Job markets look pretty grim
Job markets look pretty grim
I live in the middle of nowhere and literally every job posting like that is "100+ people already applied"
You have to go to university, go into a trade, or start a business with skills you learned yourself and an idea you have. There is no other way.
Not really when you consider probably 30 of that 100 only need specific hours to work because they just want a part time job in addition to their existing one, 20 people don't even speak English and thus their resume has been instantly trashed, 20 more have a piece of shit resume riddled in spelling and grammatical errors and 15 more can't even pass an interview with fidgeting, swearing or messing up in some way.
>Job market looks grim
The Jews are behind this one.
The jews are the reason why I'm a NEET and a virgin. They are subverting young women's minds into not having sex with me and refusing to give me a job.
Women are also huge whores but it's hard for me to get laid somehow. I don't know why.
>Women are also huge whores but it's hard for me to get laid somehow. I don't know why.
>job market looks grim
>evidence is that a ton of people have applied to a part time fast food job
Topkek. You do realize that it is summer right? Tons of high school kids are applying to every fast food job there is. Places like McDonalds and Arby's probably get like 10 applications a day during the summer. Its always been like this. Have you been living under a rock?
Besides, it's not even real competition as I pointed out.
Like half of these people just spam apply to jobs and already found a job by the time they even get called back for an interview, so there's half the competition.
source: my ass
Clearly a single mom.
It's just like when you're buying a used car and the guy says he has more than 100 offers already and you should probably act now because it's totally going to be gone like totally soon and stuff.
Use your head op. Assuming it doesn't break off inside your ass.
Close. I am actually a single dad.
5,000 for a geologist jib here in Nova Scotia. Be glad you ain't a geologist we all fucked
How the fuck did you win custody?
You could probably have 95% of geologists kill themselves and there would still be oversaturation.
women are huge whores and the only reason why people don't get laid is because they don't go to bars/night clubs looking for skanks.
You're right! There just aren't enough 'skilled' workers in the US.
Pimp her for the welfare money dog
Online applications are a joke.
I once spoke to someone who worked at Coca Cola in Atlanta. He said that when they post an online job posting, they usually get 2,000 to 3,000 applications before they take it down and start looking at candidates. After that a computer program filters the applications down to the top 100. Things like degree, college, similar companies, and key words are used for the filter process. Then the HR admin scans these 100 resumes for about 10 minutes, and picks the top 10 she thinks are the best. Then those 10 are given phone interviews. Then it's narrowed down to 3 or 4 who are given personal interviews, then someone is given a job.
Or at any moment during this process, someone at Coca Cola has a friend who is a good fit for the job and they will come in and interview and it will be given to them.
It's all bullshit man.
I didnt really. I have them half the time.
1. just copy and paste the job description into your resume so the computer filter picks up on the key words.
2, be a cool guy who everybody likes. one of your contacts will just give you a great job,
6 figure salary. baller status (in south or midwest).
/pol/ that you?
More merit to this than you think. There are some on welfare that need a minimum number of job applications in the week to keep getting benefits too.