What site can I buy bitcoins securely from?
What site can I buy bitcoins securely from?
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Do they accept credit card? Are there any extr fees?
Virwox if you wanna be taxed quite a lot.
I dont want to be taxed alot and I dont want alot of extra fees.
Also, what is the best bitcoin wallet with the highest security? Preferably online.
Ok then do Local Bitcoins
Do Virwox if you wanna use PayPal and be taxed about 5 extra dollars.
What is that site called? I dont trust links...
LDo you got Tor installed though?
yeah of course
For someone who doesn't know how to use TOR. I use BitGo, it's pretty good.
virwox looked very old... Any other sites that charge like say 5 dollars extra per bitcoin you buy?
hey, this is a worksafe board, no bare butts
ups, sorry :(
would appreciate it if everyone bought some btc right about now. got a futures position that got a little fucked this past hour.
Onion Wallet
Did you try Localbitcoins etc etc?
I want to enter the world of cryptoshitty, where do i begin?
Is Circle+C-CEX the best option?
Is not open to public.
Just buy bitcoin and trumpcoin until public sigup is allowed
Thats im asking, is Circle the best way to buy coins and C-CEX the best way to trade them?
Also, its obligatory to have a wallet?
Yes. If you are new. Try it out. Make sure to buy Trump coin. Never used circle before though
What do you use?
The Circles price is about 650 right now, and Bitstamps is 643, isn't unfair? I mean, why everybody says Circle is great if the price is that expensive?
They are shills all shills. Every company has their ups and downs but on Veeky Forums you can only enjoy the presence of one company - the one they love.
Compare and choose the best. Never do what Veeky Forums says. Unless you are really uneducated in the field you are asking about.
For example (I'm talking about /g/ (technology) here) I'm horrible with buying audio products so I always ask what /g/ thinks is best. Sure there is better stuff out their all I have to do is compare all products with the same specs and choose the best.
Of course Veeky Forums is not as bad as /g/
Can I buy with ZebraPay?
What other ways are there to buy cryptocurrency without dumping my money right from my credit card?