Providing codes for 10 trump for newbies on yobit, take an interest, if it baloons I have given you free money, post yobit usernames and codes will be fired off, only 50 free trump to disperse.
Providing codes
50 Trumps will be worth $1000 once Trump endorses his coin.
hi im wherethefkami give me free trumps please thanks
sent as agreed!
make me rich :^)
sent senpai!
cheers compadre
Thanks for making me never have to work again
What am I suppose to click?
My username is:
Once I get some trumps can I easily transfer them to my PC wallet?
when can I buy my yacht
Your yacht will be made entirely of poo if pajeet has his way
May I have one sir? It's been a hard winter. The fox got into the hen house again
Username is Dersu
ty m8
Get 'em quick before the holiday bump as neet autists are forced to interact for the first time this year. Families are gathering, discussing Trump, end-times, preparation, and investment.
I'll repay the favour when I'm a millionaire, OP.
Please share
sent :)
Hmmm, have I been banned on the yobit trollbox because I explained that I done some research on scotcoin last week when I found it (since I'm scotlandfag) and bought some, now it seems Chris (chicken65) is involved in it, I simply explained that I live nearby the scotcoin base and now I'm banned for 2 hours?
>you have 50 coins so you aint a newbie
Am I supposed to understand whatever point you are making?
Is this available?
memecoins is my username btw
please give free TRUMP
i will make it worth your while