My dad has a 60 year old friend who's made about a million euros over 20 years of investing. Granted he's not always right but he told me BMW would be a good investment right now. Don't know why i'm even asking you faggots but what do you guys think.
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pls buy BLRY my kids need lunchables
After earning one million I would buy a BMW too, but probably it's a bad decision for you.
buy volkswagen instead. their stock price overreacted to the emissions scandal and it's going up bigtime.
they own skoda and when they bring these vehicles to the american market, they are going to fucking DOMINATE.
brexit chaos = don't buy
you'll have plenty of time to buy these stocks when investors give up and the selling gets crazy. The trend for bmw is down. Don't catch a falling knife. Competition from china will wreck European manufacturers as well.
youre a fucking moron. no one here in the united states would want that piece of shit car. lol.
Why don't you just ask your dad's friend? I mean if we're all faggots and everything?!
>brexit chaos = don't buy
yeah but george soros is shorting deutsch bank. eu is doomed. vw at least won't be as dependant on the european market since they have so much room to expand their skoda brand
your dad's friend's string of luck could be over op. can you ask him what he thinks of VW and when would be a good time to invest, and then report back to this thread?
whatever i couldve linked the same story from millions of other websites.
>american cars
top kek
this guy knows what's up!
listening to a guy whose only earned 1 mil over 20 years. How much dough did he earn that mil off? The average Jewish shyster broker could do that for any GOY easily with 50K starting
Did anyone dream of a volvo BMW merger a few weeks ago?
Im tripping balls, after i finish work I will investigate.
Just do your own analysis. Cash flows and all that. If you don't feel like running CAPMs just use 1/PE.
bmw stock down another 2.4 % At the time of this post. Looks like I was right.
What rule of thumb is this?
>implying people want shitty Chinese cars
BMW is down because us Brits buy about 10% of their cars. We're in the process of leaving a free trade bloc (EU) with Germany and so this will hurt exports.
I would just buy gold instead desu
>>implying people want shitty Chinese cars
do you have any clue how much stuff is made in china? Chinese cars are coming. Europe is an economic wasteland. Low birthrate, muslim chaos, leaderless because germany cannot lead europe due to its past. Europe is done.
Ignore him.
He grew up during one of the longest bull runs in human history.
Any investment during that period = you get rich.
He has no idea what he's talking about.
Bmw is the biggest german exporter to UK so that's why they're down now. Their actual performance is actually pretty well and I read earlier this year that they were one of the top stocks to look at even way before Brexit.
Goal is 100€ per stock and there doesn't really seem anything that really stops them from reaching that aside of Brexit fearmongering