Hello i am the CEO of an online personal training website named askthegym we are currently on kickstarter crowd funding our website to be able to become an application
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Do you guys give advice on roids?
Here's all the advice you really need:
>Low bar squats
Kek. Front squat and highbar master race
enjoy destroying your shit without a coach/trainer
Enjoy no auxiliaries resulting in no upper back, lagging arms and no rear delts
Enjoy kidney stones and obesity unless you're a skeleton lanket
Eat Clen
Tren hard
Test yourself
Anavar give up
Why the fuck do you need crowd funding to give out a bunch of copy paste bro diets and generic bro split routines and then post fake natural photoshop pictures on Instagram?
you'll never get big or look without roids. What's the point of lifting if you'll look like a middleaged "dadbod" ass nigga? Just pin your god damn ass already
Roids are good for you
You could buy a whole cycle of test and PCT for what one of these generic bro split bro diet programs costs.
Let me take a wild guess at what the diet looks like
>Eggs and oatmeal in the morning
>Chicken/fish with rice/sweet potatoes
Now lets look at what the diet is probably going to be
>Arm day (lel)
>Back day
>Chest day
>Leg day (no squats)
Totally worth hundreds of dollars
Boston Lloyd said that supplement company was paying him 20k a month for his endorsement and all the products were scams. Think about how much fart powder you have to sell to retards to be able to pay out that kind of money.
>tfw deciding what to buy off tor between dexedrine, modafinil, and a years worth of test, dbol, nolvadex.
Fuck maplebucks and fuck maple customs
It's hilarious how some of the fucking bs supplements COST MORE THAN ACTUAL FUCKING ROIDS
nigger if you want to "burn fat" don't buy shit jeff fucking seid shills. Just buy some damn clen or dnp on the internet
Wtf idiot
Canada is based stop talking shit
U don't need to use tor. Just buy DOMESTIC
Canada has amazing roid sources.
Instead of modafinil buy adrafinil, it's unscheduled so ull get it across customs
I might just buy adrafinil, but I'm scared of additional sides. I live in Vancouver and it will take a few contacts to get a gear source, but I'm scared of street gear.
My friend took street gear once and his dick fell off...
bruv buy it online but domestic I mean
It's cheap as fuck and Canadian sources are all good
I don't think you're supposed to inject an actual street though
I'll check TOR again, but british sources seem to dominate the market.
>I'll check TOR again, but british sources seem to dominate the market.
Get in on this sale. Ascend and become huge
God damn it man here:
>All orders over $200 will receive your choice of T3 or Testosterone Propionate
>All orders over $300 will receive your choice of either Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate
>All orders over $400 will receive your choice of either Trenbolone Acetate, NPP or Masteron Propionate
>All orders over $550 will receive Arimidex and your choice of either Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate
>All orders over $700 will receive Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate and your choice of Nolvadex or Arimidex
>All orders over $850 will receive Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Nolvadex and your choice of either Trenbolone Acetate,NPP or Masteron Propionate.
>All orders over $1000 will receive Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Arimidex, T3 and your choice of either Trenbolone Acetate,NPP or Masteron Propionate.
>All orders over $1200 will receive Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Nolvadex, Arimidex, T3 and your choice of either Trenbolone Acetate,NPP or Masteron Propionate
>Unironically listening to an overweight troll who looks like he doesn't lift and has at best pulled a pitiful weight in competition
this fat retarded faggot doesn't know what he's talking about
Pic related """progress""" of the average Marcus "The ultimate fat troll" Rippetoe student
I'm fucking salivating reading the listing. How are they allowed to sell gear on the clearnet in Canada?
>How are they allowed to sell gear on the clearnet in Canada?
Anabolic steroids are legal for possession in Canada.
You are not allowed to open and search through domestic mail (as opposed to through customs) for law enforcement legally.
Steroids are also on a very low radar for da pigs because putting people in prison for wanting to grow Muscles is only what cuckolded countries like Sweden or something would do.
And yeah this sounds fuckin sweet
>>All orders over $850 will receive Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Nolvadex and your choice of either Trenbolone Acetate,NPP or Masteron Propionate.
Damn bruv if you order over $850 you're getting so much shit for free, makes me regret stocking up earlier and missing out on this.