Veeky Forums helpful infographic thread
Veeky Forums infographic thread
has anyone ever experimented with this?
i'd like to try but i'd like to hear from someone elses experiences first
I did the Everyman 2 for three months. Most productive three months I've ever had. I was working full time, reading 3 books a week, working out, and I felt fine. After a week or so, your body gets tuned to the new rythm, I would fall asleep and wake up bang on schedule, without an alarm.
Tricky to handle with a girlfriend, though. That's what made me quit
it's even hard to do monophasic because my gf sleeps at awful times, while I prefer 10pm-6am.
why was it tricky to do with a gf? "sorry baby, I've got to take a quick nap, brb"?
thats the shittest infographic ever
t. Scarcity mindset
i like to sleep from 6am to 12am
otherwise i have to sleep a lot more.
if i go to bed at 10pm i still want to sleep till 12am somehow.
>stating facts are mindset now
>thinks an opinion is a fact
I was naturally inclined to a somekind of Uberman, for years did 30mins every 4 hours.. school/college went smoothly with great results.
After that I took a responsability job and I couldnt do what I want wenever I wanted.. and it all went down to shit. End up taking SSRI and pills to mantain me on a "normal schedule". I feel less clear-minded but Im a much more productive human being for the society
Don't do it.
It's conditioned sleep deprivation.
tis a meme
There's been studies on this shit.
Basically you just stop noticing how sleep deprived you are. You're performing far below your standard but you just don't feel tired.
>read everyday
Man fuck you. Read what? You gonna reach some sort of zen state reading nothing but manga and minions fan fiction all day?
>Give other people credit for their victories
What? So you should just never accept any praise or acknowledgement? Just give credit for any good idea or hard work to other people? Why?
>Keep a journal
Sure helped ann frank. Again, how does this help? What does it help with?
>Keep a "To Be" list
So you should be some sort of sociopathic social chameleon who has no actual personality and just assimilates traits from others?
>Exude joy
And on the negative side
Criticism is an important process that helps you learn your failings and fix them. There's a reason shit like workshopping exists.
>Say they keep a journal but really don't
Thats...weirdly specific.
>Operate from a transactional perspective
The fuck does this even mean? Specifically, what are you talking about?
>Don't know what they want to be
Jeez, fuck people who don't know what they want to do with their lives.
>Watch TV every day
Ok, whoever made this chart is a very particular kind of person. They're like an annoyingly smug vegan. They're the kind of shit who takes every book they've ever read and proudly displays it on their shelves at home like a hunting trophy. They look down on tv and brag about reading because they have some middle school mentality that reading is always good for you and tv is always bad. Mother fucker, you get a hell of a lot more out of a good historical documentary than you do out of some shitty fiction novel.
I want to find the smug cunt that made this poster and punch him in the throat.
t. Extreme scarcity mindset
You'll never understand. Stay poor.
I haven't but a few guys I've talked to that tried it said it's nonsense.
We were meant to sleep in large chunks at night, with potential naps during the day. Trying to alter that just isn't logical.
>Man fuck you. Read what? You gonna reach some sort of zen state reading nothing but manga and minions fan fiction all day?
Read any book. Reading is well proven to increase your cognitive function let alone the vocabulary or information you learn.
>What? So you should just never accept any praise or acknowledgement? Just give credit for any good idea or hard work to other people? Why?
Means not being bitter and elevating others as well as yourself.
Instead of claiming you're the best you should give credit and not be afraid of hurting your ego by saying to someone "Hey nice x, that's really cool. I want to get one as well" instead of "fuck you asshole i bet u inherited that u piece of shit i deserve it fuck you the world owes me something"
>Sure helped ann frank. Again, how does this help? What does it help with?
It helps you stay on track and reflect on your activities.
>So you should be some sort of sociopathic social chameleon who has no actual personality and just assimilates traits from others?
It's hard to work towards goals if you don't know WHAT your goals are in the first place.
Yes... Smiling and being happy not only makes others around you happy which leads to more friends and business connections but it makes you feel good about yourself which means you're more productive.
It's the difference between watching a sad movie and crying and then trying to do some work or hanging out with friends...... OR, watching a motivational and inspirational film then getting to work.
>Criticism is an important process that helps you learn your failings and fix them. There's a reason shit like workshopping exists.
There's a difference, you know what was being talked about perfectly well.
>Jeez, fuck people who don't know what they want to do with their lives.
How can you work towards a goal if it's ambiguous and you don't know what you want to do?
>Ok, whoever made this chart is a very particular kind of person. They're like an annoyingly smug vegan. They're the kind of shit who takes every book they've ever read and proudly displays it on their shelves at home like a hunting trophy. They look down on tv and brag about reading because they have some middle school mentality that reading is always good for you and tv is always bad. Mother fucker, you get a hell of a lot more out of a good historical documentary than you do out of some shitty fiction novel.
>I want to find the smug cunt that made this poster and punch him in the throat.
You're literally the person the image is talking about
Needless to ask we can assume you are unsuccessful and bitter
I notice you didn't actually answer any questions.
I make 90k a year working 4 days a week.
Because I have this ability called Critical thinking. But please, go back to reading your copy of "The Secret".
I answered them all afterwards
I find it funny that the first point in the "bad mindset" is "criticize", which is exactly what the author is doing with this image.
Yes, I realize I am criticizing now too, but I'm not the one making stupid graphics like this so and believing I'm superior to others.
Yeah, Leonardo Da Vinci. He said it didn't work.
(I'm not kidding)
>Read any book. Reading is well proven to increase your cognitive function let alone the vocabulary or information you learn.
Ok then clearly just reading Veeky Forums is making me smarter!
>Means not being bitter and elevating others as well as yourself.
Funny that it doesn't say that.
>It's hard to work towards goals if you don't know WHAT your goals are in the first place.
It didn't say a "To-do" list, it said a "to-be" list. Anyone who can just freely change their personality and mold themselves into an entirely different person is not right in the head.
Fuck you?
>there's a difference, you know what was being talked about perfectly well.
No I don't because a shitty infographic only gives a single word, the counter to which is "Compliment". The association I get is that any criticism is bad and you should just compliment people instead.
>How can you work towards a goal if it's ambiguous and you don't know what you want to do?
Yeah, thats really easy to say and not so easy to actually do. Or do you have the next 50 years of your life all planned out?
This entire infographic is essentially telling people to be emotionally obtuse and manipulative while also shaming anyone who dares to have uncertainties about their life. It's about 40% bullshit and 60% obvious.
>Ok then clearly just reading Veeky Forums is making me smarter!
I said a book
>Funny that it doesn't say that.
It's a literal 3 word point, it's not going to be 6 sentences long.
>Yeah, thats really easy to say and not so easy to actually do. Or do you have the next 50 years of your life all planned out?
No you fucking dumbass.
it doesn't mean you need to plan out your entire life but it means you should be setting goals and working towards them.
You can change those goals later if you want but you need goals to be constantly working towards.
Tell me about your success with your "Abundance Consciousness" mindset.
>I said a book
You said that any book works. Why is it that any book works but Veeky Forums doesn't? Whats the difference?
Do you have any credentials? Maybe some tests to back any of this up?
>No you fucking dumbass
Hmm. Talking about people. Criticizing. Thinking you know it all. Holding a grudge. Exuding anger.
How quickly the abundant become the scarce.
>6 am to 12 am
You like to sleep 18 hours?
>10 pm to 12 am
I've done the Everyman 2 for about 2 months during school. Was really productive but the moment you miss the timing on your naps for whatever reason, you will crash.
Stopped due to scheduling. This shit is impossible with a full time job sadly.
Can'tstump steps down?
Might be a lie, but that means it's rip.
I find that I switch between some of the characteristics every month or so. However I always show gratitude, want others to succeed and I usually don't care enough to take credit for a victory.
6 hours but i can sleep up to 14 hours a day depending on when i go to sleep
sorry 12pm i guess i'm a 24h guy i don't really get this am pm thing. i like to sleep till noon that's the main point.
I really like this one
An infographic has information, not psuedoscientific bullshit, though. There's no sort of psychological evidence behind that. It's just a list of a bunch of negative traits and a bunch of good traits put on two sides of a page.
you have no clue what infographic is.
It's a tool to spoonfeed information for reasons.
Pseudoscience is also information.
Personal feelings, also information.
Infographic is a picture that presents SOME information, regardless of how biassed, accurate, relevant,... it is.
If you think you have seen even one infographic that hasn't been biassed and was even accurate, then I feel sorry for you. The worst ones have the most reference links on the bottom.