Hey richfags, can I start day trading on $1000 and actually make money?
No, I dont know what I'm doing.
I want rich. I want rich now.
meme for your time.
Day trading
buy low, sell high
buy the dip
thank you capt obv. Do you have any tips as to what stocks to buy or what to look for other than a high beta and a pretty wide 52 week range?
read some books on investing m8
quit trading, buy kneepads
I think the general consensus is to buy high, panic sell low mate. Stop spreading misinformation.
kneepads? for what purpose?
Ive read a few books about personal finance, intelligent entrepreneurship, thinking rich, thinking big, and I majored in International Biz. I'm cucked in the military, no matter how hard I work I'll always get paid the same on the 1st and the 15th. Need a solid online side thing.
S the D for Cash
>can I start day trading on $1000 and actually make money?
Sure, all you need is Robinhood.
That's what I read here.
Go make a twitter account and follow users that give out stock alerts
Put in a few shares and get ready for moon missions and 5 or 7 levels of irony
you could go for CFDs, its very high risk, but it works well with low amounts of cash
by the time everyone knows about it, it is too late
it puts its money in precious metals or else it loses money value again
Same. invest in your tsp. extra into a mutual funds in vangaurd through usaa.
Are mutual funds really the way to go? They seem good to me.
They're safer since it's a collection of stocks. They're still affected by stock trends and all, but I got one in VDIGX since it's based on high grossing dividends stocks. It pays dividends quarterly.
Drop a G into ceru muh nigga.
the high fees on mutual funds cut into your profits. etfs are the way to go.
>Parents knew a guy who was a day trader
>Essentially a professional gambler
>One day he lost his entire family's entire life savings
>He killed his entire family and himself
>They told me that if I ever became a day trader that I would be disowned and exiled from the family
It's no real way to live. You may as well play poker for a living.
Not really. There is a pattern day trader rule that requires you to have $25,000 in your account in order to day trade. This rule is in place to prevent people like you from coming in and losing their money then complaining.
That being said you can daytrade forex and futures if you can find a broker that will allow you to open an account and trade with only $1000.
put it all on MGT as soon as you fucking can.
john mcafee is an absolute fucking madman. he's going to change the world and make you rich along the way. the only question that needs asking is 'hmm what color of Lamborghini do i want?"
Pennystocks won't lose you much.
the answer's lime green, playa!
No, I don't want to waste my money on a fucking car. That's how you get broke again.
What titles do you suggest?
Real books please, not Rich Dad Poor Dad.
>Rich Dad Poor Dad
Start with Security Analysis by Ben Graham