True Cost of University

How much does/did your bachelors degree cost in total after all of your financial aid? I'm talking about tuition, housing, food, and books.

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way too much

I'm like $65k in debt

Finished two BSc degrees and an MSc with zero debt thanks to being a veteran. AMA.

>zero debt
You were in the military, so it wasn't free.

Probably $60k. I went to a state school; tuition was ~$9k per year, and housing/food/books was maybe $800/mo.


5k$ for 4 years of college

You're right, of course. I literally got paid to go to school, so my out of pocket cost was negative.

You spent time in the military, so you did pay for it.

My time in the military was also compensated, though. I made between 30 and 70k (much of it tax-exempt) to target Haji with support by fire.

I didn't know that freedom had a price tag.

Free. I'm about to get another one though because I'm jelly of everyone's debt.

Freedom isn't free. Neither is the throbbing erection I used to get when blasting madrassas with Mk 19 40mm grenade rounds. That shit costs taxpayer dollars.

And "rehabilitating" me when I got home wasn't cheap, either.

You paid for your college by sacrificing your time for X number of years in the military. Not everyone is able bodied enough to do that.

Bout 32K and I go to one of the most expensive public universities (20K a year just for tuition).

Roughly $51k over five years at a private university. Got through the first four years loan free but had to go a fifth year due to bad advising. The amount I owe in loans is relatively small (less than $10k) and they're all federal loans, so I get a shitload of protections.

I will concede the second point about able-bodiedness. That's true, not everyone can serve.

But it isn't strictly a sacrifice in the financial sense...I was still paid to be in the Army. It's analogous to using your company's tuition reimbursement program.

nothing. I live in germany amerifats

حان الوقت ل الإعدادية الثور

But others had to pay for you.

why is this guy so butthurt about not being in the military?

>wanting to be in the military

>Clint Eastwood

Here's my cost.
>24 years old
>barely halfway done through uni and never held a job
>Explicit cost of 3 years (6 semesters):
-books: $300 x 6 = $1800
-fees: $30x6 = $180
total of ~$2000 and I'm only halfway done, here's where it gets wild though.
I'm 24 years old and I've never held a job, living in California and assuming I'd earn minimum wage + assuming 52 weeks of working:
>implicit costs of: $127,920

So in summary:
explicit: $1980
implicit: $127,920
Total cost: ~$130,00

Given that I'm expected to finish uni in 2 more years, I'll be up to ~$190,000 in costs

The only way I can bounce back is if I land a job that pays at least $60,000 in my field.

PS forgot to mention that I receive a shit ton of financial aid, that's why the college fees are so fucking low

+ OP never forget to ask for implicit costs, only dealing in explicit costs does no good

What school are you going to in California? Are you an OOS student?

Cal poly pomona, in state

at least it's a good school. I might be going to school for like $120,000 total so you're not alone.

I hope it pays off, best of luck

about 40 grand total for mathematics and economics degree.

Was from the states but then decided to go to McGill in canada because its not a bad education/reputation for the price.

Paid about 13k canadian each year for tuition which at present exchange rates is nothing. Graduating with no debt.

Also became fluent in french (not quebecois french). Overall it was worth it.

Good for you user. That was definitely a good idea.


about 9k yr in tuition, 8k yr in rent, another 10ish on food, 5 years.

oh but i had 5 paid internships so i came out way in the green

~9000 for the next two years at a private university, fuck and nothing for community college before that. The biggest expense is gas.

~15k for 9month trade certificate, worth it

Who the fuck factors in food?

>tfw it starts to set in that you will actually graduate
>tfw rich parents (dad is tenured professor at school) strongly support and pay for all tuition, which is 50% off each semester thanks to dad plus scholarships

Something like $40k all told. As for if its worth it, I didn't pay anything. One more good internship and college will have been a great investment.

Colleges when they charge you boarding.

people that are alive and eat food to stay alive

T-thank you senpai. Unfortunetly Math at Mcgill is fucking hard and i have an extremely mediocre GPA :(

I just dont want to be homeless/jobless

Graduated december '12 with 65k in loan debt. Total cost was 75k. Could only pay the 10k with my summer jobs. Now I have $8500 left on the loans after living like a hobo for 3 years and paying 70% of my earnings into it

Worked 40 hours 2nd shift and weekends while going to school. Paided everything in cash while living rent free at my parent's.

>i have an extremely mediocre GPA :(

you what

3k or something.

I went to a good university and did a 4 year honours program in business.

Because I decided to smoke weed and play wow instead od study, I was there for 6.5 years.

When I graduated, I had 20k in provincial student loans (Canadian) then the government's forgave 5k of my loans, so I had 15k to go. I paid the 15k off the next year (with my analytical job I got after uni) and got a tax return for 7k.

So my real total cost of 20k loans was 8,000 bucks.

I played sooooo much wow and smoked so much weed. I was a season 5 gladiator ok, anyone who plays wow will know what that means (I lived and breathed the game)

As for total cost, well I can ball park it (including living expenses and weed for 6.5 years)

Parents gave me 26k they saved up for my educated. And I paid around 10k of my own money through summer jobs here and there. And end loans was 20k so prob around 56k in total cost.

Prob 5k of that was weed, lel

I did my math wrong, 56k total cost didn't include the 12k in rebates from the gov so total was around 44k.

I think we need a new exploration meme..Born too late for practically free college, born too soon for literally free college

I really don't understand how people go to college and end up with 6 figures of debt.

I'm a junior with 0 debt, minus what I'm about to take on this semester, but will be able to pay back immediately?

Protip for the retards born after 2000: Work and pay as you go. It's amazing how that works. It's like magic

I didn't go to college

I make like $60k/yr which is OK for me (most money anyone in my family has ever made in our entire history, lel we poor)

People always say "user you should go get your degree" but man college sucks balls. Fuck useless tests and information that does not apply to my life.


My parents paid for it. I also went to a shit university near my house so I could commute and tuition was only $6000 a year.

Mine will have cost my family and I a total of 40-45k, I'll be graduating with a bachelors.

Community college plus AP credits plus a cheap state uni. Graduating with no debt, famalam.

Jeez, you niggers must have rich families.

I come from a long line of poor people. Nobody on either side of my family has a college degree.

How does it feel knowing you are successful based solely on your heritage?

Why would you assume any of the retards come from money? I'd wager for most of them, their parents make just enough that they can't get financial aid. They're betting massive loan debt against a future career that probably makes more than what their parents make put together.

But the real question for you is, Do you like your job? If it were for a different company with different people would you still like it ? Not counting shitty nightmare jobs. Can you easily move into a vaguely related field or a different life path entirely? That is what a degree affords.

>getting into debt for high school 2.0

What a waste of time. 13 years was more than enough. Doing 4 more years of the same useless shit is insanity. Can't wait till this garbage education system implodes on itself.

Sure thing, wagie.

Nah that's your future.

Oh yeah I love my job. I prefer being at work than being at home, miserable and lonely. I try to work 60+ hours despite no overtime pay is provided

>>becoming an oily, overweight corn-fed meat robot amongst a flock of do-gooders and spoilt children
>>not measured in monetary cost

That's what matters. For others, it requires a degree. The whole college system is fucked to no end with useless degrees, obviously, but for others, licensure depends on it. What they actually want to do depends on it.

But then I'm gunning on a career where a graduate degree only grants a bit more freedom and glorious copays, so it doesn't really apply to me. I can only be happy being my own boss and answering only to the client.

>pursue academic degrees geared towards researchers/ professors
>surprised when the coursework is not centered around application

Anyway, can anyone comment on economics as a second major?

I highly recommend it.

t. Musk

In reality, he got two bachelors degrees, Physics and Economics, but he says that if he did it again, he probably would have just gotten the Physics degree.

I have a Finance degree with a minor in Economics, it's very beneficial for some grasp in the business world, especially for those subjects that don't touch on these things

>BA in Philosophy & Political Science, JD as well.
>full ride for my undergrad, law firm paid for my post-grad on the condition that I work there (75k/yr) for at least 3 years upon graduating.

>was about to finish my second year of CompSci at uni
>php programming was a not obligatory, didn't took it
>saw that there were a fuckton of ads looking for php programmers for lots of money
>bought a book about php
>read and practice it for 3-4 months
>make a couple of custom websites to showcase what I can do
>landed a job that pays really fucking well as a php programmer

Great thing the only knowledge I ended up using is from a $30 book and one semester of web programming that I could've probably learnt from Youtube.

How do you motherfuckers get paid to go to school? I'm 25 make 100k a year working in sales.
Want to go to school because I've always wanted to be an electrical engineer.

I wish I knew too m8, my friend was the valedictorian from out highschool and even he had to pay for most of his undergrad.

They either get top grades/scores and go to a school where nobody gets the scores they got go to, so they get a scholarship, they're a top athlete, or they're lying.

OR they're one of those super rare people that filled out like 1000 scholarships over an entire year and actually won enough to basically go to wherever they wanted for free.

Scholarships... That's the ticket

It's not easy. You have to write an essay and fill out a huge form for all of them, just to not win. some of them want transcripts and recommendations, too.

I think that someone said that had to fill out like 60 before they won some $500 scholarship. It's just ridiculous.

I would save up your money to go for that engineering degree. Sales has an age limits which you're rapidly approaching. Anything that's not a technical field and you will run into the ageism. Engineers can away find work in small to big companies. Its their salvation. Accounting, finance, sales, business in general, and other non tech field have an age limit of 30-40.

i got a full ride just for being black and getting above average SAT scores

>they're one of those super rare people that filled out like 1000 scholarships
We call them graduate students and they're called grants or fellowships.

Anyone teach themselves advance engineering? To the point where they can pass certifications? Would like to keep job at 100k a month to self fund tools, equipment all while teaching myself engineering.

Sorry 100k a year

>tfw 22
>tfw when feel old
>tfw when squandered my youth

I'm 22 and only just started uni, feels

if you think that you're old at 22, I'm sure plenty of 55+ year olds would like a word with you. You're just scared that you're not a kiddo anymore.

Also 22, going back to college this fall after dropping out at 19

>3 year course in computer and electronic engineering

I'm 30 and just finishing my Associates in Business.

I'm going to go into Business Data Analytics but I'm not 100% sure if that's the way to go.

I want something that is in demand but not too niche.

Still in progress, but here's what my second year cost at a state school (per annum):

opportunity cost of the job I left to come back to school: $35000
Rent and utilities: $6200
Tuition and fees: $9500
Transportation (insurance, fuel, maintenance): $1380
Food (no eating out, no bars): $1500

Total $53580

I didn't go to college #resistcapitalism

I am student at a german university. Until now:
5 semesters, each around 230 euros = 1 150 euros tuition.
Rent: 6 000 untill now but i work part time and i pay it myself.
Transport: free because of student status
food: about 150 euros each month. But again, what i earn as a part timer is enough for it all.

The only problem is that it's fucking hard to get your diploma here, man. They fuck the shit out of your soul.

Marine here tuition assistance is also free so you can squeeze out an associate completely free who in, the use the first bill for a master's. Also I'm on the toilet shitting out an entire dischorno pizza I had last night FML.

Also auto correct is a mother fogger

Just 400 dollars a year. Feels good not being in America.

Stay pleb lazy fuck.

I got so fucked with TA. Developed Crohn's Disease about a year in and failed a PT test after hitting 110lbs at 6' tall. Docs didn't know what was wrong yet, so it just counted as a flag.

Because of it, I couldn't get TA. Even more fucked up after the docs did figure out what was wrong and my 1SG & CPT both said 'We're gonna lift the flag, just gotta tell the LTC and... Well shit, he said no'

Out now, but just spent a year and a half in community finishing up all the shit I could have while in. Eng Phys I & II, Calc I-III & DE, Govt, History, etc. What a waste.

Went to a shitty non target, 20ish k in debt. Got into big four making high 50s low 60s by the end of this internship. Did i do good Senpai?

>Great thing the only knowledge I ended up using is from a $30 book and one semester of web programming that I could've probably learnt from Youtube.

A college degree is an indicator that you can follow instructions and complete work on deadlines.

A lot of skills are learned on the job and employers know that. They want to know you can handle the pressure of being employed and having obligations.

idk my parents paid then i dropped out

I'm a shithead i know

Wiki u is going to bankrupt every college.

Wiki U doesn't turn up literally any results on a google search. What is that?

I think having a degree is more of a 'symbolic' type thing that shows you're dedicated and know at least a small amount of whatever you majored in.

Applied degrees and even trade skills are way more effective in the the long haul.