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yeah but then you'd be investing in a bubble
Thing is, if you're reckless, you can get lucky once in a while.
But if you consistently make bad decisions like investing in a bubbles, eventually you'll lose big. And the one key characteristic of good investors is that they don't lose.
>-mmuu-m-um-u-uh bubble
Forex monkey here, when should i all inn on the bitcoin ? 600? 580? will it be lower ?
only 81.71%
if you hoped on the MGT train you could've made 1000%+
and it would've taken much less time
Who cares when in 10 years it will be 6 figures. Just get in.
>owns less than 21 BTC
good investors learned from mistakes nigger
I'm flying out to Madrid to have dinner at the Sergi Arola and then spending the evening on the water with my bitches.
get on my level nocoiners
Wait till after the halving, the price will drop and you can buy in then. Aim for anything under $500
That is completely absurd. The highest it could get is 5 figures, it's never gonna get beyond that in our lifetimes.
Bitcoin will never make you truly rich. Real estate is the only investment that can.
>le 21 meme
we've been over this
stfu nocoiner
I'm sitting on 7 figures on bitcoins alone bitches.
Feel that FOMO setting in yet?
What a beast. Hit me up, I know Arzak, he'll save VIP spots for us. I can also call Piqué, cool guy and just got him into Bitcoin.
>real estate averages a 6% return
Gonna have to doubt this
>so low-IQ that he doesn't know owning 21 BTC means you are in a group of people limited to less than 1 million if you factor in already lost BTC's which shrink the total supply to less than 21
>so low-IQ that he doesn't understand this is guaranteed rich status in the future once BTC goes where it belongs but too short sighted to see the obvious potential for growth considering we have a tiny marketcap that's smaller than a company like Uber
>Even fiat lords are making predictions of 10% of global economy moving to blockchain
>doesn't know it only takes a couple of big whales moving their offshore accounts, gold and meme stocks and derivatives into the superior asset to drive the marketcap to the trillions
Stay poor.
Owning 21 coins isn't about being in the top X%, it's about owning 1/millionth of the total market cap.
"Past Results Do Not Guarantee Future Performance."
>he thinks that bitcoin is the best cryptocurrency because it was the first cryptocurrency
>he doesn't consider how long it takes to confirm bitcoin as opposed to superior othercoins
>he doesn't consider the inherent lack of privacy in all bitcoin exchanges
>he thinks that moving to blockchain means moving to bitcoin
What do you recommend buying instead? Serious question, because I agree with your criticisms.
ETH? monero?
I would suggest actual investment, as opposed to guessing at cryptos. Unless you have a new chunk of information to bring to the market, you should stay out of speculation.
The only real exception is if being a bagholder makes you feel like there is some real hope out there for you to escape. It is technically better than the lottery. If you do decide to invest in crypto you should probably invest a little bit in a few different popular currencies (even some in bitcoin, because there will always be classicists) and then every month or so a little bit in some new currency, if its protocol shows true merit.
>the same fucking lambo that gets posted every time with different dates every time a new memecoin appears
>he uses the term othercoins
You're not qualified to give advice in crypto.
Who trumpcoin here?
Bitcoiners absolutely BTFO!!
How will they ever recover?
why isn't fine art in that chart
>pump and dump
>short term time horizon
go away
and you know this how?
Normalcy bias: Look it up.
When will this real state meme shit? Prices are stagnant and they will not change enough to make you rich.
Bitcoin is a way more realistic bet. It is destined to become a super asset like Berkshire Hathaway class A stock, and you can buy one now for 635 dollars.
You need too much money to invest in real state.
>he thinks that bitcoin is the best cryptocurrency because it was the first cryptocurrency
But it is? The fact that is the oldest, strongest surviving blockchain makes it the best. Plus all the leading advances in the tech is being done in Bitcoin Core development.
>he doesn't consider how long it takes to confirm bitcoin as opposed to superior othercoins
There are no superior alts you dumb nocoiner.
>he doesn't consider the inherent lack of privacy in all bitcoin exchanges
What lack of privacy you dumb cuck? I have been trading in all exchanges for years with fake names and under a VPN. If you want to to transactions where fiat is involved, it's not Bitcoin's fault but fiat's fault that you need credentials to operate.
>he thinks that moving to blockchain means moving to bitcoin
Again, Bitcoin is the leading blockchain, anyone with a brain will be moving their funds there if they want to bet on their money surviving for the long term.
You are a dummy nocoiner, you can thank that I took the time to answer to your bullshit.
>conglomerate of international banks creates their own crypto
>only banks can hold wallets
>have nodes in computers throughout the world, no rewards for mining, a certain amount of computing power is required to join the club
>blockchain technology is used to process inter-bank transactions
>becomes alternate currency only usable by international banks
>administered by said conglomeration
Think Special Drawing Rights, with quickly verifiable transactions. This is how the banks are going to use the blockchain.
Bitcoin is just like gold. It's valuable because it's valuable. A meme investment.
First you say bitcoin is valuable then you say it's a meme.
Banks can feel free to create all the hook-nosed crypto they want. Shit like ripple and eth are already basically kike coins.
Red-blooded white men like myself aren't gonna bite, because we are our own banks with bitcoin
Prove it. Or maybe send me some money to invest in BTC and we'll see how it goes.
nocoiners on suicide watch
missing the boat 2903129031239120313129032903th edition