Is there a Veeky Forums-approved guide on moving out?
My parents are absolutely destroying any attempt at success with their poorfagness and pessimistic attitudes
Is there a Veeky Forums-approved guide on moving out?
My parents are absolutely destroying any attempt at success with their poorfagness and pessimistic attitudes
try r9k
I just need advice man
This is personal finance related
Do shit u would not normally do, i went from tool maker , cnc programmer to being care giver and cleaning old people asses in private home
Its not most glamorous job but I dont have to pay anything for food bills...etc
And on end of month I get paid save everything. While I was working as Toolmaker, you always have headacke with moving , renting food bills and end you keep less than half of paycheck
That doesn't help us
HOW do we move out exactly?
I have a few things I'll post in a second, user.
The key is to come from a well off family and/or find a way to sell drugs or your body easily and safely.
Also do well in school and have a good resume and networking ability.
When picking a woman, look for someone who is great in the sack, but also who is independent, well-educated, and comes from wealth. I'm assuming you're white trash, shed that immediately.
And of course, hit the gym, delete Facebook, and have a lawyer's number ready.
Forgot image. This one is relatively shitty but you get the idea- a good resume is important.
Well you noved out faggot what else do you want to hear?
How to acquire home in 1 day?
You sound like 16 old fag
The details my man
So where does saving and investing come in?
According to my research a 4000 Euro investment into the Dutch economy is required to obtain an investment based residency, with the euro and the dollar approaching parity this is becoming easier to do than ever before. Apparently this gets you full benefits too (can someone confirm?).
Personally speaking, when my Obamacare runs out I'm going to need to move to a civilized country simply to keep my standard of living, which would decline if I died due to lack of healthcare.
get job, pay rent, pay other bills
repeat its not hard faggot im 18 and do it
What kind of job do you have?
You're living paycheck to paycheck if it's minimum wage...
this is hard to believe. if it was true then every poo in loo and sudanese nigger would come there after saving up money for like 10 years to get 4000eur
How do illiterates like you even find this place?
Bro sometimes you have to deal with fact that not everyone will be rich and have good job. Most of us will be below average of faggots. Its like law of phisics. Dont expect still in this century to change
When you first move out you will likely live paycheck to paycheck. Even people who are pretty well off do this for awhile because establishing yourself is a long process. Took my wife and I 9 years to go from living in a 1 room apartment and clipping coupons to living in a 3600 square foot house with furniture and shit.
The first step is to get a decent job and find a roommate.
They can't take advantage of US dollar exchange rates because they don't have US dollars.
start your own business. Even if it's mowing lawns or walking dogs.
If you can get to where you can make $100 a day then you can move it.
It's that simple. Not easy, but simple.
That sounds horrible
Living with my parents may suck but at least I'm not doing bad financially and I can easily drop $300-500 on something I want because it's a single paycheck or less and I have next to no expenses other than food, gym membership, etc.
This. The only reason I'd ever move out is to be able to regularly fuck a girlfriend. Like that's going to happen.
>The only reason I'd ever move out is to be able to regularly fuck a girlfriend.
Daily reminder people blow $20k/year in living expenses just for this
Well it's certainly not the only reason, i can think of about a half dozen more good reasons to move out but if you're on minimum wage and you're not absolutely in a shit position like living in some town in the middle of nowhere with no businesses or infrastructure then staying for a while longer as possible seems better.
Still though, I'm starting to make decent money and it's getting to the point where parents are quite heavily impeding on my progress.
Lexi Belle goes for 1000$ a fuck, so 20k a year seems like a good deal. Since she's fat now it's realistic.
I wonder what the average market price of sex is these days? I'm sure some user can do a cost benefit analysis.
Most of the world lives this way and the households function like little communes. It is a great way to make sure that nobody starves but it is not a great way to become wealthy.
>Most of the world lives this way and the households function like little communes
That's because they cannot financially afford to move out, countries like Spain has 50% youth unemployment or whatever it is now.
And jsut because someone else does it doesn't make it good. You can manage to survive doing just about anything in life, and even get decent results with it no matter how retarded it is, but it doesn't make it a good option compared to the alternatives.
>The only reason I'd ever move out is to be able to regularly fuck a girlfriend
I guess it's cheaper to stay where you are and just fuck yourself.
Here was my experience moving out of my parents' house at the age of 18:
step 1: enlist
step 2: pass a drug test
step 3: realize oh shit I just gave the government ownership of my life oh well beats living at home with my lame parents
about 300 usd an hour. its market rate, not cost/benefit hurdurr
My monthtly income is $5500
give me a reason
>My parents are absolutely destroying any attempt
Nice blame. Do you often fail 'because of others'? Yeah?
About 300 usd an hour, and what's the average number of fucks (X) one gets when living with a gf for 1 year?
20k - 300X = {choose gf if 0}
Substituting 111 for X gives us 33,000 - 20,000, with a net surplus of 13,000.
>tfw no gf is equal to losing thirteen thousand dollars
>Nice blame. Do you often fail 'because of others'? Yeah?
1. Live in an area which lends limited opportunities for networking, jobs and other
2. Parents' bad habits are rubbing off on me and affecting me somewhat negatively
>Save up money
>Buy house double the vale of the money you saved, pay rest by credit
>Have someone rent a part of it for income
>save money again
The 20%?
>If the apartment has security gates make sure that they are not broken.
I have lived in many apartments user from shit tier to pretty swanky digs. Never have I seen a gated community that could keep its gates in working order. Gates will not keep anyone out of the property except the people who live there. I would give no strikes to a community with broken gates they had no intention of fixing.
My recommendation is to live at home with wealthy parents until they buy you property near the city-center or you can afford it yourself.
I personally hate gated communities because the gates always seem to break but they do have one redeeming feature: they keep out door-to-door salesmen.
how do i get my first job Veeky Forums
i'm from a super sheltered family and want to break out of the NEET nest
is Veeky Forums the new /r9k/?
Always been, newfag
I rented a condo in a gated community
Some fuck drove straight through the wooden gate. Laughed my ass off