How do I become like him?
How do I become like him?
Get old and move to Omaha.
Compound money 20% a year for >60 years.
ceru muh nigga
CERU buy the dip to the mOOt my nigro
Read The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham , and Margin of Safety by Seth Klarnan.
Just buy Berkshire Hathaway stock. Why the hell would you do the hard work, when he has already done it for you?
How do I get 20% compound interest rate?
buy trumpcoin
so this is the latest meme huh? What happened to etherium?
brb applying for a bank loan
CERU my nigga
trade on insider info.
Ethereum got fucked by the Dao
Trumpcoin got fucked by a single IT callcenter guy.
It literally spiked to 18k and got punched through the floor because nobody knew one of the devs was a retarded pajeet that would rather crash the coin than listen to holders.
No shit. Everybody is very surprised that a model for financial stability and reliability like trumpcoin ended up like that :(
Buy BRK.B not A class shares. B class is cheaper.
Just be yourself ;)
He is 80+ and will probably die soon. BRK will crash when he does
But it won't crash much. Possibly a reason to buy the dip. The again, WB is a celebrity and main asset of BH. Without him, they might plateau and not flourish as much. Everyone wants deals with WB, he is the heart of Berkshire.
By buying waves
>Have time machine
>Live in age where any idiot could throw money into textiles and make 20%/yr easy
>Act like you're a genius but be humble
No, he isn't. People do business with BH because it's a solid firm of reputable businessmen with a history of stern loyalty and professionalism. Warren is a large part of what is BH, but the firm will outlive him by many years. He's happy about that though, ask anyone around him.
Become a director for lots of big companies, develope a meme name for youself and buy stock options at those companies.