How do you even trade in silver?
that pic is so 5 mins ago
The precious metals fluctuate hard. Platinum can be down when gold is up, and gold can plummet when silver booms. Right now I'd put my money in platinum because I think silver is near peak.
i think platinum is at peak too
I dunno, it's been low iirc, but I haven't been watching it too recently.
I meant more like, the process of investing in metals, I found the other silver thread though and it's talked about there.
Though can someone explain the different ways of holding it?
I've hear the term silver certificates?
buy the SLV etf, unless you want to buy the physical metal
Certificates basically suck, because PM bugs think that in the happening a lot of the metal dealers will go bankrupt because they sell way more silver and gold than they can actually deliver.
So kinda the point of buying precious metals is to actually have them in your hand. Some certificate from some dealer might not be worth anything one day.
Max Keiser had a portfolio wiped out in a gold futures market during 2008 because his exchange went bankrupt
reminder to buy gold now
1348 as i am typing, 100+ since brexit
will hit 1400 and 1500 later 2016/early 2017
buy gold stocks
have a good day
It will be 1500 by the end of July
Stocks are different from certificates how?
So what's your method? Mostly or entirely metal in hand?
They aren't
You can debate that the happening will never happen, but if it does, sure your stocks can be deleted too, they don't even give you certificates anymore
None of that stuff is FDIC insured
Stocks are things like gold mining companies etc
ah, so not the metal head on but related business? makes sense.
Any good investment news site? publication?
>sure your stocks can be deleted too
Has it ever happened?
How worried are you and what precautions if any can you take?
Except I guess taking out profits and turning it into something like real estate... but that fluctuates too.
There's not really any 100% safe investment/holding is there?
well, I am not trying to make a case for the Ultimate Happening, but even minor happening will spike gold and silver, there is no counter-party risk, if you can store and secure it, you don't have to count on any other institution to uphold their promise to you, which basically all forms of digital and paper assets are.
Sure, you can sue the counter-party, but in bankruptcy law you could still lose money
I got about 10k in gold stocks right now. All of them in the money.
This is my portfolio
same man
feels funny, 5% in few hours again...
what site/broker is that?
6,5 it is i mean.
fucking aussies are playing around.
if you can buy on swedish market i recommend nordic mines
currently 0.7 SEK/0.08 USD
they will open their gold mine again in finland within 1-3 months
it will go up to atleast 5 SEK/0.59 USD (it jumped 900% after pr about new ownership in 2015)
if the gold continues to climb it will go way beyond that since the company is now debt free, way less cashcost for extracting gold, new tech to get more gold from mining, they have access to currently unmined areas which are gold rich
anyway dont take my word for it read up on the company and you will see the potential that is there
TD waterhouse
Own physical silver. Buy Silver / gold mining company stock. If shit does really hit the fan though you're going to want to own water, food, guns and ammo, camping gear, then silver/gold.
silver is dipping, what do
its testing the 20, calm down, i noticed the same dip happened to gold, which means someone just sold a shitload of it.
okay cool
Fuck CFDs man, lost almost everything in like 3 seconds, and that is big money to me
I am actually Swedish but very new to investment. How do I go about buying some?
>Making 2% gain over the course of 6 entire months
Why even bother
>i can't read chart
Why even bother
Silver etfs are more liquid. DBS SIVR SLV
I think pre-empting speculators is a good strategy.
Brexit for example was almost 50/50, it would be too risky to buy before brexit, but after the startling result speculators will all chime in and you can ride it up a little, you will then have to sell more promptly than the others. Probably too late now though, there is a risk once they realize most of the shock to the markets was speculation it may drop back down.
2% is only over a very short interval, just look at the pricing from 14-20 in 6 months
22 is gonna break soon, if this keeps going like this. Not afraid yet, but somewhere before 25 i pretty much get off, i guess.
I wish there was a way to meme it there...
why do you think 22 will break soon?
Retail investors can trade at They hold the metals for you in New York, London, Zurich, Singapore depending on which market you purchased it in and run a peer to peer exchange. Commission is 0.5% pet trade.
That's nuts.
$100 for the buy and the sell, or is that for each direction ($200 total)?
>Mfw been stacking the ounces since December when people told me silver wasn't worth my time
Bless my shinies. It's looking to prod the 21 mark, but I think it'll dip down to around 18 again before pushing higher. Wait until that big dip before making any moves.
make an account on avanza
$20.60 an oz spot atm. Physical holders how do you plan to sell?
Ebay? Craigslist?
>physical hoarders
Selling? My golds and silvers?
You can sell directly back to dealers like APmex and Jmbullion for 90-95% of spot, so I might take that route. Or I'll check some of the local coin and billion shops and see what they're willing to offer.
same bro's
its good to see there are others
not just yet $24 is my goal min
My bro, I got 6900 shares in that too.
Can't wait for the plant to fire up and start producing that sweet sweet HPA and other rare earth metals.
Is that "Nordic Mining", ticker "NOMO" on the Stockholm Exchange?
Just an FYI JP Morgan has been stocking up on silver for the last few years.
Inb4 market flood.
Mine is $600+
its NOMI