Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/

Recovering Edition

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--FAQs for Robinhood--
Visit the website first -
If you're not into robinhood -
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta (
> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
> If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free riding' violations?
No, its not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy.

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CERU my nigga

The market needs to recover so that we can go back to meme stocks

>The market needs to not be free money because you can buy in the red and sell green consistently

Looks like someone forgot to sell before brexit.

Yeah I'm sure most of us didn't

>To $1,200 overnight
>Back down to $30 the next day

Guys, what the fuck happened in 1993?! Can we do this again? Because that would be cool. I have 2000 shares of this worthless stock.

dude that's like a whole year look at the dang x axis

I sold exxon before brexit and bought netflix at the low. God save the Queen!

I know, I just meant it all happened so quickly

I don't know how everyone kept from selling through the whole year

Amd up. Do I fucking sell??

Markets have been risk on during Tokyo/London/New York sessions. Expect more buying and stay away from the tvix meme.

Somewhat unrelated, but why are retards on stocktwits so unrealistically optimistic? I have never seen a single stock labeled overall as "bearish" it's all "bullish".

Literally when a shit pump stock is actually plummeting and obviously done, people are still spamming "BULLISH BUY THE DIP!!!"

They are attempting to manipulate the stock price.


holy moly who is this

stocktwits is the definition of wishful thinking. "up 1 cent, BULLISH MOON MISSION!!!"

How do I Robinhood if I'm Britbong

so amd jumped .20 overnight
buy more? or jump off the train???

Sup boys. I just got an invite to RH instant. Is it worth it, or should i just keep the cash account instead?

its a pain in the ass to be honest family

unless you have $25k and you can actually daytrade without restrictions, dont do it

nothing worse than getting your plans cucked by robinhood blocking you from selling because pattern day trader rules

Hell yes the new card released it's benchmarks and it's nothing special borderline shit. Still sell :)

Not just this, also the bullshit "high volatility" restrictions that no other broker has.

Sell a stock that's less than $3.00? It's considered volatile and you won't be able to use those funds until the next day, because RH "knows better".

I see.. but dem unsettled funds though. I wont even be able to trade today and maybe even most of tomorrow because i was all in on TVIX and sold it all monday. Mad gains feelsgoodman, waiting game feelsbadman.

okay so then go for instant

but I recommend trying to keep yourself to this same trading schedule (letting funds settle) and then just having the instant moves for holy shit moments when you have to make moves right away

Calm down and start putting half your gains in a savings account so you don't lose it all when Noko starts spamming CERU fundamentals and how his "dad" put "40k" into it

good luck lads

I wish ruger would go back up to $66 so I can sell that shit and get out

AMD is fuckin killing it

But i can only have regular or instant, not both right?

I dont listen to that faggot. I'm flipping my gains so i can make it into 4 digits at least. I only started with $80. I've doubled that finally

>dat $5.40 resistance

too late to buy in? too early?

Dude holy fuck, wish i woukdve knkwn about that. A fucking moon mission indeed senpai

I'd say too late, but I sold mine at 5.15 yesterday expecting 5.2 resistance.

Me right now.

Just slipped on a banana peel, saw that dip and sold at 5.36, I an definitely going to buy back in during the lunchtime low.

Ok, I won't act like I'm better. It'd be absurd to play it safe with only 160. Good job on the gains.

Probably too late senpai, wait till it stagnates then buy before their next hyped product.

gonna sell amd at 5.50

easy money lads :)

You don't think AMD is gonna go to $7 on Thursday?

I've got bad news for you son

Thanks family. Just need dat buying power

>stocks rally.

I'm down money
Thanks Veeky Forums

Selling AMD today?

If you seriously lost money today, you need to work on your selection m8.

Stop buying gold soros is a Jew

user mentioned this stock earlier. Did anyone get in on this bad boy?

Don't blame us for your own stupidity

Also what's a good live tracker of stocks?
What I'm using is so slow

I'm drunk and high sitting at a BBQ place in Ho Chi Minh City. I made a killing yesterday and I'm not even gonna try to fuck around in the market tonight in the condition. Good luck to all of you today, I hope you make some serious cash today.

why did it skyrocket?

how is vietnam bro? girls hot?

>girls hot?

Ehh some are some are not, Vietnamese girls look similar to Chinese girls. Some are hot some are not.

Apparently successful phase 3 treatmeant of ovarian cancer

Even if you bet on Gold you would have won today, not sure what he was holding to lose today.

well that is good to hear about the cancer treatment

Good Phase 3 results

It was on the pharma calendar scheduled for tomorrow. But before you go blindly putting money on whatever the calendar says, look at $GALE which was also set to post results tomorrow...

Yikes, do you have the calendar? I know ARRY is scheduled for tomorrow, which is why its rising.

How does everyone feel about tesla? is it gonna go back to 220?

Holy fuck btfo
>unironically buying tesla

>cars are the future
>YUUGE plans for electricity

desu at this point I'm waiting for them to be the first company to discover a way to make those graphene batteries so we can stop using our current battery technology that is like 100 y/o

to the moon :^)

I think GALE failed senpai

>not buying the kmph dip

GIS hitting all time highs after good earnings this morning

good morning so far lads


Should I buy the wreckage ?

I put in a market order and it bought for 4.19 wtf
Price is still showing at 4.13

No the company is going bankrupt

What's the word on TWER?

oops, i forgot stocks that aren't shit biotech pennies get no love here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is AMD done today?

Fuck off

Sorry I'm not trying to buy a bubble

Sounds like it. Sold all mine off yesterday when it was beating its 52wk high

Stay poor, faggot. Enjoy getting eaten alive in your first year of trying to trade the fda calendar you literally just learned about.

While you faggots fight I just made 12% on TWER in less than 10 mins. Trying to make you guys money but ok.

So instead you speculate based off memes on a croatian rock tumbling forum? Sounds bulletproof.

I only have one bio stock in my portfolio. I told you to fuck off because you're annoying

Guys can i only have a cash account or margin account at one time on RH, or can i have both? I got the instant invite.

I'm not comfortable yet with penny stocks

How much in the red are your other investments?

And I'm sure it's a massive success and not a total meme at all. Fuck off back to your reddit hugbox.

Alrigh I got out of amd at a clean 44% profit. What's our next moon mission??

I lose on practically all the memes I buy so I use a screener and choose my own, preferably stuff that isn't getting pump and dumped by noko. It's been working out alright. Be sure to hold your general mills position long friend :) you're definitely a better investor than us.

How are my posts at all reddit related


The other guy is an idiot because he doesn't keep track of his day trades

Instant is great because you can have your funds ready after selling instead of 3 days after

This is my only investment since the whole brexit fiasco, I try not to hold. Just constantly buy low/trending up and sell high during the day. Made a quick 2k on TWER.

>he's telling me what I don't want to hear
>better tell him to fuck off instead of pulling my head out of this meme-buying circlejerk's collective ass

no but seriously, reddit awaits you.

Screenshot your portfolio's value faggot
Or are you operating at a loss higher than GEVO's

Idk m8. I think the threads a little steamy from people getting burned and other people winning

You're in rgt. This is where we throw around meme stocks. Again, I don't know what that has to do with reddit

Isn't the whole point of being share to share meme stocks? Why you getting all butthurt faggot. If you're too good for this then get the fuck out lol.

Sounds like inconsistent strategies over the long term. finviz data is delayed too much (assuming that's what you're using) and for every volatile penny stock winner there's 500 losers. Shit tier odds desu

I don't think the new graphics card is good enough to turn things around for AMD. And, by the looks of the stock price and the volumes involved, neither does the big investors.

So are you going to post your portfolio or what

What about day trade limit and volatile stock protection? That kinda seems shitty

When did I say I buy only penny stocks?
I dick around with them for fun but they're not the basis of my investing.

For what possible benefit? To appease you huffy nerds? Last I checked I'm up 20.3% ytd if that makes you feel better.

>/rgt/ - easier to rile up than stocktwits and tumblr combined

Get a grip, kids. Stay in school.

Confirmed GEVO VHC butthurt faggot.

Fuck you all. I want to talk about AMD.

Still not posting your portfolio

BPMX is another great Gear rec that tanks after he tells everyone to buy it. A much bigger fraud than Noko

Goddamn it! OptionsHouse is pulling a Robinhood!

Won't let me log in, keeps timing out. I'd expect this from Robinpleb, but not a paid service like you, OptionsHouse! Whyyyyyy?!!!

Going down senpai, set my buy order for $5.

Well now you got me curious; what is the basis for your investing? growth? yield? defense?

I actually made easy money on that fruity GEVO test flight pump and dump. Sorry you're salty about it, bagholder deluxe.

dude brah, they're totes releasing new drivers some day. Stocks gonna go to jupiter!!
Face it, AMD is a company that's basically just struggling to remind people it exists and that's all it has been for years.