what the fuck is airbnb
What the fuck is airbnb
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a meme
got a spare room/home/estate/castle/planet you want to rent ? use the app to do it
Rent out a room for extremely short intervals and exclude black people
A startup that made its way by breaking the law so fast and efficiently, by the time it caught up they had more than enough money to pay for it and switch to a new method of operating if need be.
Same as Uber.
There are laws being put in place everywhere to stop them. It's anticompetitive apparently, total bullshit.
Cab companies can't offer a good service so they sue Uber.
Hotels are expensive and shit and they lobby for laws like it's now illegal to rent a room in New York for less than a month.
uber tracks the shit out of you though, and its impossible to use it without
Just made $720 this weekend renting out my rooms in Atx :)
This is true. I had 2 black people stay and they were the worst. One trashed my room and when I destroyed him on the review he bitched to airbnb that I hurt his feelings and airbnb took it down. I tried to give niggers the benefit of the doubt but they are in fact scum
I wont rent to blacks anymore
Pic related smashed theough my bed
The dude literally walkes in with purple drank and chicken wings and was a CEO marketing mastermind for P diddy and other rappers. That should have been a red flag, but my white guilt didnt want to be a racist.
They have no concept of property or have any regard for others. It's bizarre, Ive never lived around niggers, as I grew up in rural Wisconsin, and I thought they just got a bad rap.
>It's anticompetitive apparently
Why shouldn't AirBnB and Uber have to pay the same taxes as hotels and cabs?
Serves you right retard. There's a reason basketball Americans have a bad rep in the world.
can you really just say
No Blacks, Asians, or Indians
and the website is fine with that lol ?
Because they aren't offering the same service as taxis and cabs.
First time I came in contact with black people that didn't pretend to be white was at college. There were so fucking many of them that got in just because they were black. So many fucking afros
>Black people that pretend to be white
>Implying you can pretend to be a race
Calling a car to pick you up and drop you off isn't the same as what a cab company does?
Staying overnight in a room that's offered for rent isn't the same as a hotel?
What's the difference?
Are you too fucking blind to realize people in different cultures act differently?
Asians are awesome tenants. Quiet respectful, keep to themselves.
Airbnb and uber are each creating a monopoly for themselves. They are putting taxis and hotels out of business in every state. I shouldn't need to explain why monopolies are bad for the economy. (1 company owns everything puts all competitors out of business then Jack's up rates and offers slave labor wages. Then Noone can do anything because they are too big) they are able to get around taxes because terminology assumes a local dispatcher for uber or an owned space or property for airbnb. It needs to be updated and hasn't so the law interprets it as a different service when it's the same thing.
lol was waiting for someone to post this, I actually met her when she was white around the early 2000's
No, but I don't see how color of skin directly correlates to ability to listen to certain types of music, dance, etc.
What is lyft ?
By your rationality, we should have stopped automobiles because it would be a monopoly over the wagon business.
>Democrats really are this dumb?
The irony that it drugs cab companies that lobbied for legislation to force smaller companies out of the market with over regulations
>we should have stopped automobiles
I don't think anyone (other than the cab companies) wants to "stop" them. They just want an even playing field.
If one competitor has to pay taxes the other one doesn't, that's a huge disadvantage.
Something else that people can get away with is renting out a place. Then putting the same space up on Airbnb that the actual landlord doesn't know about. And splitting the space between multiple people and charging each of them an overall more expensive rent for a place you don't own (which by law is only considered an acceptable living space for the landlord when exactly 1 person pays to stay there) Airbnb isn't subject to the same living space requirements so you can room as many people as you like in crappy living conditions.
Airbnb is how I earn 120 euros a night from some cucks
Usually they run by the city, and when the city plays in the game and makes the rules there is a conflict of interest that is somehow ok becuase democrats love thier shit government monopolies, but god forbide that private sector get to invent, work, ans inovate to become the best in the industry.
I hate anti trust laws, absolutely rediculous. Imagine how great Microsoft would be if the gov wouldnt have destroyed them. We all probably will live shorter lives from that injustice. But i guess we'll never know what could have been.
Except anyone can establish a company that offers just a fucking app. Airbnb and Uber cannot possibly enforce their monopoly if they ever got one.
>They are putting taxis and hotels out of business
So? Are you saying that we should have put anti-automobile laws to protect the poor, struggling horse industry?
Selling a wagon vs selling a car is a completely different thing. And thousands of different automobile companies sprang up and built cars. Just because there are a few businesses trying to copy uber doesn't mean it's not a monopoly. You need many businesses qdoing the same thing. Look at the major cable companies. They each got together and split up territories promising not to market their services in those areas. It's still a monopoly just a contractual one.
There are literally craigslist ads for free rides and ride sharing and empty rooms.
Uber and AirBnB have done nothing new or exciting.
The objective of a business is to become a monopoly.
Why is the reward for innovation and excellence in running a great business is getting punished? Monopolies are great. Its a shame standard oil was destroyed by the government. Rockefeller took a useless substance and fueled the entire country into a revolution of wealth and what thanks does he get? "Fuck you you evil greedy pig gimme your business so we can fuck it up"
it was for the public good.
>monopolies are great
Cucked good
I don't trust Craigslist and neither does anyone else. The difference between air bnb and Craigslist is that it's not anonymous. People want to see your place recommended by other people or that you are a good tenant. Craig's list promices none of this and offers no accountability if you pay for a space and Noone is there to let you in. It is better than a hotel because it is often cheaper or offers unique places not offered by hotels. Also air bnb is available everywhere making it extremely convenient. This is why they are billionaires.
A free market monopoly is great. Government lobbied and run monopolies are not.
Then I guess we should abolish taxes and close down all public schools and close down all public parks and museums and auction the places off to the highest bidder? In fact why do we even need a President or Congress. I don't want my hard earned money helping anyone but myself. Why should I get punished with taxes for trying to make a living? Those other poor people who need public programs and safety should have worked harder with no money for education or food or protection. And now we've reached the part where we argue over what the point or purpose of a government is in the first place. The government is there to make sure that people are protected and are secure in their finances. In order to have any form of government people have to pay taxes out of their own hard earned money. Rich people would just hire tons of security and install security systems for protection if they could.
The objective of a business is to make as much money as possible. If that means becoming a monopoly then OK. The fact of the matter is that a few people owning all of the money is horribly bad for the economy. A single person doesn't ever need to spend billions of dollars. They may buy a few nice homes, nice clothes, a few cars but the fact is that most of their money will never touch the economy for generations to come. What happens when you have a few people that control all of the businesses is the middle class disappears the upper class stays small or the same size and the lower class becomes enormous. In your version of the optimal economy most of America just become working class slaves making barely enough money to live and the top fraction of a percent of people own so much money they don't even know what to do with more than 1 percent of it. Yes they worked for their money but is that fair to people when the standard of living has dropped so low because rich people are entitled to the entirety of the economy?
So you're saying that "Friends" wasn't better than "Cheers"?
Tldr trump coin is the way to go.
the same way that a taxi cab is not someone's personal car that they drive and share their ride with on their own time, a hotel is not the same as a company that lets people share their rooms
Many cab drivers own their cabs, and are therefore "sharing their ride on their own time".
Aren't you just drawing a distinction without a difference?
And this is where the american dream comes in. LETS MAKE A Veeky Forums TRANSPORTATION SERVICE.
We can shill eth to the customers
Well we live in a socialist economy ao what do you expect?
>living in liberal cities
Found your problem
holy-mother-of TS50-ER! my old moped...
good times!
I cannot comprehend why taxi drivers hate Uber
What is stopping them from getting a lease on a car and driving for Uber?
>I cannot comprehend why taxi drivers hate Uber
0/10 bait
So what is stopping them from working for Uber?
>making something illegal is the same as taxing it
So instead of taxing gasoline to allow the consumer to decide if s/he is willing to pay more for something, gasoline should just be illegal? You're making a stupid argument bub. The example argument I made is purposefully stupid to show how stupid it is to think a tax on a service is the same as outlawing it; reductio ad absurdum
1/10 bait
(better than this one)
>so you can room as many people as you like
would anyone even pay for that?
>Taxi driver detected
You are the one who said some taxi drivers own their taxi, so the question the other user asked is a legitimate one. Also they could quit the taxi service and work for uber using their personal car.
You just don't have an answer so you decide to call a legitimate question bait.
Trump Wall building, taco bending, bean eating, lawn mowing, Mexicans would
That's why Anaheim banned it (it's one of the reasons)
Government-backed monopoly is created by a free market monopoly, you stupid fuck.
Who do you think pays millions to lobbyists? Current cable companies are notorious in blocking any competition via law-making.
>Taxi driver detected
You caught me.
Please don't tell the guys who own my medallion.
A monopoly is defined by the use of its power to stop the free market from working. There's no such thing as a free market monopoly.
>oh no someone found a better and more effective way to do things!
>we have to protect our old, obsolete system because I am afraid of change!
this whole thread
Tax needs to be paid tho
If i ever start an airbnb I will only rent to mid to upper class white people
Poor whites are no different from nigs and mexicans
okay but I was asking seriously
Would people who have smartphones and the app be able to reliably pay for more than one night and if they can't what are even the probability of filling 5 people every single day?
You'd have to be offering hooker services
don't steal my idea you assholes
its AirBitchandBitch, its a prostitute patform where anyone can be a prostitute.
they worked their way up in the taxi business or whatever, maybe bought their own taxi, maybe got their own medallion, built up seniority
and now they have to compete with everybody who owns a car basically
I would guess that's why anyway
Airbnb is overglorified squatting user!
>1 company owns everything puts all competitors out of business then Jack's up rates and offers slave labor wages. Then Noone can do anything because they are too big
kek this leftist meme is funny af
I have a question to folks who are used to airbnb.
The family of my wife has a property in a touristic location of Italy, since italian tourists are generally scum we were thinking to market to a international crowd via airbnb.
Problem is that i don't live there and the folks who should hand the keys and clean can't speak a single word of english.
Would it be feasible to communicate with hosted people through phone or email or in your opinion this will lead to complains and bad reviews?
You got what you deserved for harboring niggers.
Neither is legal in my state.
Its not sharing.theyre selling a service,often illegally and without proper insurance protections.
Attention uberfaggots.if any uber driver informed their auto insurance carrier they were operating their vehicle for commercial purposes,ESPESCIALLY as a for hire livery vehicle there would be no uber drivers.youre all lying shitsacks who need to find actual employment.
Uber is sharing and not a taxi service tho :^)
That's a terrible bed construction. Like entry level Pinterest shit there.
Should have specified the bed is not twerk-friendly.
Haha you relaxed
>he fell for the "blacks aren't so bad!" meme
>his first exposure to a real nigger turns him 180 degrees racist
I see this happen so often and yet every time I hear it, it's funny
Wonder if anyone lent their room to a serial killer and died...
>Be weebfag
>Use Airbnb for con
>Buy food, buy stuff in the surrounding areas
>Pay sales tax on said goods
>Business owners make more money, pay more in taxes
Cities that ban airbnb are only fucking themselves over in tax revenue.
Was it this guy?
It's a bread and breakfast in the sky
kek, now you know not to relax.
>Someone finds a more efficient way of doing things
>the people using the old system get mad about it
>I tried to give niggers the benefit of the doubt but they are in fact scum
yeah, just ignore all statistics because that's what retarded leftists tell you to do. go ahead and whore out your future daughters to niggers too so they can shit out half breed mongrels, you fucking moron.
Medallion cost a shitton you can't just say fuck it and join Uber
actually, whites, regardless of economic status, score higher on standardized tests and commit less crime than blacks.
But aren't poor whites that live in cities, influenced by black ghetto culture, and therefore are likely to act like them?
I mean, if those statistics are nationwide, they might be skewed in favor of poor white communities that aren't particularly influenced my black culture (such as poor rednecks and hillbillies). If we count poor whites that live in the cities, the difference (while still not nullified) might not be as big.
You can score whatever you'd like on your standardized tests, you're still an animal. And as long as you continue blaming your failures on other people instead of looking at yourself, you'll continue to be an animal.