So biz, as soon as i heard about police killing this black guy named Alton Sterling, i bought,, and
How do I profit off of this?
So biz, as soon as i heard about police killing this black guy named Alton Sterling, i bought,, and
How do I profit off of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Make a memorial page or something and just drown it in ads
fucking lol at you quick reaction to this news. top kek.
keep the page constantly updated with news about the killing, court, etc. Have a few ads. Set up a gofundme. Profit?
Savy move op. how much traffic do you expect you get? Do you think the blm people are the types that will buy your domains?
or photoshop pictures of Alton in some gay shit and blackmail his family into buying the domain.
make a BLM style memorial website and shill it somewhere and put ads on it???
Redirect all of them to Trump's official site
Kek wills it
Set up a donate button, but don't say what the money goes to.
make a donate button to say to keep the memory of him alive, to help keep the memorial page alive. also put shitloads of ads
fucking clever m8
Lol, yea make it legit, then when all the news is at its peak (riots, right before verdict or trial) list the domain and sell that fucker for 15-100k
please actually go through with this and tell us how it goes, this is so juicy
what a boss
damn nigga you smart
Amazing. Your shark instincts are an inspiration.
where would i sell a domain name?
Top kikes. Brilliant
Make some memorial site. Get it #1 on google
And make sure people can "anonymously" write stuff on such board.
Something on the line of the old website "guestbooks".
Don't moderate. Wait for the shitstorm to happen.
Wait for racist comments or whatever.
Then profit out of it. Say you are a supporter who has no time to take care of the website. Ask for donations.
Forgot to add: if ppl complain about ads, say you don't have time... say you used a pre-made page format and just filled it with content.
Say you didn't notice ads were so annying.
So the idea is:
>exploit ads for the first wave of clicks
>then wait for ppl to complain about ads
>wait for shitstorm no. 1, in which people are triggered by the fact there are ads on a memorial page, so they keep clicking
>ask for donations or whatever to remove ads
>At the same time, create this guestbook, which will be like a Veeky Forums thread
>people will literally swarm it
>let it be for a while
>don't moderate
>now it's time for shitstorm no. 2
>after some days, when your profits go low, open a thread on /pol/
>say you found the website and that there is no moderation for those who want to leave a message for the deceased
>ppl from pol will start flooding it with racist comments
>this is shitstorm no. 2, which will attract even more ppl
>but this will trigger shitstorm no. 3, which is even more BLM people coming to tell white supremacists off
>wait some days
>at some point triggered BLMs will contact you and ask about shitstorm no. 2
>just play ball and say you thought it useful and polite to make a memorial website
>feign to be SJW
>say you are disgusted
>say you don't have time. You put it online and let it be. Apologize
>then pretend to act... but come back at them saying there are too many comments to moderate
>ask for money / donations on the website, so visitors can fund the cleaning of such online slate
/pol/ here, god bless you sir. If you need a shitstotm we're happy to give you one
But that's Kek's word.
OP doesn't want lulz. He paid cash for the domains.
He wants to have a profit!
Don't specifically say BLM say Black people Matter so you don't get fucked by copyright laws
1) Get keks
2) ???
C) Profit
Its fuckin easy
The guestbook should have registered accounts with ranks based on how much they donated. Have restricted boards for only the people who have donated x amount.
Serious answer here.
Create an amazon affiliate account, they have very favourable terms.
Redirect all three domains to something like
You get a cut of all sales, if anyone buys anything.
Tasteless as fuck, but you could make a quick buck from it.
Why don't you make a website like or something. Then you make some kind of rss feed (idk tech, might be done differently) or like how you can filter google news (google alerts), figure somehing out to keep it up to date automatically. Indeed add some guestbook. Only use a spamfilter but keep racist comments. Put some ads in it. Done
Again, use BLM-inspired shit, but not real BLM logos or they will assrape you in court.
i'm not recommending he manufactures or even sells them himself. just point towards an existing product on amazon
Flippa, godaddy
How big a cut?
depends on what they buy, but you get a cut of anything they buy during the session after they're directed there by your affiliate id, not just the product you're linking to
>Tasteless as fuck
Pecunia non olet
[cash doesn't smell]
{Ancient Roman saying}
>exploit ads for the first wave of clicks
>then wait for ppl to complain about ads
>wait for shitstorm no. 1, in which people are triggered by the fact there are ads on a memorial page, so they keep clicking
>ask for donations or whatever to remove ads
>At the same time, create this guestbook, which will be like a Veeky Forums thread
>people will literally swarm it
>let it be for a while
>don't moderate
>now it's time for shitstorm no. 2
>after some days, when your profits go low, open a thread on /pol/
>say you found the website and that there is no moderation for those who want to leave a message for the deceased
>ppl from pol will start flooding it with racist comments
>this is shitstorm no. 2, which will attract even more ppl
>but this will trigger shitstorm no. 3, which is even more BLM people coming to tell white supremacists off
>wait some days
>at some point triggered BLMs will contact you and ask about shitstorm no. 2
>just play ball and say you thought it useful and polite to make a memorial website
>feign to be SJW
>say you are disgusted
>say you don't have time. You put it online and let it be. Apologize
>then pretend to act... but come back at them saying there are too many comments to moderate
>ask for money / donations on the website, so visitors can fund the cleaning of such online slate
Are you copyfagging, you dumbass?
I have already said it here:
and here:
thanks for this, I rerouted all three sites to BLM shirts under my amazon affiliate link
and I'm selling the domains on godaddy
if anyone bites i'll do some sort of giveaway, OP will deliver so cap this
thank you based biz
This. Make a hashtag and drum up support on social media. Sell adspace on the site (WSHH and other nigger shit) and also link a crowdfunded "awareness raising" slush fund.
Yep. Or appeal for "donations to keep this memorial page ad-free"
Don't tell me some fucker copyrighted it,??
Congrats OP, you just committed a tort called "Appropriation of Name or Likeness." You just lost all your profits, and possibly will be liable for attorney's fees, costs, and punitive damages.
I guess the only question now is whether I try to make a buck off this by bringing it to the attention of the family. Or maybe I'll do it for free, and gain some cosmic karma points. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.
We did it, Reddit!
Dank memes
Do this
Oh god this would be so funny
Sorry OP, but I already screencapped that post as evidence of your commercialization and monetization of another's name or likeness. There's also an archive of all posts, even deleted ones.
You can run, but you can't hide. I hate to throw you under the bus, but we all gotta money in whatever way we can, right?
fuck him good.
lol @ this samefagging. How is OP smart? he is retarded
a) nobody will put ads on this shit site
b) who the fuck is alton sterling? even so, who the fuck would go to or .net - what a waste of money
c) in 2 days not one person will know who this is
what a pair of faggots. let the man profit off his initiative
Same way that one guy made a bunch of money with Chris Brown
Put up some gratuitous google ads
Embed a monetized youtube vid
make the vid some very cheap dank meme making Alton Sterling look like a thug, be sure to be as edgy as possible, but in a funny way
'Leak' it to various news sites and facebook pages (BLM, occupy democrats, etc)
Wait for the various news articles and posts driving thousands to open your site and click on your video (with the ad) in anger in shock, as you ride a wave of money to the bank
>Gaining postivie Karma
>from helping blacks
It's not its only illegal if the person is living, in this case sadly he is not.
Probably the most Jewish thing I've ever read.
Apart from the "How do I profit off of this?"
A real Jew would know.
+ 1,000
>let the man profit off his initiative
Woah, woah, woah ... slow down there skippy ...
You mean it's ok for OP to make a profit off a dead's guy's name, but not ok for me to make a profit off OP's tortious and illegal conduct?
That's a mighty broad double-standard there, newfag.
Only if he's in America though
Marshall, how much is it worth it for you to avoid any trouble? Inquiring minds wanna know....
this board is scaring me
Holy shit this is the best thing I've ever seen on Veeky Forums
Cheers OP, you absolute mad man.
Youre a faggot and deserve to die.
Why you have to be jealous? Just be happy for a homie that scored.
I could literally say the same thing to you. I found a way to get paid. You should be happy for me, faggot.
His family will probably be allowed rights over his name if they decide to make a website. The only way you would be allowed to keep those domains is if your name is also Alton Sterling.
Yeah but op is profitting off a dead nigger, you're profiting off a fellow user
This thread is incredible.
this isn't illegal though
Whatever you do won't even work because the law doesn't work like you think it does. So you stand to make $0 and may buy some kneepads.
fight fight fight
sue that user back to yugoslavia
oh w8 basement dweller nothing to get paid from whoops
That is fucking genius, I gotta say
>you're profiting off a fellow user
Veeky Forums'ers are the scum of the earth. Why would I feel an ounce of regret about profiting off one? If you could make a buck by harming me in some way, I guarantee you'd do it. Fucking hypocrite.
If you think someone can attempt to profit by using the name or likeness of someone in the news, you're sadly deluded. In America, we have rights. OP is 100% on the wrong side of the law.
Anyway, put away your pitchforks. I'm not the one that'll be suing him. I'm just thinking about getting a finder's fee for passing along valuable information. Nothing wrong with that ... happens all the time.
Yeah your fellow scum dipshit, maybe instead of being a dick ask op for a modest 15% for your silence
good luck with that lol
>not buying
nigga I'll bury you
you fucking low greasy cum stained mango fuck i'd love to slap you
>"You cannot invade the privacy of a dead person, so you generally cannot be sued for misappropriation of the name or likeness of a dead person, unless the misappropriation took place before the person in question died. However, in many states the right of publicity survives after death, so you could be sued for violating the publicity rights of a dead person. This is most likely to come up with dead celebrities."
>ask op for a modest 15% for your silence
I can't because that would be extortion. I know my way around the law.
But if OP were to make me an unsolicited offer, that would be interesting.
[triggering intensifies]
Don't get them jimmies rustled. You should celebrate my ruthless monetization of the situation.
>in many states the right of publicity survives after death, so you could be sued for violating the publicity rights of a dead person. This is most likely to come up with dead celebrities
Dude's in the news. Sounds like a celebrity to me. Or did OP just pick this name randomly Kek.
You're a jealous fucking chud that wants to use blackmail because user had a decent scheme. Your idea won't even work and will just give more publicity to anons site.
It would only be blackmail if I demanded money from OP. I've not asked OP for anything.
Reporting a potential lawsuit to the bereaved family would simply be a public service on my part. If they happen to pay me a finder's fee for helping them fight an economic and ethical injustice, who am I to turn down money?
Let's remember that its OP who broke the law here. Since when does fighting crime make me the bad guy? Lol, it must be opposite day on Veeky Forums.
>Veeky Forums'ers are the scum of the earth.
That's one way of describing yourself.
You're a fucking cunt and are exactly the scum ruining Veeky Forums.
Op you are a fucking scientist. May kek bless all your merchant endeavors!
Off by one-hundred-eleven... fuck... Kek likes dubs too, so my prayer for you may still be answered.
Then do it and stop being a faggot.
They're poor blacks from Louisiana, do you really think they'll pay you shit? If you were a lawyer, I'd do it, because they may be willing to pay a lawyer, but they're not willing to pay you.
>how to trigger biz: the user
Cheers mate, I love what you're doing.
>They're poor blacks from Louisiana, do you really think they'll pay you shit?
IDK man, these folks never seems to be at a loss for resources when it comes to battling issues that might get traction in the media.
From where I sit, suing a thief and a criminal from the "Veeky Forums hate-speech website" would probably get a lot of play on the evening news. Anything dealing with Veeky Forums and race bating (this thread being prime evidence) can get mainstream attention.
I'm pretty sure that my money won't be coming from the family, per se, if you get my drift. Can't really say more at this juncture, though.
you gammy legged no spined cuntfuck
outjewing the most jewish thing i've ever seen. i honestly don't know whether to be impressed or repulsed
What do you think (((they))) will have to say about it?
A good way for PayPal to kike you for fraud once it hits the mainstream media
$15k? damn OP, aiming high. I like that
he's only looking for 5 grand for the .net one. that's a bargain compared to the other two
You won't get a dime. Law enforcement (and even attorneys) could find everything you did in less time than you did it. Nobody needs to pay a nob for being a nob.
This seems to be the safest route now that lawfag ruined the party. Park that domain and wait for the highest bidder. You probably stand to make more money this way.
You are fucking retarded. This thread will be scrutinised if it goes before a court and it will clearly show the motive of this endeavour was greed. You won't get in legal trouble but wait until the Niggers get mad about da budnissmayne taking advantage of blackies
>Veeky Forums'ers are the scum of the earth.
fuck off to reddit, you dumb nigger.
This thread is pretty confusing. You guys don't seem to know how you feel about making money.
OP exploits a guy for profit. Veeky Forums thinks its great.
I exploit OP for profit. Veeky Forums loses its mind.
I wonder if any of you have ever made ANY money at all, ever?
>the motive of this endeavour was greed
I never claimed otherwise. Neither did OP. Same boat. Its just that I'm smarter. Big fish eats little fish.