why is java the best language to learn for a beginner Veeky Forumsnessman?
Why is java the best language to learn for a beginner Veeky Forumsnessman?
Because you can write a shitty game for android phones
Java is not the best language to learn for beginners
what is the best language for beginners?
>what is the best language for beginners?
what is the best resource to learn python?
is there a quicker option than sitting through the entire MIT online course or will that be the best method of learning?
What language is used to create websites?
Or is something else used for them?
If I start my own business how could I go about making a website for it, assuming I dont pay someone else to do it?
I've been having a good time with this: interactivepython.org
I prefer books imo.
Try "Learning Python the Hard Way". Seems good.
If you care about your business you will pay someone else to do it.
t. web developer
Does having your own website automatically mean you have to pay for monthly server and domain costs?
Java is the best cause you can actually get a decent high paying job with it. .net languages are also high paying.
javascript/html/css is also worth learning .
so you would recommend java over python?
and then learning javascript/html/css afterwards?
is python ever worth learning then?
Learn Python the Hard Way is shit. Literally a fucking typing test. Don't be a cunt. Spend $80 on a Coursera course on Machine Learning and have an actual portfolio of working apps when you're done.
>Coursera course on Machine Learning
doesnt that course require prerequisite knowledge of python? or can you go in as a complete python noob and learn what you need?
If you want a good intro to python course with no prerequisite knowledge I STRONGLY recommend automatetheboringstuff.com
Some people will object to it because it prioritises being practical and useful over being rigorous. But it is very enjoyable and fosters a healthy mindset towards programming as a tool.
It's kind of the ideological opposite of Learn Python The Hard Way which I agree with is shit.
Remember that you shouldn't learn to program just because you want to be a programmer.
Programming is a tool. You need to have problems you want to solve and ideas for projects to work on or you won't get anywhere.
The way programmers get good is a continuous cycle of starting projects at the edge or even beyond your ability and then learning what you need to make it happen.
python is a meme language . Its cool and stuff but doesnt get you far. It reaches a ceiling in terms of is potential to make you marketable and atleast have money.
Your best bet is a language enterprises use and that is either java or .net .
Plus with java you could also build apps of you are not a lazy fuck.
The reason why javascript/html/css is valuable is because its the default internet set of technologies.
So you can fiddle around with pretty much any web based technology like Angular JS, SAP UI5, Web apps, ux designs , ethereum apps ect.
JavaScript is for developing a website. Also you will need to learn markup languages like html/css. Best place to start I would say codecademy, which let you practice coding in real time, just to get a glimpse of what it does then purchase some courses on Udemy once you decide to go deeper into it
Forgive the slow response.
It doesn't require any prerequisite knowledge of Python, just a general understanding of how logic and programming work, along with some sense of Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Statistics. I had never touched Python before, but my understanding of R and MatLab made out fairly easy to pick up. It you understand where the lecture is taking you, is really only a matter of syntax.
One word of caution though... The female they have recording the lectures is fucking heinous looking. She is ugly to the point of distraction. Like Coney Island levels of hideousness.
Because java, much like English. Is a language the whole world speaks
Python is good for about 15 minutes.
Then if you need to learn type theory or do any real work at a company, it becomes useless.
I mean, if you wanted to run a business there's better things to spend your time on: Wordpress, PHP, web stuff (JS/CSS) or if you really want more control, then use Ruby or Rails or Django.
But you're not a programmer unless you know about concepts like types, inheritance, concurrency, algorithms, data structures. Java IS a good place to start for both server and application development, C# for Windows, or maybe C++ for anything else.
The money is in these. Look up developer jobs: top skills are C++, C# (ASP / .NET), Java (Android).
Udacity's intro to computer science and python basics are probably the best.. and they happen to be free
Coursera might be a distant second
copied from twitter:
a. Decide where you want to live.
b. Check indeed/glassdoor for top dev salaries
c. Start learning top paying language from ground up. Read books on theory. Memorize API.
d. Build stuff. Start with tutorials then grow.
e. Learn basics of latest, trendy frameworks for CV keyword stuffing.
f. Build something useful.
g. Apply for jobs
h. ????
Learn Visual Basic. It will help you do more with Excel and, later, Access. These dummies pitching Python are assuming you can bootstrap an environment that Office programs already provide for you.
I work in IT recruitment. If you have the time and energy - seriously learn .NET or Java.
/g/ here. The best language for beginners is Java because it inherits styles from C/C++ while being the inspiration of styles in Javascript/Python. Basically, you get exposed to a little of everything in it.
It's not the easiest to learn, but you can learn practically anything if you learn Java first.
Javascript is insta-jobs m8.
Read a python book there are plenty out there and it'll work you through the whole programming introduction. Pick a good book tho, there are a zillion python books out there
Java is mostly for future codemonkeys. Might land you a job but I don't think it'll ever be a good one.
I too think it's best to
>learn thoroughly
>make something to show
>learn incrementally
last question before i decide on which programming language to learn first;
ive always heard that python is a GOAT language for automating and scripting to make your job easier... is java as capable or useful to implement solutions at my job for these purposes?
I'd say start with Python to get your feet wet, then move on to Java once you feel comfortable.
Java is garbage.
Learn python for general programming.
R for statistics
Javascript for web dev
C++ for game dev or performance critical programs
Java/Swift for Mobile apps
Also I recommend either Clojure or Haskell to get a good grip on functional programming.
I used to meme Python, C++, and C, but now I am using Rust, Go, and Swift and I must say I am *very* satisfied for most things.
I bet you have the most elegant hello world programs.
The only language on there ready for primetime is Go. Which is ok, but Erlang/Elixir is better for backend work where high concurrency is the goal.
Rust has no libraries and swift breaks its API every 5 months.
no. python.
javascript #1 -for coding the actual website
so much shit will open up 2 u .
javascript is everywhere
java is a joke unless u already have an old job where they still use it.
/ html/ css - for look of website
sql - for storing info of website old fashion style
php - for storing info of website
will take u father than u will ever probably care 2 go
How much time does it take to learn Java from zero, practicing 2 hours a day approx?
And Phyton?
If I'm a lazy fuck who doesn't want to manually data slave every menial task, I should learn python right?
It really depends, but 2 hours a day is good and you will see results quickly.
python would be useful, yes. or bash scripting, or even excel/access.
Good thread here.
Javascript sounds like the best for what I want, what would you guys recommend as a resource for learning it?
codecademy will guide you through to the point where you can make a simple game.
Please, help me get started.
I have 0 experience with coding, and I am willing to invest ~2 years of my life in coding.
I am interested in developing enterprise and game application on iOs.
I prefer 2D, i might need to use server of some sort (multiplayer, data storage, access ... )
I enjoy good, simple graphics, smooth usage,
Where do I go from here?
OP here, should I go for HTML5, CSS and JavaScript?
can you make good money without a compsci/se degree and while being shit at maths?
seems to only option is to do web development and that area is flooded.
if u wanna do all that , u should really focus on learning as much as u can about everything u possibly can . you will find out for urself what is truly important to ur needs thru trial and error and practical practice. it will be frustrating sometimes so remember, rome wasn't built in a day. .
i would start with Javascript (node.js, socketio, express dependancies, with mongodb,
maybe look into the google cloud, for hosting multiple vms' storage etc , its in its infancy but u should fuck around with it cuz they give u 300$ worth of free credits.
somebody just advised me to learn Java and LibGDX framework for my purpose. I decided creating small game apps for Android.
Do I still need Javascript here?
How does the whole thing add up?
How can you be sure that Javascript isn't going to be replaced/outdated/outclassed by some more advanced programming language or even automated system. Sort of like happened with html, some 10-15 years are that was enough to create websites and earn good money. Now you can create a website on the internet, it will be very fast and free of charge.
Also isn't there just too much freelancers with full stack (js, html, css + some frameworks) and portfolio already? Think about India, Eastern Europe etc. Millions of programmers.
>inb4 indian code
Yeah, i know, but JS is relatively easy to learn and that's why there is a shitload of competition, especially at entry levels.
The web-dev field is getting more and more saturated with each day, one day there won't be enough work for everyone.
>if u wanna do all that , u should really focus on learning as much as u can about everything u possibly can
learn for yourself, dont ask for help unless u really need it because u dont know if u can trust the information.
most coding language is alike.
i say js. because it is efficient streamlined
and still extremely powerful
if u learn it u can learn anything else.
if u get into this , u will learn other languages.
i just recommend js first. its super fun immediatly useful, u can sanity check in google chrome web dev, and easily serve up a site on a local host just by opening ur html file. it goes deep into cool shit, u learn alot.
i know alot of languages (java, c# c++,python swfit,, but none are as cool or powerful as quickly and as practical as javascript. research its history and shit, its fascinating, its a great foundation .
get an app for ur phone and learn while u shit.
i recommend "sololearn"
they do a buncha languages, and when ur done u get a legit snazzy certificate signed by the ceo .
honestly i recommend u learn how 2 write ur own better programming language for ur own hardware u create.
look into ardunio
harvard has free computer sciences courses.
its a first step in a journey
no hacker is gonna take u seriously just by knowing javascript
unless maybe u have master prototypal inheritance and recursion and currying
and functions , and arguments
and can map out advanced math formulas
and solve problems but
then ur way ahead of the game.
one thing senpai. .u never stop learning, never stop pushing.
most of those coders
mentions , aren't business builders or innovators, there just button mashers they can do a basic job, thats not what u wanna do ...
or else just get a job sucking dicks.
What are the best/most versatile frameworks to learn wise user? I already know python, JS, perl, HTML, and some PHP
How dare you insult Coney Island ?
Learn c# better then java.
fucking kek.
if u know so much , write ur own.
be the change u want 2see.
Frameworks are garbage.
(Ip change because mobile)
My knowledge is more of a CS graduate understanding of things (ie: Breadth vs depth). I could probably do most things a project required, after spending an hour or two remembering how to do them exactly.
I'm an incredibly quick learner and understand complex algorithms, I just tend to have a problem remembering specific syntax.
js syntax is incredibly simple.
im currently writing a frame work , that takes advantage of long polling and web sockets to create a sort of infinite loop of functional regression between clients and servers for more simple seemless asynch communication in a more logical and intuitive way than currently availiable, for my own proprietary finance and trade software, and a fun mmorpg im coding on the side.
but yea. why learn a frame work that isn't your own? there all written in basic javascript.
if u have a problem with html , maybe u could write your own framework that translates js to html.
theres alot of codes out there that do something similiar with regular text or document formatting.
I would think that JS will be around for a while. Of course mainly within frameworks and not native, but nevertheless should be around.
And regarding fullstack - I think everyone seeks out fullstack for some reason, especially at lower paying companies as they can't afford shit to pay for every role, so they just look for jack of all trades.
There is this faggot cunt who "learned" python from two O'Reilly books. "Introducing Python" and "Data Science from Scratch". This cunt went from being a retard frontend webdev to "data science" because of his fake skills and got a FUCKING 75% raise in salary.
Take from it what you want.
quit memeing monty python grandma
What was his original position and salary?
This is important because an increase from 3 free street poos a week to 5.25 free street poos a week might not be worth the trouble.
Just my opinion, but I HIGHLY disagree
I think Java is a waaay better language to learn as a beginner than python. Not even close in my opinion.
What are the biggest differences between the who and what makes C# better in your opinion?
Does C# have stuff like pointers?
What the fuck is the point of long polling when you already have a socket connection?
Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. w3schools.com has some decent tutorials.
thats exactly the kinda thing non innovators ask .
Bumping for GNAWLEDGE
>How can you be sure that Javascript isn't going to be replaced/outdated/outclassed by some more advanced programming language or even automated system.
once you know the fundamental logic of programming and the essential concepts then it doesn't matter. you can pick up any language in a few days. they all use the same loops and data structures and algorithms. stop worrying about what language is "best" and just start learning.
>should I learn how to use a Phillips or a flathead screwdriver??
>what is the best resource to learn python?
Find a shitty half complete open source project that interests you and build off it. Don't pick an enormous and complicated project and don't worry about actually contributing just take it and run with it.
Less overwhelming than starting from scratch and you won't get hung up on something minor. Most of the syntax reference you need will already be on the screen. And when you add new features you still have to start from the ground up.
QA automation. I write tcl scripts all day, besides domain specific knowledge the only programming skills are basic competency at code reuse. Object oriented model. And sometimes basic math, but usually that's for the domain specific thing.
I have a degree in IT and we never learned the fancy algorithms and big O. We did learn about database concurrency, but I forget all that. My friend does QA for a different company. Although unless you have some engineering or technical degree most places probably won't consider you.
I admit I do feel insecure not knowing so many fundamentals and want to learn, but there's just so much. And I can never bring myself to do it after work. I think what I may do is go for a CS masters.
Yes, then learn php.
>getting a job anywhere near machine learning without a PhD or a strong quantitative background with experience in data analysis or data science
Wew lad
>python useless for work at a company
You absolute wot m8
We use it for automation the whole fucking time, it's insanely useful. It's also the go-to language for Data Science (or any data jobs, for that matter) because it can do the same things as R and more besides
I want to learn programming and I keep picking up and dropping it again because I get halfway through some course and think: what happens after this?
I mean after learning some basics you clearly don't go right into looking for paid work. I imagine you wouldn't really get anywhere trying to contribute to some grand open source project either. I guess the general answer is further study and practice but it's not like I have any ideas for anything in between. So what do?