Are there jobs with a +1M/yr salary ?
Become a professional athlete
Wow, thanks for posting that epic meme bro
I don't have athletic skills
Very Famous actor/musician
I heard some really popular E sports players make bank
Probably some really popular youtubers, markiplier, Pewdiepie, whatever
Or you could play high risk stocks with a very high amount of money. I dont know of much else?
Only money in esports is team ownership and its been saturated for years
No. No one makes more than 999,999/year. There are actually laws against it. Nobody ever has, no one ever will
Then what's the highest paying job ?
$999,999. Are you stupid or something?
how do CEOs get millions each year? stocks? bonus? shit like that?
€999,999 euro a year
wish i lived uk £999,999
desu senpai a law like that would probably help a LOT of things...
Also an idiot. The vast majority of the extravagantly wealthy's income isn't from fucking salaries.
high frequency trading
i would imagine people with annual incomes like that usually dont have that every year
for example athletes can only make that kind of money young and ceo's have to deal with high turnover
most large company ceos get paid like 1$ a year. its so they look like they are good guys doingthe job for free when in reality they usually get crazy amounts of stock options that sell for millions and access to corporate funds to do w.e they want.
The only way you're going to get this kind of money is by starting your own company.
VP up to CEO can make 1M at any big corporation
That's not really that much for higher ups in bigger companies.
CEO or other execs at a large company
Partners at a large firm (law, accounting, etc.)
Some doctors and attorneys (depending on specialty and location)
C-level jobs
some VP jobs at big companies
some sales directors at massive sales centers
Some plastic surgeons
Business owners
That's about it man.
>when in reality they usually get crazy amounts of stock options that sell for millions and access to corporate funds to do w.e they want.
Bernie Sanders please go
Mittens Romneycare pls go
user never heard of a stock option. user thinks it is okay for government to bring people down instead of of raising them up
user thinks that cutting high salaries would result in low salaries getting raised. In reality it would just go back to stockholders as a dividend. I would never want proletarians getting paid more than absolutely necessary as a shareholder.
don't forget investment advisors with large books
Yes, but you will never have one
If you are really successful in a professional services niche, you can net 7 figures. Top attorneys can charge themselves out at $1,200+/hour.
>99% of Veeky Forums doesn't know what the word "salary" means
Where do you retards come from?