>that feel when you went to college because you thought you were going to fuck tons of pussy but you didn't and now you have tons of student debt
That feel when you went to college because you thought you were going to fuck tons of pussy but you didn't and now you...
A-are you me user?
Plus, I'm now a 1 year pathetic jobless NEET. I hope I finally get hired soon so I can move out...
Are you happy to become a wageslave?
>TFW I got a shitty manual labor job because I thought it would impress women now I'm stuck working physical labor for 8 hours a day and I'm scared to quit
For me, it's about moving out. I'd rather move out and temporarily be a wageslave than to live with my parents (who I love, don't get me wrong) like a helpless retard.
Once you move out, you can start working on personal projects to create financial independence and meet girls without your parents bothering you about what you're doing.
Sure, you'll be a wageslave for a while but at least you'll have some privacy and freedom to do what you want.
>Throwing away thousands in rent for muh majority
Good goy cuck
See that's the thing about you full blown NEETS. You expect to live in someone else's property for free. You expect fucking everything to be for free. I've even seen countless NEETS justifying living off welfare.
You pathetic faggots are never going to make it. Go back to /r9k/ and argue about which random waifu of the day is a trap or not.
This. I cannot stay at home/with relatives.
I do not want to be on welfare.
I don't have the luxury of being a NEET; I'm neither a trust fund baby or a person with parents that don't seep their toxic influence into my life while I live under them.
Exactly. I love my parents to death but they're so negative and will cut me down whenever I try to make a move.
Freedom isn't free. It's going to cost you your living expenses but its fucking worth it to not have to deal with your family meddling in your business at every turn.
Independence and freedom to do what the fuck you want to do, when you want to do it, is EVERYTHING.
We're all gonna make it, brehs (apart from the pathetic full blown NEETs we discussed).
Why not the best of both worlds? Work, live with your parents and pay them 50% of the market rate of a local 1BR apartment?
Derive the intergenerational economic benefits AND not be a total parasite
That's a good plan if you don't have overbearing parents. But if you do, you've gotta move out. The freedom you'll have is worth the money.
Tfw still in college and parents bought me a home without a mortgage, feels good man. Could basically afford to be a neet for the majority of the time if i wanted to
Applied Mathematics.
Aerospace Engineering
MIT, PhD biochemistry
Cal Tech, Double Major Applied Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering. Full ride scholarship and football captain.
Currently developing technology to expedite human evolution and development in extrasolar earth-like worlds. I also make video games on the side and have automated a swing trading system that I might sell to Goldman Sachs since I'm kind of bored with it.
Even if your parents are fine, quit being a baby back bitch and go live your life. Learn how to adult
Look at this big dick user.
What was your major ?
I went to tech school and don't know that feel I'm fucking swimming in pussy, money and free time at 21
try r9k
>going to college for pussy
you fucked up
>currently developing technology to expedite human evolution In extrasolar earth-like worlds
What? Doesnt your country have free education and benefits&aid for students?
How tragic
literally me
Literally nobody argues that the US's educational system is fucked up.
Everybody just argues how it's fucked up.
Personally, I think removing the government from the student loans deal entirely would fix everything.
>Loans can be defaulted on
>Universities (the people running colleges aren't dumb, duh) don't want to waste time and resources on basket weaving majors who flake out on paying for their degree
>Schools clean up their offered majors to things that can lead to decent employment
>Loan prices drop because they aren't guaranteed to the university now