I met a guy on a street corner during my lunch break a few days ago and he told me his business is doing really well and he's looking new partners. Today we met up in a hotel lobby, and after chatting a while he gave me a copy of Kiyosaki's book "The Business of the 21st Century," and told me to have it read by the time we meet again next Sunday. I googled the book and it's about Multi-level/Network marketing aka pyramid schemes, so I think I might be getting scammed. Should I see this thing out, or tell this guy to fuck off?
I met a guy on a street corner during my lunch break a few days ago and he told me his business is doing really well...
working from experience with MLM schemes, they're an absolute scam for nearly anyone who isn't in the first layer or so of recruitment.
they'll tell you you're selling something, travel club memberships, telecommunication/internet plans, weight loss ect. but you're really working in recruitment. more often than not MLM schemes will have a membership fee for "sales representatives/recruiters".
don't get involved, you wouldn't make minimum wage selling whatever bullshit product they're peddling and more often than not the recruitment aspect of it won't make you any money either. the only people who make money in these sorts of schemes are the ones who found it and buy into it at the very start.
mlm are bullshit. run and don't look back.
> more often than not MLM schemes will have a membership fee for "sales representatives/recruiters".
This. What that guy isn't telling you is that you will become a captive customer beholden to the organization once you pay your membership. The organization will encourage you to use your own money to buy product from yourself, thereby, giving money to your upstream (your recruiter, and his recruiter, and his recruiter, etc.
If you really want to make money off a MLM scheme. I recommend you buy a bunch of "how-to-sell" sales books, inspirational books, tapes, CDs, whatever, and sell those at a MLM convention. That's where the money's at.
The link above is the income disclosure statement for a well-known MLM company. I urge you to research other businesses who run similar schemes, and never contact that guy ever again.
Since he decided he want to fuck you in the asshole, why not make him say illegal stuff by email and then sue his ass and settle the case for profit?
Lol. Yeah do this user.
since when mlm is illegal?
it's a fucking scam but a legal one.
but first make him buy you lunch or something
for wasting your time
Was thinking about something like this video. It is legal but im quite sure that there are specific procedures that they have to follow. youtube.com