Is anyone else tired of being a NEET?

Is anyone else tired of being a NEET?

I'm so tired of doing the same thing every day with no purpose:
>Stay up all night posting
>Sleep through the day and wake up at 1-2pm
>don't even brush my teeth anymore or shower
>Eat some shitty food my mom made for me that I can microwave because I don't know how to cook
>Lack of vitamin d because I never go outside
>No money to buy anything
>The most I've accomplished is watching a lot of anime and playing 1000's of hours of numerous games
>Literally no purpose, can't find a job because im a 25 neet with no experience
>can't even watch regular porn anymore because years of masturbating to 2D made me incapable of being aroused by real women, even porn women
>Parents hate me and threaten to kick me out but feel bad
>No hobbies
>All my past classmates finished College and are now happy
>I weigh 260lbs but too much anxiety to go the gym
>no future, if parents die I will be forced to commit suicide

I mean I love posting smug NEET pepe's but I just do it to keep my mind off my depression and thoughts of suicide. Anyone else do similar?

Neet life really isn't all it's cracked up to be... I hate this

You have a competitive advantage in that you have nothing (or not a lot) to loose. If I was in your pos. (I know it is easy to say) i would try to flip the ´bad' situation in my advantage. Remember that scene in 8miles where eminem (kek) destroy his african american opponent saying that he is white and a fucking bum that do live in a trailer with his mum? Something like that.

I'm depressed and i have anxiety

fuck off normal fag

You have all the time in the world to study forex trading. I'd recommend going through the course on babypips at least twice, then starting to demo trade. Let your parents know and get them involved so they can motivate you

You don't need to go to a gym to exercise. Why don't you start by taking daily walks? And work your way up to doing situps/pushups in your room?

Dude, you need to start jogging, running and then get yourself into ANY employment. Work your way up from there.

You can only find the strength to elevate your situation from within. Without it, no one can help you.

Depression is a bogus condition for what is essentially a failed ego trying to distance itself from harm.

You failed in direct competition against your peers and now your ego has produced a coping mechanism - escapism and self-pity masquerading as an illness.

So it's your excuse for not doing anything about it?
>muh want to changez my life iz shi
>yeah but i cannot change im anxiolicious
>i want change
>i cannot its too hard

t. Normies

What part of depression do you not understand?

Fuck off

This autist posted the same thread on /int/ yesterday...

Depression is a medical meme illness.

Get a script for add meds snort it daily

Add meds=powdered motivation

Not him, but I take meds. Strong ones, too. It doesn't take away the pain.

Not even adderal? I just snort 15-30 mg on days I feel start to feel myself sliding back into depression

If dopamine rushes from adderal cure your depression it isnt depression

teach yourself how to code simple websites. Make websites for people for payment. this is minimal human interaction as it can all be done through emails or Skype chat (phoning would make things easier but I think that's out of your league). They don't even have to be complex websites just learn how to work with nice wordpress themes and you're set.

also if you want to go the extra mile learn how to write decent copy and how to ranks sites in google's search algorithm.

if you give me any excuse at all then it's already too late and this thread is pointless.

Try actual pain.

It usually cures makes believe pain pretty quickly.

Do you have college education?

fuck off, depression.

Do you live in a third world country?

Are you inferior or lagging in comparison to your peers?

Do you have a TRUE physical medical condition?

Sorry to be a nit picking user but I never said it would cure his depression. I was just offering advice that I have found to be useful. When I was hospitalized they readjusted my meds, put me on a good sleep schedule, included me in group therapy and focused on fixing the negative mental habbits. When I was realized it was a slow and steady path towards happiness and I was able to get off my meds. Unfortunately I now suffer from Post SSRI premature ejaculation so I take a small dose of my old meds a everyday for about 3 days before I know I'm going to have sex. Unfortunately the on and off usage of my medication creates mood swings and I have found that using adderal to give myself a productive boost sets my future self up for productivity and motivation.

>don't feel like getting out of bed
>pop a pill or two, become filled with energy
>do everything I need to do
>next few days have no problems motivating self and go about life normally

This is b8, right?
No one is really that self pitying. Surely.

>can't find a job because im a 25 neet with no experience
this is wrong, you can easily become a security guard with no experience

You can literally just save up 2 grand and day trade like those fucks from RGT threads, I turned $600 into 1900 and then split that into some other shit. I drop 5k at a time and make 10% of it every 3 days and then add to it.

>work out
>eat right
>get sunlight
>get an it help desk job
>rinse and repeat for 1 year

all it takes for you to turn it around bruh.

>keep doing what you're doing

all it takes to die alone hating yourself, your life, and your god for putting you in this situation

which one is more appealing? nothing changes if nothing changes

Depression is just you coping with being inadequate.

Only way to cure is to git gud.

Is FX trading actually profitable? Biz always seems to recommend avoiding it...

>Comes and asks for advice
>rejects all of it
>wants a magic cure
>there isnt one
> isnt willing to go through the work to change

Sorry we cant help those who are unwilling to do the work. Try staying off r9k, you become who you hangout around and that place is the biggest cess pool of failure to exist on the planet. Sometimes i go there just to observe the misery and remind my self of what I never want to become.