What valuable company is nobody building?
What valuable company is nobody building?
GSD: Global Sucking Dicks
the market is full of freelancers they just need one company to orgnaize them all for a piece of the $
RWDC: Robot Waifu Developmental Center
Women have already become obsolete and it is only a matter of time before mankind gets good enough at AI and robotics that everyone will be free to purchase their own personal waifu.
If you were to establish yourself early, the first mover advantage you would have would be monumental, especially if you also branch off into husbandos
A good way to bookmark porn across devices.
Like, an app or something.
> these answers
This is done with accounts on pornsites even the free ones.
Synthetic sushi development
Yeah but, like, juggling accounts? Fuck that.
Basically curating bookmarks like you'd curate a buncha downloaded porn.
[spoiler]Then using the personal info obtained and contacts on the device to blackmail the user[/spoiler]
I think you could rent a large space of land in a rural area and section it with little parking spots that are all hidden from each other and let people pay to fuck in their car privately.
due to recent gun regulations in california the market is available along the arizona and nevada border.
Also another good business is a finishing service for truckers. Because california requires such restrictions on weight, vehicle epa bullshit, and other stupid ass laws and restrictions lots of carriers dont want to deal with it. So you set up a site in nevada or arizona for carriers to drop their cargo off into your tractors and trailors to finish the delivery to in california. They pay you the rest of the trip and your drivers are happy because its mostly regional/state.
Ok, does anyone have any serious suggestions?
I'm starting to think I may have made a strategic mistake in coming to the Business and Finance board of a Japanese anime porn forum in search of serious discussion.
don't take it personally .. we get this question alot
>how do i make money Veeky Forums ??!!
>suck a dick
>Business and Finance
we talk stocks,investment and entrepreneurship stuff
and we keep coinfags in their contamination thread
>I want a profitable business idea
>I want other people to make money for me
i would have been disappointed if this wasn't the first post, desu.
desu "good" business ideas are a fucking diamond dozen
it's all in the execution
but i'm still not going to share a good idea with some random faggot on Veeky Forums who probably insulted me in another thread
Integrating commercialized VR experiences.
Think of a front and center camera rig at major concerts to be transmitted into a fully realized VR stream to users who pay. The music stars are compensated extra for agreeing to make eye contact with the camera and gesture to it a few times (for the VR users to feel personally connected at a few points). Could even have multiple units set up. The primo one explained above, and a few cheaper ones further and further away with no gesturing.
Imagine instead of chat rooms when streaming professional sports, that you were with a group of other VR-using friends getting the stream from a rig at the perfect seating area of your favorite team's games. You can be at all the home games without driving across the state, or country.
Maybe somebody is working on this... But I had this idea today.
tell us your idea so we can tell you how stupid it sound and why it will never work
Was jist talking to my friend about this a few months ago and again today but for sporting events. The problem is with licensing fees. Fox and CBS have licensing agreements with the NFL, NBA, NHL etc. and you aren't allowed to stream longer than 2 minutes
your moms dick
your dads cunt