im a 25 year old NEET with $25,000 in cash. I want to make it grow and invest... but my hippie mother told me stock market was "gambling" with money and "dont trust the stock market." Need advice for growing the money! ETF? Long term? Short term? CD?
25 yr old NEET with 25k in cash
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy the dip, invest in Trump coin
Verizon stock is blue chip.
Cell phones, cell phones, cell phones, cell phones, cell phones...
Try investing in GLOBALFOUNDRIES
Globalfoundries isnt traded publicly it would seem
since i'm generous today - long sia then sell on mo then long btc before halving
thank me later for the doubled money in a week
Honestly OP.... I'm trying to help you so you better fucking listen, but you won't because you're a faggot but anyway:
Put the money away in a 3 year LOCKED (preventing YOU from touching it) account, save for living expenses.
Learn to trade the forex market for 3 years, using a mixture of demo accounts and that "forex tester 2" program.
At the end of 3 years, withdraw 3k or so, and go live. Make a living from just trading forex.
Pic related so you know I know what I'm talking about and I'm not just talking shit.
I won't tell you how I did it, I will tell you it's possible. I will tell you that this allows you to both be a NEET while also being much wealthier than non-neet wagecucks...
Invest in deep bussines stocks!
Buy 25,000 worth of swhc sell at 29.5 make 1300 in the before the 10
Also I am advice you to read books and advices of Robert Toru Kiyosaki! He is smart investor!
what broker do you use?
Use it to start a business or buy real estate
Index funds, shitcoins, and stocks are waste of money memes
Put your money into something that will actually generate real income and appreciate instead of crashing every 7 years (stocks/index funds) or ponzi schemes (cryptoshit)
I'd tell him to learn 5 years and start with 200-500 bucks, the moment he reaches 25-50% of profit from the original sum, he could put more money in.
hello advice, my name is greg.
I'll adivce OP to have crippling depression as I do and think as a rich man, not of being one.
Rob only made money off the book and came into money that way.
you australian? I thought forex was for americans?
how much do you usually trade with to return such profit/how much is each trade worth
The stock market is so easy to make money. Most people that trade stocks are emotional driven and don't even know any basic technical analysis. Just pick up a couple of books on TA and you already have an advantage. A secret trick is only trade about 20 - 30 different stocks, what i mean is you only ever trade those 30 stocks that your following. constantly selling when it's overbought and buying when it's oversold and using MACD, candle chart readings, rsi, CCi, etc for entry, exit points. Only follow those 30 or so stocks for months as you get use to their trends, volumes, announcements. so check weekly data, monthly data to see if it's an uptrend or downtrend in the long run..... split your portfolio with longterm stocks, midterms, and short terms etc.... seriously 2 months of reading some TA books and 10k - 20k, it's pretty fucking easy to make money unless your a complete retard. I actually think that most people on the stock market are 60 year old pensioners with a gambling addiction who know shit all about nothing - a bunch of lemmings controlled by fear and greed. GL motherfucker cos the shit is easy
What are some good books?
'Charting and Technical Analysis' 'a complete guide to volume price analysis' 'getting started in chart patterns' 'japanese candlestick charting technique' Also it's good to invest in stocks that are in industries that you are interested in as you will be able to understand company announcements faster and be able to react faster than most. have about 4 - 6 stocks in your portfolio at any given time. Just ride them for between 1day - 3 weeks and make your entry and exit points based on TA, and rumours, i.e buy the rumour sell the news. Join some forums and look at some of your stock threads, sometimes you can get the feel of stock holders, sometimes inside info etc. - watch out for the snake oil salesman, they have their own agenda. also another advice is when markets are down is the best time to buy - look for support/resistance (will learn that in technical analysis) - a good stock will bounce back 9/10 times - never get too greedy so always lock in your profits and never ever fall in love with a company. good luck
>all those memestocks
>no bitcoin
Stay poor
You forgot to include "pedophile" in your short description of yourself.
put it all in MGT. By next year you will have doubled your money.
Also, watch:
A nice little vid that talks about investments, too.
>i thought forex was for americans
forex = foreign exchange m8
Real estate
This is so true it's not even funny. I trade based on month long outlooks, shooting for 10% gains and accepting at most 5% losses from peak value after my purchase. that is to say that if it rises 7% but then drops 5%, I sell. Don't get too greedy or you'll risk more than you have to. But really people tend to react emotionally and if you buy dips, you can expect to make good returns. Of course, you have to make sure that it is a dip and not a crash, but like this guy says technical analysis really helps. I use think or swim and it's pretty great for that.
If it's so easy, why can't the professional fund managers do it consistently?
I don't think they're thinking along the same strategies that I do, for whatever reason. If you look at stock history for so many companies, you can see that most dips recover at least 10% of the original value, unless it's a catastrophic plummet. I don't know why the professionals don't trade that way, but if you look at the charts the information is there. This isn't to say that if a stock recovers 10% it can't still be on a downtrend long-term, I just don't really care what happens after I sell. In fact, it's the volatility that makes this trading strategy possible.