Hello Veeky Forums I'm a passionate lurker of the board and I trust your opinion. I'm 25 years old, I live in EU, in a small town in the southern of Italy. I'm a uni dropout, I attended a no–future course (foreign languages, literatures and cultures). I'm looking for a new course to attend nowadays, but even if I'm young, I've long history of bad choiches behind me. What course should I choose? Here's the a form in which you can fill your opinion in: -------------------------------------------------------- >> GOD TIER
> Foreign literatures and cultures >> SHIT TIER
> Gender and women's studies -------------------------------------------------------- I'll take care of the infograph in the meanwhile.
Christian White
> tl;dr? Here's the synthesys: ► Complete the form with your opinion1 on courses; ► In the meantime, discuss the opinions1 of the other posters.
1 The more facts/sources/stats you attach, the more your opinion's worth.
Hudson Ross
Man you're not gonna get shit from here. Don't worry about tiers and shit, first off what do you like to do? Haha now fuck that shit, and go into finance, economics or commerce. Get your stock broker equivalent license or whatever is in your country, work hard, maybe a masters, MBA, or a CFA. Learn the ropes
Jose Fisher
I'm looking for something "SURE", that's what GOD TIERS's meant to mean. Good income, good effort, low risk. "Learn the ropes" made me giggle.
I've dual-citizenship (Italy/US), but I'm still a poor-fag and I can't actually get a GOD TIER degree in, let's say, Massachussets.
Caleb Evans
Most degrees are shit tier if you cant put aside time to get a good gpa, internships, certs and extracurriculars
Asher Miller
I'm digging Google to find out the hugest fucking LOL gif all over the Internet in order to comment your opinion, but I can't really an AT LEAST 9th dimensional LOL gif as big as the Universe.
>MID TIER Philosophy History Classics Political Science (all very interesting topics, but they don't have the best job prospects)
>LOW TIER Medicine (who's gonna bust his ass 9-12 years in school, just so he can do the same fucking thing every single day?) Anything else not listed
>SHIT TIER Psychology Gender Studies African American Studies
Luis Smith
But he's right.
i'm 23 and i'm attending civil engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. Go for computer science or computer engineering. After 3 years you can have a guaranteed job (at least if you graduate here in Turin)
Jeremiah Mitchell
>placing all of the non-finance business degrees in Low
Lol, retard. Those are the actual mid.
Also Philosophy, History, and Classics in mid? LOL
Jason Foster
Everyone and their mother has a fucking business degree.
Jonathan Nguyen
>LOW TIER Medicine (who's gonna bust his ass 9-12 years in school, just so he can do the same fucking thing every single day?)
You've obviously never worked in science or engineering.
Leo Perez
The first day you walk into your job, you know exactly what your last day is gonna look like.
Connor Reyes
As a Math major, you don't know how math works. If I follow your advice, I'll be hobo 2 days after my degree. This list isn't about what you are into or what you are into / passionate about / interested in, but it IS about your > ITT: EMPLOYABILITY when you get the X or Y degree. That's Veeky Forums, folk, you know making green paper flow, we aren't seeking hippy advices like "follow your heart", that doesn't magically land money on your desk. Medicine does (and you put that in Low Tier. HOW CAN I TRUST YOU LITTLE BITCH? But that > (all very interesting topics, but they don't have the best job prospects) explains everything.
Caro torinese, non comprendo le tue ragioni. Se da una parte la tua facoltà è considerata una merda (conosco molti ingegneri laureati e molti altri che studiano, e mi hanno detto che la vostra facoltà è una specie di facoltà di ingegneria per minorati mentali), so anche che in proporzione i laureati in ingegneria hanno accesso a posti discreti (in termini di classifica "TOP TIER") perché se da una parte il guadagno è buono/decente, dall'altra parte: 1. Pochi di voi lavoreranno nel loro campo - 2. Se tuo papà ha lo studio, tutto è più facile 3. C'è un albo professionale che richiede un'iscrizione ($$$) Per quanto riguarda ciò che dice l'altro user "TUTTI I CORSI SONO BUONI SE...", semplicemente NON CORRISPONDE AL VERO. Prendi una laurea in lettere classiche e prova a cercare un impiego che non sia nel fare pompini. Dall'altra parte, grazie per il consiglio Informatica e Ingegneria Informatica possono entrare in lista, ma in che posizione?
Philosophy/History/Classics are kneepads degrees. You can only work as a waiter or as a prostitute, or both. If you are a guy, you just need to get yourself a rope and an hero. That's it.
Kayden Gutierrez
If you read yourself carefully you can see a joke about dead patients in the background, don't you?
You are right, but where's your list?
Blake Hill
There are much, much better ways to get to a high salary than Medicine.
Do Medicine if you've got a passion for "saving lives", but don't do it if you're in it for the dosh.
If you want money, study Financial or Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or Aerospace Engineering.
Nolan Sanchez
Dosh's my primary purpose. I want to be a money making cash machine man. Is computer science a thing? Is it that GOD TIER?
Hudson Carter
Computer Science is good, but being taken over by Pajeets.
If you really want to make a lot of dosh, go for Mathematics, do a PhD in Financial Mathematics with a dissertation title like "The Application of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in the Pricing of Credit Default Swaps on Synthetic CDOs".
Then work as a strategist for Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley or any of the other large banks.
Evan Morris
Do they assume? Is your advice legit?
Jordan Adams
This guy is true. But look at the skills level you need in mathematics for doing something like that...
Jaxon Morris
I know I'm not going to win a Field medal. As I said: I JUST WANT MONEY.
Lincoln White
How good are you at math? That is the most important question here.