why is java the best language to learn for a beginner Veeky Forumsnessman?
Why is java the best language to learn for a beginner Veeky Forumsnessman?
Because you can write a shitty game for android phones
Java is not the best language to learn for beginners
what is the best language for beginners?
>what is the best language for beginners?
what is the best resource to learn python?
is there a quicker option than sitting through the entire MIT online course or will that be the best method of learning?
What language is used to create websites?
Or is something else used for them?
If I start my own business how could I go about making a website for it, assuming I dont pay someone else to do it?
I've been having a good time with this: interactivepython.org
I prefer books imo.
Try "Learning Python the Hard Way". Seems good.