Women are fucking worthless in the Veeky Forums world. Occasionally you get that one tomboy daughters girl who sounds smart but that little bit of woman always peeks through and fucks everything up. I'm sick of it
Women are fucking worthless in the Veeky Forums world...
Try /r9k/
What are your experiences? Tell me some greentext stories.
I've only had negative experiences when you're past 1 woman in an office environment.
>1 woman
She's the only female presence and she doesn't have to compete with anyone for male attention or the female spotlight
>2+ woman
They seem to endlessly compete with eachother to be the top woman, and not in a business related way, in a selfish I'm a bitch, fuck you cunt type of way.
try r9k or pol
someone already said that, you are not funny
And niggers aren't any better. I'm happy to say I'm not subject to anti-discrimination laws.
Women are great in sales in male-dominated professions.
Holy shit, if she knows what she's doing you will have retarded male customers eating out of her palms. Men are so fucking stupid and easy prey.
It's never just the office either, I experienced that shit at a bottom end package shitter at UPS.
>2 women working in the package sort.
>One woman always feels the need with being everybody's favorite and making sure all the guys like her and talk to her. Generally a heavy flirt type. Usually worthless as fuck as an employee. Woman 1
>The other works hard and is married so she doesn't give a fuck about trying to blue ball everybody at work. Just wants to get the job done and leave. Generally can be rude at times if you aren't working up to her par or standards. Woman 2
> Woman 2 tells Woman 1 to come to the front of the package truck to help unload. Woman 1 gets pissed off and eventually has a shitty argument with Woman 2 where they both had to get sent home and anything involving it reported to HR.
>My face seeing this shit at person on a 2:45hr Shift, they work 1:30hr shift....
It's not a joke. It doesn't belong here
The women i work with are great. no idea what op is talking about
If you can't handle the bant you can't biz go back to your safe space on reddit hon. Girl power!!
You basically learn that women are not matched for the workplace in psychology 101. It is social and career suicide to ever explain this outside of the internet to anonymous strangers.
Nothing will show you the truth about gender differences faster than business
t. The woman at work
Women should stay home where they belong, if I had a business I'd avoid hiring women.
Call me a fag butt I'd rather hire fembois
cool dude thanks for the blog post
>implying op is wrong
Apparently cunts have found this website. Or cucks.
>Men are so fucking stupid and easy prey.
Try to sell me something.
There are no eyelashes so big that you can force me to do something
Best boss I ever had was a woman and women tend to be the best salesmen. I hate socialist cunts but women can be already in Veeky Forums world desu.
In other news, The Sky is still blue.
No but there are tits big enough. Quit overplaying yourself you overconfident virgin.