>interest rates have been ZERO for like 10 years
>the economy is in the shitter and everyone is suffering
When will this nightmare end?
>interest rates have been ZERO for like 10 years
>the economy is in the shitter and everyone is suffering
When will this nightmare end?
It cause of the old people!!!
Speak for yourself faggot I'm doing great.
My income has more than doubled in the last 8 years, and I just bought my first home.
Meanwhile, The stock market is hitting all time highs, the unemployment rate is the lowest its been in years, and the nightmare has ended, if albeit temporarily.
>The stock market is hitting all time highs
Because the federal reserve constantly pumps phony money into it.
>the unemployment rate is the lowest its been in years
That's not even close to being true, you have to be literally retarded to believe this.
Generation Y is totally fucked, they're either in massive debt, unemployed or working at mcdonalds.
>and the nightmare has ended, if albeit temporarily
only beginning, a pitstop before the plunge. just look at the US 10year - we're in trouble. i give it the rest of july into early august tops before it begins to start hitting the fan.
hoard cash, it's going to be glorious
>the unemployment rate is the lowest its been in years
He actually fell for this
>hoard cash
Why not gold?
>everyone is suffering
Only the poor people. The wealthy people are making a killing.
because thats going with it
What's going to happen and why do you believe this?
deflation and math
People have been saying there's going to be deflation or inflation for a while now.
What makes you think it's going to happen?
The FED is NEVER going to raise interest rates, it's not going to happen.
>The FED is NEVER going to raise interest rates
So then wouldn't that cause massive INFLATION and not deflation?
we've left the realm of sane economic theory some time ago
Sane economic theory got left behind when people realised it has to be absolutely bat shit insane to cover up the inherent contradictions of capitalism.
Can someone explain to me why an interest rate of zero is a bad thing? I don't want any money I save now to be worth less in 10 years.
t. economics retard
>contradictions of capitalism.
>I don't want any money I save now to be worth less in 10 years.
That means you want HIGH interest rates.
>the economy is in the shitter and everyone is suffering
t. I suck and my life sucks, so the system must be at fault.
The economy is great, and the average person has been doing really well. My net worth has tripled since 2008.
> 2% GDP growth
> Less than 5% unemployment
> The economy is in shitter and everyone is suffering
>unemployment rate
It'd be really great if that statistic wasn't deliberately mistitled.
>The economy is great
I get it, edgelord. You look at your own life and your friends' (kek, as if) lives and think, "this all sucks, so everything must suck."
But the reality is that everything is really pretty good. Look beyond your mom's basement, and you'll see the average person is doing fine ... and some are making serious bank.
So if the world's actually in pretty good shape, why is it that you think it sucks? Simple. Because you suck. Your life sucks. Your friends (kek, as if) suck. Your future sucks. At the risk of repeating myself, you suck.
So now you have only two choices: (1) bitch about it, or (2) do something about it.
By your extensive collection of meme pictures, it looks like you chose (1). That sucks.
>and you'll see the average person is doing fine
I get it, edgelord. You look at your own life and your friends' (kek, as if) lives and think, "this all great, so everything must be great."
But the reality is that everything is really pretty shit. Look beyond your mom's basement, and you'll see the average person is doing worse ... and some are working much harder.
So if the world's actually in pretty shit shape, why is it that you think it great? Simple. Because your great . Your life is great. Your friends (kek, as if) are great. Your future is great. At the risk of repeating myself, your great .
So now you have only two choices: (1) shitpost about it, or (2) do nothing about it.
By your extensive collection of ad hominem, it looks like you chose (1). That's great.
capitalist society has created a society where more individuals think
>If I work hard enough I can be a millionaire
rather than
>If the poor were to organize they could overthrow the system and move to a new economic system
What a perfect system! Everyone is too self-focused to organize.
Why wouldn't you be self focused?
I don't give a fuck about you or your family. I don't care if you're living in a box begging for money nigga cause im still gettin paid
How can you be this dumb?
1. Unemployment rate is manipulated/manipulative. It doesn't track people who are unemployed. It tracks people collecting unemployment.
2.. Nor does it track underemployment, which is more similar to unemployment than employment. If your mortgage is $1000, whether you have $0 or $999 makes no difference.
3. The prime rate us irrelevant to real people who are not banks borrowing from mommy government. The only reasonable loans right now are house and car loans. The prime rate may be 0% but credit cards are still rolling in at 25% APR and personal loans are 12%. These are similar or worse rates than when the prime rate was much higher, which makes the connection weak.
Pretty much all you cheerleaders go off of is the DOW or SnP. Most of the stocks that I follow are in the shitter. And this is all before I comment on the Soviet experience that shopping for anything has become, with many perpetually vacant storefronts and empty shelves. So what if you flipped some no-dividend stock or crypto paper for a few bucks?
And what's that 'new economic system' you are talking about? Communism?
>being a marxist
>on the business and economics board
You should probably kill yourself.
Also zizek is probably one of the biggest pseudo-intellectuals of our time.
You think people should live like they do in Venezuela?
Unemployment will be measured at 30% when Trump takes office.
People need to be employed and businesses are doing a poor job paying workers, hiring, and investing in their business so they can employ more people.
zero rate encourages spending and punishes saving. Interest on money = 0. Capitalism runs on savings being invested. No savings ... well might as well look at USSR.
the main reason the economy is in the shitter is because there's no savings
the government fucked over everyone's savings
kinda fucked up my post I also meant to say that people actually think millionaire status is more likely to happen than a revolution being a result of an organized revolt.
By being self-focused you screw yourself in the long run, humanity will fail to plan for the future, shit won't get done because everyone is waiting to stab each other in the back. Capitalist media has already destroyed the concept of "power in groups" and other collective action. Software developers will be reeeeeing on laotian knitting forums, while their masters outsource their jobs and make them compete for shit wages. When they should ORGANIZE!
A successful society is built on cooperation and collective interest.
Keep on believing you millionaire dreams and keep on working yourself to the bourgeoisie in hope that you, despite lacking any connections or mass stores of capital with which to invest , will somehow become a millionaire.
keep swallowing the capitalist media narrative that communism and people organizing is literally the worst and that there is no alternative. Communism is defined by its practitioners are you going to let 18th century philosophers and third world tinpot dictators define 21st century first world communism. because their definitions of capitalism are also pretty shit, how many you would want capitalism if the only example of it was Nigerian capitalism?
>Software developers will be reeeeeing on laotian knitting forums, while their masters outsource their jobs and make them compete for shit wages. When they should ORGANIZE!
They are free to create their own software development firm. Also fuck commies.
>When they should ORGANIZE!
No, Marxists should be ORGANIZED, ie. rounded up, then they should all be drowned.
Seriously, kill all marxists.
Their policies have caused nothing but mass poverty, suffering and death.
We need to abolish central banking worldwide and implement a free market and fast. It's the only way to dramatically boost living standards for the poor and middle class.
>and that there is no alternative
There is an alternative, a free market.
>Communism is defined by its practitioners are you going to let 18th century philosophers and third world tinpot dictators define 21st century first world communism.
That's a pretty pathetic excuse for communism's horrific failures. How many times has it been tried? Look at fucking Venezuela and how horrible that is.
You people are so brainwashed, there must be something genetically wrong with you.
once we understand that our altruistic morality is why we keep reverting back to communism, we'll be able to understand that selfishness and capitalism is good, not a necessary evil.
Yeah fuck communism!
I'm a libertarian racial nationalist.
Ayn Rand was a dumb bitch with flawed arguments.
You are a rambling idiot.
Go back to your hugbox college and hold hands with your marxist professors
>im a libertarian racial nationalist
> calls Ayn Rand a dumb bitch
>stock market all time high
>average murrican wealthier than ever
>unemployment lowering
but it's the doomsday!
Again, you fucking retard, the published unemployment rate does NOT measure the unemployed or unemployed, but merely those receiving unemployment insurance, a benefit with a clearly finite timespan. If everyone in the country lost their job tomorrow, and the economy had not started recovering after six months to a year, the published rate would be 0% even though 100% of the populace was unemployed. You are either a useful idiot or a manipulator so long as you push that meme that the published rate and actual unemployed status are linked in any way.
Further, the stock market does not matter to the majority of the population which holds no stocks, has no pension (the real kind or a 401K), is not compensated on the basis of share price, and, as noted above, may be unemployed regardless of being counted as unemployed.
The ignorance of this board is astounding, as if the proliferation of creeps shilling pump-n-dump crypto-coin schemes wasn't bad enough by itself.
Psst...it hasen't even begun
I'm an Australian here on holidays and USA is third world tier in a lot of ways, there is clearly major economic problems.
But I do get the feeling cash ain't hard to get here, like if I started trying to earn et al I would thrive.
Given I have my own businesses back home, jobs, education and so on that's probably just me.
expansionary fiscal policy + slowly raise rates
when everything is normalized and monetary policy can become effective again, things will be better
we will need to take on more debt and probably reach ww2 debt/gdp levels but given economic growth after that (hopefully through some sort of innovation) we can recover
else, America is definitely fucked
Americans had the chance to fix their economy. Instead, they doubled down on the bad credit and the immigrant slave labour and worker exploitation, which is what made it fail in the first place.
Well, I'm educated (engineering), employed, and have a business too, which is why my views have actually liberalized over the years.
What we have is a _veneer_ of wealth and easy access.
For example, you're here on vacation, so you may see lots of businesses. But if you live here, you see these businesses go under right as soon as whatever loan they got runs out or the vacant storefronts they leave behind for many months while you're back home. Yes, on paper, capitalism does have some degree of churn. But when you look into why these businesses fail, and the same reason comes up over and over no matter what kind of business, it hardly seems appropriate to blame it on competitive churn.
Likewise, you're a visitor, so you never get mailed credit card offers and thus never see how they pitch 25% APR as a great deal, and then deny you even though _they_ sought _you_ out based on supposed "credit worthiness."
Moreover, you may not even consider a bank for a loan. So you never see the insanely vague requirements. Everybody wants a "business plan" but nobody can tell you what one should look like. They have you in there ready to suffer a 12% loan, because at least it's better than Mastercard, and then send you away after wasting everybody's time.
And it's not helped by the fright wing media that peddles the myth of how easy it is to get on the dole and live like a king. These people never actually apply for assistance. If they ever did, they'd see how fucking slow it is and how many ways one can be disqualified or have the payout reduced. Our local governments love to require 20 forms, but only tell you about 5 up front, and send you back home for the other 15 1 at a time. You lose at least a day, often more, each time.
And forget the fact that the instant you actually NEED a loan, they disappear. If I had $25K in a savings account and need to buy a $20K piece of equipment, they'll throw it at you and unsecured. But if I had $19K, forget it.
I mean, it's clear as day that RENT is the biggest impediment to operating a business. But all everyone wants to do is squeal about the crushing burden of taxes. It takes me 10 fucking minutes to file sales tax once every 6 months. Meanwhile the Shekelsteins have piles of vacant storefronts practically falling down from neglect and feel entitled to $25K or more per month. Oh, sure, they'll catch some dummies who think they can sell enough donuts or hamburgers to make it and will end up ruining their lives, but I know there's no future in that. And without people willing, and able (this is the important part!), to make a small business work, the economy stagnates and ultimately contracts as the rentiers begin feeding on bigger fish because they've run out of small fish.
>get off my lawn
rabble rabble rabble
What they're doing now is setting up a scenario where everybody THINKS credit is cheap and that rates have to be raised. But the reality is that credit only LOOKS cheap and raising rates is going to FUCK people sideways. All of these people with a variable APR on a card or loan think "dur hur I'm not looking for a mortgage so it won't affect me." Wait until they want to start a business or their 15-year old car needs replaced or their kid needs a school loan and the rate hike will hit them like a freight train.
Or their customers. You can tell a mook in debt to live within his means when he complains about his finances. Yay, superiority and smug self satisfaction! But when this mook is your customer, and you need him to spend to keep you employed, that does you no good. And if we're not going to make earned money more available by empowering labor and busting oligopolies, squeezing people out of the credit scene is a disaster waiting to happen.
Buy lottery tickets. At least Elliot was intelligent enough to realize that its the only way out, but he gave up on it, imagine how many more lottery tickets he could have bought instead of weapons and designer clothes.
>lottery tickets
>the unemployment rate is the lowest its been in years,
Yeah, and the participation rate is the lowest its been in decades. And wage growth has been absolutely stagnant for the last decade. Faggot
Look at the trend in the unemployment situation report, you will see that we are quite literally in a depression still.
the reason we cant do this is because the fed waited too long, we are nearing the end of this business cycle and the next recession is around the corner, relatively speaking. If we start raising rates now then it will only speed up the process. Should have started raising rates years ago. We're going to have to go into NIRP
No man
Everything is fine, maybe
We're reaching a point where humans have been made irrelevant. Everything is automated. The only people making money who started from nothing are tricksters and tech guys. There's nothing else that needs to be done.
Two things could happen:
A) The hyper rich acknowledge that their vast wealth is not their devine right. Universal Basic Income will pass, and people will enjoy high quality lives wether they work or not.
B) We coral all the poorfags into slums. Anyone not of use to the automated systems of production either perform slave work for next to nothing or are allowed to kill each other over food.
No man
Everything is fine, maybe
We're reaching a point where humans have been made irrelevant. Everything is automated. The only people making money who started from nothing are tricksters and tech guys. There's nothing else that needs to be done.
Two things could happen:
A) The hyper rich acknowledge that their vast wealth is not their devine right. Universal Basic Income will pass, and people will enjoy high quality lives wether they work or not.
B) We coral all the poorfags into slums. Anyone not of use to the automated systems of production either perform slave work for next to nothing or are allowed to kill each other over food.
Pessimists will say B) but really I think A) is likely
you guys have been reading too much zerohedge or similar bullshit stories. statistics clearly show average people are wealthier than ever.
the only mcdonalds jobs is a meme too, as the rate of young people getting a "real" job is excactly the same it has been past 3 decades.
now, student debt might be a problem for someone who is stupid enough to get in student debt kek
automation will increase quality of living all across the planet exponentially as it has done past 100 years. only retarded people are worried that machines will take over their jobs and thus causing some kind of collapse of system. it's completely the opposite as gdp rises with less human hours
Pardon, what inherent contradictions? I'm not a cap or soc, btw, I'm just interested in what your criticisms are and how they are different from mine.
If interested, and young enough, you could study microelectronic engineering, go work abroad in Singapore, make shitfuck tons of money making the next gen cellphones that all the sexy little English speaking Asian girls will be using to flirt with each other and then touch their pussies.
Iono... any other ideas?
singapore is a fine city and sling is a fine cocktail
I'm not sure if this is copy pasta, but this is a terribly egoistic way of looking at the world.
In fact, a child could have this perception.
inb4 liberal; I'm not.
>stock market all time highs
We are where we were in late 2014.
>the economy is great
OP is retarded, but your first 2 claims are wrong and the third is meaningless.
Great argument, faggot. "B-b-b-but I'm not rich, so the economy must suck." Keep on telling yourself this despite all the contrary evidence. That's a great way to stay on mommy's basement forever.