>dude college is a meme, don't bother
Why the fuck did you lie to me?
>dude college is a meme, don't bother
Why the fuck did you lie to me?
>Why the fuck did you lie to me?
To reduce competition :^)
The less people go to college/major same as me the less competition I have which means more job prospects and higher salaries.
That's why I always say "College is a meme" and even insult my own major and post hanging pepes about ">Tfw fell for [my major] meme" at every oppertunity
It's not too late user
It is a meme. Unless you have a concrete goal, it's merely where you are told to go because hivemind. Not to say it isn't valuable, but the value is only found in having a degree in a field where it is relevant and profitable. Otherwise it doesn't serve you. You make marginally more at something you hate equally.
Also this
>Unless you have a concrete goal
Plenty of people graduate high school not knowing what they want to do, and then figure it out during college. You can always change your major a year or two in (depending on what credits transfer between programs, all mine did after 2 years even going from engineering>business, just used all my electives).
The fact is if you fuck around and wait too long to go to college because some fag on Veeky Forums made you second guess yourself, you'll fall behind. Your studying skills will wear off, and when you do graduate you'll be less attractive to employers than people who graduated at the regular are. Trust me, I'm 24 and graduating this winter.
Just go to go an affordable state school. If your poor or have circumstances that might garner pity you can appeal the school for more financial aid and get almost a free ride, even with shitty grades.
that chart just says more people have college degrees, which we all know.
it doesn't say they make more money, or have less debt, or are happier in life, or anything useful.
you might as well have a chart that says more people who own cars are employed.
>that chart just says more people have college degrees, which we all know.
It shows that college degrees are likely to keep increasing in quantity and it will eventually be very hard to compete if you don't have one.
similar to how a highschool diploma is the bare minimum to get any job now, that's slowly being applied to a college degree.
Now correlate IQ to earnings.
Then correlate IQ without a degree to the same IQ with a degree. You will see similar earnings on average.
It's not the degree that makes you smarter, it's that dumb as fuck people dont go to college where as lots of smarter people do.
If you dont go and are intelligent, work then start your own business for example you will still be just as successful.
College is a fail safe path. You can spend trying to be rich on your own , only to have wasted your youth in poverty.
you're saying all this, yet show no evidence
I would be careful OP. degrees are a BIG industry and they can easily buy research results.
age discrimination is illegal, don't put the year you graduate HS on your resume. Also employers don't really care about how old you are when you graduated, they care more if you completed your degree in 4 years.
> even going from engineering>business
haha fucking washout, just kidding.
Keep in mind that it is easier to transfer from stem to other fields than it is to transfer into a stem major and graduate on time. I was fucked if I wanted to complete an chemical engineering degree in 4 years, solely because I did not take intro to chemistry my first semester, And my school only offers intro courses in the fall. I would have to wait until next fall, that would put me behind a year.
When you get to college get your science and math courses out of the way first, that way you can continue in STEM or change major and still graduate in 4 years.
Well yeah what'd you think you could just put Google U on your resume?
>age discrimination is illegal
No it's not. how would you prove that discrimination took place?
There are many areas/sectors that will simply overlook you or not even consider hiring you in any case if you're over about 25. They have no reason to.
>Hmmm we can hire this fuckup who spent 3 years after hs working at mcdonalds, then 2 years working with his dad sucking cocks and doing plumbing, then sold amazon shit for 1 year then finally smartened up and went to College and graduated in 5 years and is now 33 years old applying to us
>ORRRRRR. we can hire this bright young kid from a t1 school who has a healthy resume, great highschool GPA, amazing college GPA and is an overachiever
Those are the people you're competing with. You need to think: 'HOW am I competitive? How can I compete with the others applying for the jobs I'm applying for?'. If the answer is "Well I can't, i'm pretty mediocre to below average and really i can be described as a fuckup if i'm totally honest with myself", that's not a good position to be in.
I haven't had any of those problems and I'm entering my 3rd year this fall at 26. Age works to your advantage because you aren't naive, malleable and willing to undersell yourself. If you want to do those things, you can, but you can also stand out amongst a stable of children as someone who isn't a binge drinking fuckwit.
But then I'm going into a tiny field where everyone is generally self employed so none of this applies to me anyway so I'm just doing a degree to get it out of the way should I want a master's down the road to expand my business.
In an ideal world, you did the right thing and got some life experience and two years of full financial aid instead of being robbed.
OP I can promise you that this user is right. There's nothing magical about a degree. Unless you are determined to enter a field where a degree is mandatory, why would you spend money to learn skills at the pace of the lowest common denominator in class?
>why would you spend money to learn skills at the pace of the lowest common denominator in class?
Networking with professors / alumni / classmates
No it's not magical, but employers MAGICALLY pay more for people with degrees. And HR departments MAGICALLY skim through resumes searching for a degree.
>Having an employer
College isn't a Meme. But if you don't spend a couple months really narrowing down a target as per guidelines in Dreamjob.
Then you're spending all kinds of time+Money on dumbass shit.
The Straight and Narrow is the Straight and Narrow for a reason. No fluff no fuzz.
Most college advisors push the stupid meme classes hard as fuck.
Its kind of like D+D. Most of the class options and feats etc... are stat traps that no one can ever use.
Min+Max and learn what the effective builds are.
and make absolutely sure to take hard math as high as you can get.
Math, the study of relationships, is like just getting all kinds of wizard spells and there is no field where it doesn't apply.
Other broadly applicable fields are law, and programming, both of which are extremely useful but don't necessarily require a full formal education.
but most importantly, why the fuck didn't you do your own research?
Trust no one and think independently
>Being a starving artist making $24k/yr
Yeah tell me all about how "i'm not a slave". Being employed with a nice job in a field you actually like is not bad.
It's incredibly enjoyable actually. Much better than dropshipping from China or some retarded shit and dealing with fucktards on ebay or blogging or whatever your business is
Who would you actually hire:
>25 year old who thinks he's an "overachiever" because his parents put him all the way through school. Hasn't worked a day in his life.
>33 year old who had to work at fucking McDonald's out of hs, worked as a plumber for a bit but didn't see that as a career, started a successful Amazon sales company where he was able to earn enough to put himself through college
You are underestimating the power of life experience. That 33 year old will get the job 9 times out of 10 because he's not an entitled piece of shit.
>That 33 year old will get the job 9 times out of 10 because he's not an entitled piece of shit.
Nah he won't.
He might not be entitled but he's a lazy and unambitious 'piece of shit'.
on a scale from 1 to gutter oil, how Chinese are you?
>on a scale from 1 to gutter oil, how Chinese are you?
Jesus, this meme is STILL around?
I created this meme.
>Being employed with a nice job in a field you actually like is not bad
It really is. Now imagine that self employment comes with it and is the norm. The issue I see is that we're coming from very different perspectives. In your field, those practices are standard and you've accepted them. Here on the other side of things, it's the opposite in many ways. Do you want a counsel half your age with no life experience? Do you want a public facing human element that judges current clients the way you do education?
It's common sense you fucking twat
I made this
no it isn't. You're making the argument that college is still useless. That's not "common sense"
>It shows that college degrees are likely to keep increasing in quantity and it will eventually be very hard to compete if you don't have one.
It's not even hard to compete. People will take the self taught programmer who has dev'd multiple projects already than the brain dead computer science major that doesnt even know the difference between stack and heap is.
I have a bachelor's in liberal arts and masters in human rights. I got a fantastic job, so fulfilling, working with people who are most in need of my expertise.
It pays over $22k salary plus awesome benefits. I regret nothing. If I keep at it and get a couple of pay raises I'll be able to easily cover the interest on my student loans.
You can't be from the US with that minimalist attitude. We breed kids to want to consume the absolute most here, fuck moderation. Make more money, spend more money, buy more, waste more, rinse and repeat.
>People will take the self taught programmer who has dev'd multiple projects
Why is it an either-or?
You know you can get a degree AND work on projects, right?
>than the brain dead computer science major that doesnt even know the difference between stack and heap is.
You can't get a degree if you don't tho
>You can't get a degree if you don't tho
You'd be surprised. My CS colleague has a decade if experience and doesn't know CSS 101.
I taught her that padding-left existed last month.
Hand to God.
>You'd be surprised. My CS colleague has a decade if experience and doesn't know CSS 101.
What's your point?
You don't need to ever know HTML or css. Even professional web developers never write their own css or html.
you know bootstrap exists, correct?
Foundation FTW
All I'm saying is this lady went through a 4 year private college system and never grasped website 101, yet has been doing it for a corporation for over a decade.
Bootstrap would go over her head. I'm no code Nazi, but she can't even edit a simple stylesheet.
Our intern introduced her to using Inspector to fix errors.
>muh anecdotal evidence trumps the experience of every company in the world
Lmao I am graduating this year at 31 and have 4 different former colleagues hitting me up on LinkedIn with a position when I grad. Granted my pre college work experience is a really transferable to my major.
Because the grapes were always sour.
>>than the brain dead computer science major that doesnt even know the difference between stack and heap is.
>You can't get a degree if you don't tho
this isn't pre-2000 where you actually had to know shit to get a degree.
free candy student loans made almost every university just push retards through so they could soak in those loan shekels.
>Masters Degree
>Gets paid the same as a McDonalds Employee
going to college at an older age doesn't put you at any disadvantage. I'm glad I did. If I had gone to college when I was 17 I would have quit out with the naive notion, that factory work, or trade work, is not that bad. Now That I have experienced those things, I know I am too smart for that shit. The world also shits on people who don't have a college degree, or daddy's money and connections.
To anyone out, there don't let a bunch of Veeky Forums shitposters keep you from getting your degree solely because you are older than the stereotypical college freshman.
>doesn't necessarily require a full formal education
Don't know what third world place you come from (is it china), but in the states a law degree is a prerequisite to taking the bar exam aside from 4 states that nobody gives a shit about
>inb4 anyone cares about commiefornia
Fake rice
Honest question here, if college is so expensive in the USA, why don't you go abroad and study in Europe which would be way way way cheaper and could also be considered an advantage.
>starting with an electrician apprenticeship
>plan on taking core classes at a community college and following through and getting a bachelor's after I take my journeyman test
Feels good man
Coz foreigners can't go overseas to benefit from foreign-tax-payer subsidized education
USA tax rate is like 22%
Euro 'free education and healthcare' tax rates are like 55%
So 30% of Euro tax give you 'free' shit
/end rant
I have 4 associate degrees. Two are useless. The other two are the equivalent of a bachelor's. Only job I could get was factory work that has nothing to do with my education. Only got the job because I knew someone that worked there.
Thank God it pays 50k. But my education didn't help at all.
My coworker did that, thought she was hot shit.
She paid for schooling and housing and all that with loans. At the time (2005), the Pound was much higher than the USD.
Bitch is 34 and lives with mommy and paying $200k in loans.