I'm using what would normally cost me 4000$ dollars in electricity bills, but I'm only paying 40$.
How can I use this to make income?
I'm using what would normally cost me 4000$ dollars in electricity bills, but I'm only paying 40$.
How can I use this to make income?
Any kind of alt coin or bit coin mining operation I would imagine would be really nice
Sell unused energy on the Internets. Make a website where peoples can download it.
there's no way that tiny lightbulb uses $4000 worth of power.
anyway, you must be stealing electricity somehow. i just sent this thread to the FBI
how does it work? i know it does not create energy by itself, but what does it actually do?
You would have to move either the magnet or the coil.
A moving magnetic field induces a current on a coil, hence the term induction.
i literally does nothing, assuming there isn't a hidden wire somewhere he charged the capacitors and took a pic before they fully discharged
If only I could store the electricity and sell it. But electricity isn't physical like gold and silver.
mine altcoins
Nikola Tesla was making free energy for everyone to be sent from a tower to the whole world to end poverty before the capitalists made sure no one would destroy theyre profits and killed him. I'm sure with some smart work, OP could have completed his work
Except he never managed to do 70 years ago, and no one has managed it since because mostly it was bullshit.
With the spread of information these days there's no way this would be completely covered up and all the "over-unity" power generators out there are just scams.
Make batteries.
ever heard of thermodynamics?
Seeing as how that magnet isnt moving, you're a god damn liar.
Source: electrical engineer
tesla is an idiot.
he was a genius in some parts, but had some very strange and absolutely wrong views about the laws of physics.
you cannot simply "create" energy
He also did not believe in electrons.
>le tesla broke the laws of physics meme
tesla only invented the tesla coil, and the only thing it does is transporting (not creating) safely electricity through the aire and wanted to use it instead of cables (like edison wanted and we do today because it's a lot cheaper and possible)
dude $330/month is a shitload of electric, wtf are you running
Cease and desist immediately or I will report your activities to the oil interest.
That's where your wrong. Nikola Tesla had a deeper understanding of the laws of nature (which are greater then the laws of psychics). In nature, everything is essentially created from nothing, or "born." Energy is no different. But the oil companies cant let you know this, that energy is as free as the air we breathe (which also comes from "nothing), so they keep burning oil in the power plants to keep the capitalist system alive and making money for the Republicans
>energy cannot be created nor destroyed
Exactly. It has been and always will be. Oil companies dont "create" energy. It is everyone's and Tesla knew it should be free since nobody makes it
You literally just said that energy can be created from nothing and now you're saying it can't.
Which is it, buddy boy?
You dont sound like you know what you're talking about.
we are talking laws of nature not of psychics
What are the laws of nature.
Just curious.
Fullmetal is that you
Read Tesla's books. I'm not here to explain how the world works to you
Then what are you here trying to do?
Exposing Rethuglican lies to sheeple like you
It hasn't worked, I just think you're retarded, sorry.
OP is confirmed woomeister.
>hurr durrr people caught on my bullshit and want to provide proof
>let me call him an idiot.
You're a pseudo-intellectual who think he knows everything and everyone is stupider than yourself. Buddy boy you're stupid and not special. Tesla experiments have been replicated after his death and most where fantasy. He was more talk than bark. Laws of nature is some stupid hippy shit. The real laws of "nature" is called laws of physics. Which states energy cannot be destroyed nor created. We recycle everything in this universe. Even your balls were once part of a star or a gorilla asshole.
I bet you will both vote for Trump and oil companies. Only a Democrat administration can save us with todays solar being the closest thing to Tesla's secret inventions. The only drawback is the sun is a limited source of energy and we must make sure we do not draw down all of its power through solar retention like the oil companies and Trump want
I think that faggot was trying to b8 you guys.
How are Duracell batteries made?
Top tier shitpost, m8
Magnets actually lose their....magnetism over time.
that's not the problem.
but the change of magnetic fields is what generates electricity.
in the simplest case, that is motion of the field