I'm jealous, actually. It sounds like getting fired can be fun. I've never been fired before.
I had this crazy idea one time that I hadn't learned enough about humility because I'm so white and upper-middle class and I've never really worked a job that wasn't "white collar," so I decided to go out looking for the scuzziest most awful job I could find on short notice and work it all summer long.
It turns out that the scuzziest most awful job one can find on short notice around here is washing dishes at a little shit-bucket dive of a seafood restaurant.
I worked my nipples off and went home smelling like death every fucking night. The boss was this enormous douchebag who I rarely ever saw. I'd ask for a night off and he'd tell me that he would try making a few phone calls. Of course he never would, but he'd tell me at the last second "oh yeah I couldn't find coverage for you so I'll see you tomorrow." Uh... thanks?
That shit didn't bother me though. Fuck it. I was there to learn some humility, and this was it. So I continued working.
The restaurant would close at 10 or whatever but of course we had a stack of dishes to wash and the floors to scrub. It took no less than 2 hours and the fucking dickhead chef would come in every 10 minutes from the bar asking us if we were done yet because he wanted to go home. That shit pissed me off but I sucked it up: humility.
Then one night the prep-chef who was in all likelihood an illegal immigrant started yelling at me for getting a little water on the floor. (Hello? I'm a dish-washer?) Said some disrespectful shit to me so I told him to go fuck himself. That's when he grabbed me by my collar and threw me up against the dishwasher.
The rest of the kitchen staff broke us up but that was the last straw. I went to my boss and told him what a fucking dick José was. He just laughed and was like "Well, that's José." That's José? Are you serious?
Told him that I quit and then sued him in small claims for 2 weeks pay.
And before anyone asks, yes, I won that suit. (So much for humility I guess!)
His lawyer called me and offered me like, $75. I laughed, told him no, asked him if he had a copy of the police report in which José admitted to laying hands on me, and told him I'd fax it to him.
I get a call back a week later from this attorney: $100 and that's the best he can do. I've had enough. The summer is almost over and I've got bills to pay, bitch.
I remind him of the numerous OSHA violations, and I tell him, quote: "I'll just amend this suit and move it out of small claims, maybe add a couple of zeroes at the end of my number. I'll subpoena each and every one of your client's employees and we'll shut that restaurant down for a day while we hash this thing out."
He told me that they felt "bullied" by me and they weren't going to settle with me. He hung up on me, pissed, but called me back 2 days later. I was in class but the voicemail was simply: "It's attorney so-and-so: come pick up your check." *click*
So yeah, I didn't learn much about humility I guess. But I *did* basically extort my boss AND his stupid ass attorney. Kek
>tl;dr ... quit my job ... still collected 2 weeks payi
9th June. Manager 'investigates me'
Knowing how company policy works and what I did wrong admit to it but blame it on training
Week holiday was next week anyways
Get suspended full pay
In the disciplinary hearing blame the manager and confess to all his wrong doings
Then say I quit.
So for 8 days worked in June my 28th pay check was 900£ that's only 120 short of my contract pay thanks to knowing the system
Better still I managed to get my manager fired and I technically quit
Been offered lots of shitty jobs but holding out for one I actually want.
Feels good having pretty much a month off with pay and getting revenge
And because I'm out of that shit hole I'm more inclined to actually look for a better job
my learned my lesson with that from my old job. after hurricane sandy the owners from my old job sold their business and within a couple of months a new owner came along. within the time of the new owner he was not happy with the way things were running. the retard manager wanted to run a business on goodwills and charity and the owner wasn't making any money. so the owner called over some big shot to help him out with the business and gave him part ownership. so the new owner started changing things to the way they should be which i was impressed by. a lot of the old people started leaving cause they couldn't get away with the things they did before. the new owner also started to bring in his people. over time more of his people came and more of the old people left/ got fired. before i knew it just about all the old timers were gone even the manager too. new owner had all of his people working there. the new manager which was the new owners friend really started to roll the ball on getting rid of the few old timers left. he wanted to fire me but could not because of the union. instead he gave me 2 write ups over something stupid. i knew my time was going to come and it did. i was having problems with other workers there too. fucked up and jealous people who i hated. i could not take it no more so i quit. i wouldn't be surprised if the new manager told the that person i quit because of to give me a hard time just to get me to leave