what Veeky Forums think about god?
What Veeky Forums think about god?
either he's not there or not listening to you
Very profitable
god exist (in a form that we couldnt comprehend like a super advanced alien race that turned into a singularity in another demension or some shit) but couldn't give two fucks about us. u die u die. game over man
He exists but he doesn't care what people do. He is not interested in the actions of mere humans.
he created us but we're on our own beyond that.
There's probably a God. Logic would lead you to such a conclusion.
Religion though is mostly nonsense. It's more about bonding together with the people in a positive way. That is where gains are seen.
I attend church + a small group.
He frowns upon my stock selections and smites them with righteous fury. That's what I tell myself at least, because I'll be damned if I just suck at picking them.
>There's probably a God. Logic would lead you to such a conclusion.
>Religion though is mostly nonsense
t h i s
Logically thinking there almost certainly IS a God, but he isn't some memer like major religions say
But what if He has a vagina. Would that make him a She?
There are a lot of usefull wise verses about money in the Bible. Start reading Jesus's preachings.
Small group?
I'm Lutheran, believe in God, not a fanatical zealot tho (zealotry of any kind is to be abhorred)
what i got from catechism was that no matter what youll never behave good enough to get into heaven, so believe christ died for your sins and you can do whatever you (imagining that you hate someone is just as bad as killing them in God's eyes, so dont bother trying to get into heavon based on deeds)
that being said christianity is my "faith", and by definition something you have faith in cannot be proven or unproven, arguing about who has the "right" faith is just mental masturbation, and a waste of time (i care about all the fish in my aquarium a fair amount, but my level of "care" for them doesnt increase or decrease based on how many bubbles they blub, or what they think of me)
plus God's punnet square, if I die and heaven isnt real, then i rot in the ground unaware,if i die and he does exist, i avoid hell
I pray everyday for success in my investments and for my efforts in the stock market to be blessed
So far nothing lol
God won't influence the market for your profit, but i think he can give you some "sense" about picking stocks.
Good point, I actually do pray for wisdom and discernment so I can make the right choices, but then I bought MGT at its highest point yesterday so I'm still basically retarded
Literally 2016 year old scam
Basically a group of 5 to 10 people, you meet once a week and talk about what is going on in your life. Really it doesn't even have to be a "religious" thing, it's more a social support thing.
I have learned so much and my life has improved a lot. One guy has given me several business and investment tips that have saved me thousands.
Christianity was a Pump n Dump and you're the bagholder
The Romans already dumped
>But what if He has a vagina. Would that make him a She?
Well what if he has both a vagina AND a penis, and also some new alien sexual organ?
What then?
Yes but is there group sex?
Not yet. I'm working hard to make it happen.
Nothing is provable, but what would you want to have faith in nihilism which destroys our society or the supreme good.
>pray for wisdom and discernment
>when it works my way
>thank this "idea"
>when it goes wrong
>blame myself
Yep you got me, BTFO alright
Nah I'm pretty passive about it. If I pray and nothing happens, whatever. If something does happen, cool. It's kind of just a placebo
Unprovable, burden of proof falls on the claim maker.
It's a good tax free way to make big bucks from idiots scared of death , being unaware or not being in a group.
Being religious userly takes time out of your life you could be spending making money or making yourself happy, unless your idea of happy times is singing songs with a bunch of fags.
Also gives you morals that will hinder your life, my morals come from myself and what I've been exposed to not a book that told me how to act.
Costs money and time.
Makes you not do actions that make you more successful.
God exists yet I will not provide evidence.
Don't really ascribe to the idea that God is just some dude in the sky that knows everything.
I think it would make more sense if people worshipped the idea of money instead. The richer you are, the more holier a status you have to the community; in the sense that you're able to influence people so easily, you could choose to ruin their lives whenever you want to.
At least this way, you could see the actual effects of worshipping this kind of God and see that your commitment to it would pay off.
[spoiler]inb4 trump is one of those God's[/spoiler]
willful slave!, Shame!, Shame!, Shame!
free yourself
>God exists yet I will not provide evidence.
Don't you understand that's the point?
If he does indeed exist he's simply another level of lifeform than us if he created us and thus we cannot "prove" he existed.
What if we all live inside him and he's just some chad fucking up his body by eating pizza all day?
Your question is invalid. Its like asking "Is there chair?" . Which chair? Where? How does it look?
When you start answering those questions about that specific God you will realize there is no God. Afterall, if that God exists how it came to be out of nothing? Who created him and why? To play humans as Sims? He is a God for god's sake. Not a spoiled teenager wasting his life away in his mom's basement.
Evidence that there is such a thing as another level of existence where things can have influence on us.
If God does indeed live in some other form of existence then he has no power or influence over man so why call it a god, I might as well say there is something that knows everything beacuse I feel there is such a being I won't provide evidence for my claim but I FEEL it.
Why call a "god" a god if they have no power or even exist in our existene, that might as well just make him an abstract concept that has no relativence.
>There's probably a God. Logic would lead you to such a conclusion.
I also believe this. Are you me?
>Religion though is mostly nonsense. It's more about bonding together with the people in a positive way. That is where gains are seen.
I completely agree. Damn, are you me?
>I attend church + a small group.
I also attend church, and I have a hang out with the younger church-goers (ages 15-25) every Thursday. Damn, you must be me.
Because we're talking about the existence of a creator here.
And there is no explanation for everything other than "Um thing exploded and then it somehow created everything".
>I might as well say there is something that knows everything beacuse I feel there is such a being I won't provide evidence for my claim but I FEEL it.
Where did I say something that knows everything? We're not talking about some skydaddy who decides who goes to heaven or hell. We're just saying there's mostly like a "Creator"(You can call him God) that created everything but beyond that he does not care about we do. We cannot understand him because if he is the creator he is simply a completely different being than us
>itt faggots that can't understand that whatever you do, the existence or non-existence of God cannot be proved, therefore it falls into the belief category
Come on, I thought you were smarter anons.
>muh evidence
*tips fedora
confirmation bias
Good on you.
The older I get the more value I see in it.
I dont believe in organized religion and if God exists he is unknown to me.
I think the existence of God is theoretically possible, but not very likely.
I do say a prayer sometimes but I cant say they helped because life hasnt been kind to me.
The Romans are dead
>insulting someone for wanting evidence on a radical claim with no evidence given
Never change Jesusfags.
The big bang at this time is still a very new idea, it has support but no real start for it is the start.
Saying "no there may be a creator who made everything" is a silly claim with no evidence and should be dismissed fully with the question who made the crator?
There has to be a starting point in our existence, the big bang you can pull theories on why it seems likely or have things that suggest it's true such our universe is constantly moving away from itself in every direction and is cooling down much like normal explanations.
This is a much better theory then just someone did it, since that can lead to who made him? Well he was always there or it was always there. Then why not just go along with a thory such as the big bang since that was the start and has some support for it.
Just a slob like one of us?