Do you think the EU will impose tariffs on England or otherwise try to force them back in?
Do you think the EU will impose tariffs on England or otherwise try to force them back in?
Yes. And I think it will backfire, other EU members will see it as overtly tyrannical and the ones that are positioned to have referendums will be more stalwart in their desires to leave.
Invest in gold, instability will rise. There will be a tipping point at which gold and gold industry will be worth a sell, obviously. I don't see that coming anytime soon, I think you'll see another spike at the official invocations of art 50.
I'd go liquid in the middle of the dissolution of the EU, hang on to it, and buy the remaining banks at the bottom. I'm looking for BCS and DB, IF, they can hang on through the dissolution.
not likely eu exports to uk more than the reverse
it is in eus best interest to reach a free trade agreement and uk would be a fool to go with it.
i'm starting to think the brits know what they are doing.
>i'm starting to think the brits know what they are doing.
I fucking hope so mate, I hope so.
Fuck these are interesting times, a speculation daydream
My family over there was in the remain camp but as an American I don't think I know enough to speak on the issue.
I also think I was getting a bias view from my family.
Where are you getting the numbers on exports?
Everything i've seen shows the opposite.
i have watched tons of videos also about this seems to me the eu deal is pretty shit for the uk.
in fact the entire eu "project" is protectionist bullshit an ultimately it will be bad for everyone involved.
On the contrary, my dear Watson. It was the leave campaigners who had biased information. Remain campaigners could at least point to independent studies for their arguments
I guess i had my numbers wrong.
However, that only deals with trade between the EU and UK. On a global scale, trade with the UK makes up a much smaller percentage of the EU's gdp than vice versa, giving the EU a big advantage in negotiations.
If you look at the German car companies sales to UK are very important to them.
>Pg 29 BMW 2015 Annual Report UK = 10.3% global Auto Sales, Germany 12.7%, France+Italy = 6.7%.
if the brits are not stupid and corrupt they have all the cards.
It would not suprise me if the EU purposly impose tariffs. Were talking about spitefull individuals of which the majority wants to see the UK fail.
Really interesting times are ahead of us, but I do think the UK is going to suffer because it stood up against the EU.
explain to me how it could imposing tariffs hurt the uk more than the eu itself?
britfag here.
all over the EU debates they never talked about real numbers, always used percentages or relative values to make their point.
Look at the numbers long enough you come down to:
"Brexit will have short term loss with uncertainty, but high long term growth far outstripping the stagnating EU"
5% of all uk companies deal with EU.
but 100% HAD to follow expensive EU legislation.
UK has trade HUGE trade deficit with EU, around 80/20 split.
(We've had 40 years of offshoring and outsourcing to China/EU)
Yes, UK trade is much smaller to EU as percentage. BUT almost all that trade is Cars from Germany.
UK sells 2000 cars a year to EU.
UK buys 300,000 german cars a year.
No matter how you cut it, tariffs effect EU way more than UK.
German Industry spokesperson (respresnting 8million german workers) has cucked merkel and EU saying "We will not support Trade Tarrifs!!"
I think on Question Time in UK, they said 800,000+ german jobs are under threat if Trade Tariffs are imposed.
The UK is the EU's BIGGEST customer.
Nige said it clearly "lets be grown up about this".
Also, The People in the UK just rekt the (((establishment))).
Why we're the people being Taxed so that Big business could have free tariffs in the first place...?
pic related ;)
Its called an "Asset Play", ask Warren Buffett about disney.
When he bought big on Disney, its because he knew it as undervalued... People hadn't priced in the most valueable asset... The Brand! Even tho disney was doing shit at the time... All it would take is 1 good movie to re spark the brand.
Then look at EU.
The want to destroy national identity.
But "British" is our BIGGEST BRAND.
The EU ignored the fact the Anglo-sphere is 750million people (more than EU)... its only 1/7 the world population, but 2/3 world gdp.
p.s DB on suicide watch :(
Regarding your last point the Anglo sphere is 2/3rd the world's measured gdp. NonWestern nonenglish speaking countries do a higher % of business under the table. Not necessarily illicit but unmeasured. That is fading and quickly. Expect Africa and south asia with a vengance in the next 30 years. They are about to get onboarded into the global economy and it is happening quickly with things like mpesa.
>impose tariffs
>on the biggest importer and the country with the largest number of ports that service the world
they'd be retarded to
w-what the fuck?
brits remember history better than most
the eu does the same exact bullshit that nearly ruined britain after ww2 and now the brits are trying to do what the germans did after ww2.
the sweet irony...
What happened to the UK car companies? They all got bought and sold from countries outside the UK. Name a well known UK car company still UK owned.
As an American, I have high esteem for Renault, Citroën, and Peugeot. There all French and they don't sell cars in the US.
FFS, UK government will have to invest in industries again. Say hello to British Coal, British Steel, and British Leyland again (lol).
>As an American, I have high esteem for Renault, Citroën, and Peugeot
you probably never owned one
italian and french engineering (i'm not talking about the high-en top shelf stuff but the common) is so shit that it's not even funny.
french cars offer comfort levels above their category but maintenance costs are awful and they are very prone to malfunction. italian cars are the same but cheaper and extremely uncomfortable.
I saw some biased info on both sides
The whole "vote remain or you're racist" was pretty retarded considering half of them voted leave for other reasons. I'm sure there was other reasons why remain would be better but all that really got through was "don't be racist" and "the world will end". Neither of which had much substance
I didn't vote as I would have been happy either way. Ideologically I'm in. In fact I'm in on the whole world working together. Team work is always a good thing. But practically speaking that isn't going to happen any time soon.
But with the result that actually happened I feel really excited and hopeful for the future. It feels like the shackles are off and we can freely trade with who ever we want and forge our own futures again, unrestricted. The EU seems determined to hurt itself. I don't really understand it. I want us all to flourish and prosper.
yeah problem with the eu is it's not actually about working together or trading with everyone more like a little fortress that keeps out good economic practice and cost-efficient manufacture lest it hurt some homie.
Im not sure, it depends what the EU values more, pride or power.
If its pride, they'll cut us off, do a bit of damage to us, and effectively destroy a large part of their economy, as they export far more to us than we export to them.
If its power, there wont be a problem because they'll want to keep their economy intact.
Either way, the UK has the highground here, and should use that to negotiate a trade deal without following EU rules. Whether they accept that or not, well, see the above.
>Bad for everyone involved.
No, if your an MEP or a big business in the EU, you've got it made. For everyone else though, yes its absolute fucking shit
Exactly mate, of course though remainers know this, or at least the more senior ones do, so they're jumping quickly on the bandwagon to say we're doomed because yes the short term will be rougher, but the long term will be far greater. I heard people say we're doomed because the pound hasnt recovered literally minutes after the event.
Well theres a couple of things to consider here
1). Due to large amounts of EU legislation, UK innovation took a serious hit. Thats great for big business, bad for customers and small business. Now we are leaving the EU, you may soon be driving more British cars, which have proved themselves time and time again to be innovative. Look at Morgan, look at Arial, Britain could really change the car industry as we know it, so whilst right now you dont see a lot of British cars on the road, that could all change
2). You need to remember that Britain is one of the biggest manufacturing countries in the world. I think its Toyota cars that have a huge factory here. You have Toyota in America I'm sure, so whilst those are Japanese cars, they're built here in Britain.
>teamwork is always a good thing
unless half your team is dead fucking weight expecting you to carry them to victory like Greece, Italy, and Spain
sooner or later it's bad for them too because they become so unmarketable and as the structure falls apart they simply can't stay alive they are so uncompetitive.
Most leavers had been anit eu for a long time before there was even a whisper of a referendum
When will this 'uninformed ' meme die?
Theres no way they CANT impose tariffs or other restrictions on trade.
Why the fuck would they give a non member a BETTER deal than a member? What would be the point of being a member? It'd cause the entire thing to crumble.
why don't you read a newspaper or something?
eu needs to export to uk more than uk needs to export to eu way more.
to fuck with tariffs would be a pretty self harming thing from the eu in fact they will push hard for free trade agreement.
More self harming that saying to every one of their remaining members, that they dont actually need to be a member to get the benefits anymore?
what benefits are you talking about?
Everything I learned about British Cars was from Spitting Images. That was 30 years ago.
EU officials have said that with free trade comes free movement,immigration,regulations among other things that UK voted out
So no. There will not be free trade until they start talking about UK joining EU or EFTA(which is almost the same thing)
Also this will happen AFTER the UK has triggered article 50 and the 2 years in which they have left the union
>EU officials have said
the bureaucrats act like butt-hurt little children right now.
but when german automobile interest start to lose serious money out of this butt-hurt they will be quickly reminded their place.
>Implying UK wouldnt be fucked as well
The thing is that EU has much higher pain threshold than UK which even now shows sings of cracking. No one is butthurt about Britain,they just regard it as any other foreign nation.
Well UK is only fraction of German car exportation. Also if UK leaves then they can just cut the gas desu
*scotland leaves UK
>they can just cut the gas desu
nothing like this will happen they won't cut anything business is business even the ukrainains sell gas and electricity to russia in krimea (which was taken from them by force it was a proper invasion)
They will lose business if Britain decides to sanction them in return.
Obama isnt doing anything because he supports merkel. Trump would lower our trade tax to Britain and tell the EU to fuck themselves. Hillary would also allow britain to starve because she wants to extort open borders out of them
Yep, I never really understood why this topic is rarely made.
I mean if you look to South and Eastern Europe (which are all for the EU) then it is hard to imagine that their shitty on the brink of failure economies are somehow an addition to the EU or the UK in that sense.
lol if you think that the eu is not half the reason for their economies shitting itself you are a deluded cuck.
>UK government will have to invest in industries again. Say hello to British Coal, British Steel, and British Leyland again
Nah m8 we're going full Thatcher now. Her ghost will finish the job. Global free trade. No tariffs. Become the Singapore of Europe. It's going to be gr8
Poland i beleive, have threatened to leave the EU if they punish the UK
then shit will hit the fan sooner than expected
They wouldn't dare; we're their main export customer. If they try and cut off our exports to them, they'll find we suddenly stop stocking their cheese and wine.
> Why is this wine 50% more expensive than it was yesterday?
> Why is foreign cheese so expensive
> Waa waa I'm a mummy I demand lower prices
> Fuck european products
>before there was even a whisper of a referendum
10 years ago, I attended a protest demanding a referendum on the EU. UKIP were all over that like a fucking rash, same with the British Nazi Party.