What makes a person unemployable?
What makes a person unemployable?
Tattoos and piercings
At my job all tattoo have to be covered. Be it with a sleeve or bandade.
no personality (tattoos)
no flair (piercings)
Every kinds of tattoos or just really stupid one ?
All tattoos are really stupid ones.
1) not fitting the job description
2) personality incompatible with existing workforce
that's it.
that's like your opinion man.
>What makes a person unemployable?
People who have a history of being litigious and sue their previous employers. These are surprisingly more common than you think... so many blue collar blacks think the only reason they ever get fired is because of race...
Tattoos, disabilities, body odor/ bad breath, criminal record
Using "ain't" in a sentence or other stupid made up words. Basically being a nigger.
Being Indian (pajeet or injun, they're both trash)
Being female
Being under 25
Having my name, apparently
He said unemployable
I kek'd, then lol'd, then roflmao'd.
>Pajeet or injun
Well put, people commonly forget how garbage the natives are here in America, whether it be first nations in CAN or river spooks in USA, they are awful to work with.
Depends on the structure of the company.
Do they have a racist quota to fill? If Yes, you will not get hired if your traits include ALL of the following:
Caucasian, Heterosexual, Male, anything involving Jesus or atheist, have any degree less valuable than a doctorate but not willing to take a pay grade equivalent to a bachelors, a polite conservative housewife
If they do not have a race quota:
Pretty much everything listed above is bonus points
Only a handful of states have to deal with them. Most just get blacks instead.
>thousand dollar investment that yields no return
>not stupid
f a m
>over 25
>face tat (obviously)
>little or no work history if youre over age 25
all the disgusting NEETs on /r9k/ are going to stay that way
>multiple recent firings
>a serious criminal record, significant amounts of time in prison
>being a tranny
I think injuns are worse than blacks, the injuns are so entitled with "muh land" shit
>tfw I go by my middle name on my job applications
>tfw I show up and the interviewer is clearly flustered because I am blacker than the night
>tfw they hire me anyways because I am fucking amazing at what I do
Liberalism. If I hired someone and found out they had left leanings, I'd fire them. Those people are lazy and talk behind your back about how you're just a greedy capitalist. Yes it's true, I am, but fuck you, work your way up to my position or don't complain.
Thier are a million reasons a person might not get a specific job, but being unemployable is a special feat and requires serious dedication to fucking your life up.
You have to have a shit attitude. I have known plenty of fuck ups and degenerates who can still manage to bring home a paycheck.
Even if you are covered with tats, or been to prison, their are people who will pay you if you can show up on time and expend an average amount of effort, or even minimal but consistent effort.
> Arrogance
> Lack of energy
> Lack of interest
> Poor physical appearance
> Dishonesty
I run a blue collar business and it's almost impossible to find a person who does not have at least one of the above flaws.
Gay people don't have any easier time finding a job than straights. In fact I would say it's more dificult for them.
>> Dishonesty
In terms of what? You can't expect someone to be fully honest about everything.
How about a person who limps, but is otherwise a great match for the company. Yay or nay?
In Toronto they would be.
If they're a good fit, I'd hire them. If it seems like they'd try to squeeze some kind of compensation out of me for that limp though, I wouldn't hire them.
Bitch I work with has "migraines" all the time. the latest migraine was caused by her married boyfriend breaking up with her. As of July 1st this year she's missed about 3 months of work and she still has a job. She must be sucking someone's dick.
>You did a good job but we're gonna hve to let you go. You stink like a fucking hobo.
I kind of agree.
If you had the money to get a tatoo, that means you'd have the sufficient means to survive w/o employment.
It is pointless to work your ass at a grocery store just to go blow it all up on a tatoo.
>Listerine niggers
>thinking HR doesn't have access to your Veeky Forums posts thanks to Google analytics
Being a racist on the internet.
>using internet under your own name
>living in a rent under your own name
>not setting your browser to forget everything when closed
>not closing your browser regularly
>not using your identity tied accounts in private mode
>not using adblocker and noscript
it's like you want to get fucked
I have a large tattoo on my upper arm, I work as a biotech consultant making 130kEUR at 25. Tattoo by themselves makes you unemployable for shit jobs only.
>get a degree from the best university and put a 800eur suit on your tattoo
>problem solved
Also launching my startup in a few months, hopefully I'l make millions and wear a singlets everyday at work. People don't give a fuck if you do your work correctly and dress appropriately for the client.
Obviously not talking about tattoos on neck, face, hands etc.. Even sleeves are somewhat retarded, having a nice shirt and lifting if your sleeves to the elbow is a pleasure I would never give up.
if you went to jail you are FUCKED for life senpai
usually when people talk about entitlement being a bad thing it's because a particular group ISN'T entitled
in this case they are lol
>against capitalism
You are officially politically illiterate, stop having opinions, stop voting and shut up.
>What makes a person unemployable?
1) bad personality maybe you get hired but get fired in a week.
2) bad hygiene (depends on the job really) same thing you wash up for the interview then revert to your caveman hippie style you will get fired from office.
3) tattoos that are unacceptable by political mainstream like swastikas.
4) have a vagina, i will never hire one
How do you dress formally as a black man? Do you choose black fabric or do you go with another color?
if i was a negro i would go with the idris suit from pacific rim
navy blue generally seems to work for them
>People saying young people
Fuck off, I just hired a 17 year old programmer for waaaaaay below market rate. And he is only of the best employees in the department now.
it happens but statistically not significant.
we hired like 10 kids now only one was good and he didn't even stay.
No one mentioned gaps in resume yet? Are you for real?
It's like the first thing that can make any candidate unemployable. A five years gap is enough to make you unemployable for life, it will nullify your education and all previous working experience.
>if he/she thinks that there is more than 3 sex(hermaphrodite is 3rd)
really? all i have is gaps in my resume yet i would find work in 20 minutes after posting my resume.
i will fill this gap with bs depending on the role
Thats only in libcuck states like new york. Florida, texas and georgia overturned affirmative action.
The ones that can always be seen. Even in a suit.
I have a year gap and I just pretend I was day trading at the time
I mean technically I was just not at any significant level
Holy fuck, this! Some bitch I had to do projects with constantly had "migraine", and ended up doing 0% of the work.
Being a Trump supporter.
I fired an moron yesterday who talked about how great Trump is going to be President and how women will be able to stay at home to raise children/cook/clean. It was the last straw and he was gone. I caught him earlier surfing Infowars when he was supposed to be doing work. He was a creep to women working there too.
Once he realizes he's below market rate, he's not gonna be your employee for long
That's the other edge of the sword
lying about work or stealing.
For example:
> Lying
"yeah boss I definitely put 2 coats of lacquer on those floors"
> Stealing
"Hi I'm calling because after your workers left my house I noticed some jewelry missing"
God i wish i was able to get away with firing cunts like you. i hope Trump gases you fucks
I have a 10 year gap.
Trump fan or not, the worker was an idiot for spouting his political beliefs at work.
Haha nice one. I fired a liberal just this morning to even things out.
Liberalism is good PR. That way you know they won't go around talking shit to people for being gay and shit that creates a PR nightmare for your company.
You have no idea when a republican is going to go around talking shit about Muslims, they are a liability. If they are seriously right wing.
I hope you didn't tell him that was the reason or else HR and legal will totally hate you for making their lives hell
I wouldn't mind a skilled gay person. Unless that person has to deal with the public - and the public in that country is mostly homophobic - then it's common sense to avoid them.
the hr department
Not being skilled in some obscure software that you have never heard of.
This is true. Unfortunately, some people do get shit at work and get fired for it for totally unjust reasons. It might not happen as often as people think, but it does.
If they complain though, there's a chance their name might be plastered over the internet. In my country (New Zealand) if you take an employer to court you often get your own personal story in the news that includes settlement damages. Thus making you unemployable.
Just say you were running a business, but the effort was taking up too much of your time ('Hah, you know how it is -- I just couldn't stand the 80 hour weeks and no holidays any longer').
If they ask what you were doing, say you were, funnily enough (always make it out to be a joke of sorts, in the manner of a buzzfeed-like 'You Won't Believe How I Made Money') a reseller of college textbooks. 'Sounds strange, but you can make an absolute killing on it. But, I did learn [skillset] from it.'
They will respect you.
Browsing /pol/
true story, happened to my brother
Not having a job.
>We only hire employed people.
t. HR cunt
>losing profit from radicals
Like I give a fuck
there is way more than 3 sexes chromosomally speaking.
Longer than 2 months of an unemployment gap.
That can be such a crock. Employers need to learn the difference between arrogance and confidence. Your team's incompetence does not make my advice arrogant.
It's getting worse this year. After the Belgium Airport attacks, people were talking about it at work saying Muslims should be denied/expelled from the country. I sent an email to the team that said, "Hey! How was last night's 'Better Call Saul' episode?" It stopped.
Reason he was fired: Creating a hostile work environment.
>Not being skilled in some obscure software that you have never heard of.
And its close friend, Not Having 10 Years With Some Product That's Only Existed For 2.
what is it about not being at work that makes someone unemployable?
Autism, no job skills, smell, ugly, no social skills.
Modern "liberalism" is. Classical liberalism is of course not. Fucking retarded how americans have allowed the left to steal the term "liberal" desu.
kek, you are retarded, hiring SJWs will cause so much shit in your company, you will end up sued or at least with a bunch of drama every week cause someone got offended.
They are lazy, or other people also did not want to employ them.
only 2, xx and xy, not counting mutations like turners, klinefelters, double y syndrome, etc.
Confidence would be great. If they know more than me it's a blessing. They can have all the power they want.
I'm more talking about an employee being rude to me or talk down to me. I have had it happen before. I was just shocked initially, like "you know I'm your boss and can fire you on the spot right?"
Lets get this shit started
A non-stop trip to trashcan city for your resume!
U wot
I often take on contract jobs that pay good, last 8-9 months and then I chill the fuck out for 2-3 months.
What's a not stupid tattoo?
>putting high school education on your resume
You were trashed regardless.
>not counting
how convenient
well not counting womyn and other freaks there is only one sex tho
So you are lazy.