Dump whatever books that have made a difference in your life in making you better at sales, business and negotiation.
Recommended books, articles and other readings on sales, business and negotiation
Other urls found in this thread:
'We' by Zamyatin
'1984' by Orwell
'Brave New World' by Huxley
48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene
Stopping by to co-sign this brother's selection.
Excellent choices.
'We' is my favourite, followed by 'Brave New World'.
what's the imgur link of this girl again?
I felt that BNW was a bit of a copy of We
did you get that impression as well?
All about maximising artificial happiness
More on sales, business and negotiation, people!
Influence by Robert Cialdini
this is probably going to get me flamed...
So back when I was around 23 (29 now) I discovered "PUA" (Pickup artist)/art of attraction/game/wahtever you want to call it. Not going to go into detail with all that, different time different thread. but the core principles of what I absorbed out of it that made it work so well for me, was self confidence and presentation of characteristics you wan't people to see.
One of the fundamental items that helped me through the whole thing was the book "The Game" by neil strauss.
long story short of what i learned:
-how to be witty when you need to be
-how to be very clear in what you want
-how to read the verbal, emotional, and physical ques and how to steer them where you want them to go
-how to be persuasive in an attractive manner, so they give you what you want and thank you for letting them.
-how to dress well
and most importantly:
-how to display, and be, confident in yourself and your actions
Over the years I've learned that the entire process of making a girl want you is VERY much in parallel to ALL people interactions, including heavily in the business department. I noticed a huge spike in my success when dealing with others in a business situation after i developed the above skills. Dare I say you do the exact same thing in both situations, only it's directed at a different target audience and has different ending goals.
I'm pretty curious about this actually. Did you just finish that one book or is there more to it than that?
Excellent. Very useful. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
that was my starting point that got me excited and into PUA. after that I started hunting information and absorbing it like a sponge. Googled for new websites to get info from, joined PUA forums, watched countless youtube videos, etc.
the most important thing is this: you -HAVE- to go out and use what you learn. You have to build this new stuff into who you are and adjust it to suit you and your needs. Eventually even getting rejected becomes fun motivation
and to answer your question, there's never an end to it. You will never be perfect and there'll always be a new scenario you can create better outcomes from.
>theres never an end to it
good goyim
For biz and sales:
- millionaire fastlane (cheesy title but very good info)
- napoleon never slept (emotional energy and leading, very applicable to sales)
- art of the deal by donald j trump
Cant recommend highly enough "never split the difference". It was written by an ex FBI hostage negotiator who started a negotiation consulting business. It just came out recently and its pure gold. Every tactic was tested with peoples lifes.
I have to add:
Wen getting into "PUA" ignore the "how to get her easy into the bed" part and focus on the "improve yourself so this is gonna happen" part.
like this user said, selml improvement is the key, not stupid one liners and other bullshit from the PUA community.
Great titles - very helpful.
I disagree. The campy, silly, stupid, canned 1 liners, tricks, and to be blunt, retarded stuff serves a valuable purpose.
it makes you comfortable. it makes you realize not only does being rejected/laughed at/blown off not kill you, eventually you realize what youre doing is silly and funny, and you realize its how youre acting/what youre saying, not "you", that theyre walking away from. On top of that you'll PROBABLY succeed at least once using these retarded gimmics. I did quite a few times, and getting laid always boosts your ego.
once those switches are flipped socializing becomes easier and easier to master, because now the fears gone.
late to the thread. Can you recommend any articles on heartiste in particular?
t. padawan
I've started around 2014/2015. At that time, there are many interesting posts.