I'm sick and tired of Obama's socialist agenda
The smoking gun that Obama is going to ruin the country
What influence do you think Obama has on the stock market other than driving up RGR and others?
what is inflation
Let's ignore TPP, I'm just blaming Obama for everything like I hear a lot of conservatives do.
Many conservatives predicted the economy would be ruined under Obama, and they were right
That's quantitative easing in newspeak.
The phrase smoking gun refers to evidence left after the fact, not a sign something is going to happen.
I wonder if he's just pretending to be ID retarded
We are seeing the smoking gun after the fact today in 2016, Conservatives predicted Obama would send the economy into and even greater recession in 2009, and we should buy gold.
>what is inflation
Less than 2%, just like it has been for about a decade.
>quantitative easing
Its ok that you don't know what QE is or how it affects markets, but could you kindly refrain from talking about it until you do? Your idiocy makes my ears bleed. Thanks.
literally the best president ever
why anyone wouldn't want his policies continued under clinton is beyond me
so what policies did you like, and why?
History will prove Obama the greatest President of all time.
I repeat, what policies are responsible for this success?
waoh that's a crazy bubble
QE is the new printing money without the drag of inflation. They essentially print money but then use it to buy instead of sell.
Or the president who presided over the start of the race war.
Don't blame Obama (not entirely). The real problem as another poster pointed out is quantitative easing and bailing out shit banks that should have failed. This reduced the incentives for bankers to do the right thing in the first place, after all if you have no consequences why wouldn't you steal from the cookie jar again.
Obama did entice alot of this indirectly. I suggest reading up on the federal reserve and fractional reserve banking. Understand Obama does not control the monetary policy directly, that would be Mrs. Yellen and Bernanke and their god forsaken helicopter money. Couple that with 8 years of Bush shit show spending on Defense / finding "WMD's" at all costs. These costs have literally slowly drained the economy. Think if we had spent the trillions on infrastructure, jobs, and other such profitable endeavors instead of aircraft carriers, Fwhatever the shit planes, and more.
I do think Obama is a POS, but he is merely a puppet, not the true POS some of these money changers are.
I think the stock market is over priced comparative to living standards, and am short dow / invested in silver + gold. I'm not sure how it will all play out, though I think the only real way out at this point is an inflationary scenario. The problem with that is I think there will be some deflation before the real inflation hits (stuff has been inflating slowly but not at the rate needed for sustainable economics).
Many assets are unaffordable for most common plebs such as housing and the stock market IMO. The problem is they are forcing you into these markets to fleece you good. There is literally no other place to get a yield at this point. Bonds? Good luck. Interest / CD's? A joke at best. The only spot is hard assets and stocks.... which is a little worrying considering the all time highs with such poor global scenarios taking place.
Venezuela is fucked.
Brazil is not doing well at all.
The EU will be lucky if they don't lose another member this year.
Deutsche bank has trillions in derivatives, and the bank looks to be going bankrupt.
Canada isn't looking hot.
China isn't looking hot.
The middle east is a shit show at the moment.
But yeah, onward and upwards to the fucking moon, by any means possible... somehow.
I think its just the algo's honestly. No way rational people are driving this stock market boom, it has to be robots. There are people holding on for the ride though.
>best president ever
>what is foreign policy
>best president ever
It's all theater by this point, so are you saying that he's the best actor of his ilk?
hi /pol/
If the markets were truly efficient then they'd know this and price the market accordingly.
Since they don't we can't rely on markets being self regulating then, no?
So which is it? Markets are efficient or they need regulating?
If you're going to address a board, shouldn't you do so on the actual board?
>QE is the new printing money without the drag of inflation. They essentially print money but then use it to buy instead of sell.
This is categorically wrong. QE is not "printing money" -- it's an strategy to build bank liquidity through asset purchases by the Federal Reserve. The Fed prints "new money" all the time (literally every day) that has nothing to do with QE. Also, QE is most definitely inflationary. That it did not cause inflation in the US during the 2009-2014 QE rounds was a function of the strength of the dollar.
I told you to learn about QE before talking about it. You obviously didn't do that. Please reconsider your life choices.
>QE is not "printing money"
If you think the fed taking on 4 trillion in debt on bad investments is not roughly equivalent to them printing 4 trillion to do the same thing you are going to have to explain your reasoning. Do you think they plan on every paying it back without just printing it?
Also calm down, this isn't /b/ you autist.
the market should always be the highest it's ever been outside of recessions and recovery
it's normal
>If you think the fed taking on 4 trillion in debt on bad investments is not roughly equivalent to them printing 4 trillion to do the same thing you are going to have to explain your reasoning. Do you think they plan on every paying it back without just printing it?
The Fed didn't take on bad debt. It purchased debt securities from commercial banks. Those debt securities were of various qualities representative of the debt market as a whole. In truth, the debt purchased tended towards the highest quality possible (Treasury Bonds). Google "Operation Twist" to learn more.
The Fed doesn't have anyone to "pay back" for those assets -- they were all paid for in full. The Fed purchased the securities through a combination of selling short-term Treasury Bonds and expansionary money supply (the "printing money" part). The cash from these purchases went to the commercial banks, on the hope that it would shore-up the liquidity of the banks and encourage them to lend. It was mostly, but not entirely, a successful strategy.
If you're referring to paying back Treasury Bonds, you need to learn that issuing Treasury Bonds happens all the time at the Fed. It isn't unique to QE. A discussion of U.S. government debt is another topic altogether, and linking it to QE just makes you sound stupid.
>Also calm down, this isn't /b/ you autist.
I've been calmly correcting your misstatements for a day now. Every time you post you make more and more stupid errors. In spite of my suggestions that you take the time to learn about the topic, you just keep blundering through with more idiocy. This isn't good for the quality of the board.
If "autism" means that I prefer for correct and factual information and analysis to predominate the board, then whatever. As long as you either learn or leave, I don't care either way.
I always believed that Obama is the greatest american presindent in modern history. To me he is the equivalent to FDR, who also saved US economy from the great crisis. But when i tell people about overwhelming success of Obama's policies, about DJIA that doubled under his watch, about millions of jobs, most people are in total denial about it. it's all "muh labor participation rates" and "muh 19 trillion debt".
How come people are so dense, user? The recovery is undeniable, it's a fact. WHy can't they accept it already? We all are better off than in 2009 when he came in office. Why people are denying his achievements? It's because he's black?
>what is inflation
The function of the stock market is just pulling future earnings and wealth into the present. Eventually this will cause hyperinflation as it creates a runaway effect of constantly rising prices. Its clear at this rate in 10-15 years the price of a gallon of milk or gasoline will be 10-20 dollars and when that happens it will be bad.
So a rising stock market is not indicative of good things.
>Eventually this will cause hyperinflation
Umm, the U.S. hasn't had serious inflation since the disco era -- despite four sustained bull runs in that time period (three major, one minor). Modern monetary policy, combined with the global banking system, gives the Fed virtually unlimited control over inflation.
>QE is not printing money
>The Fed purchased the securities through a combination of selling short-term Treasury Bonds and expansionary money supply (the "printing money" part).
Glad you now suddenly agree with me.
Is it difficult being so arrogant and so wrong?
>I'm sick and tired of Obama's socialist agenda.
>So I'm going to pretend I know how markets work.
>That'll show those racists.
That you think FDR was a good President invalidates anything else you have to say.
QE is the Fed purchasing financial assets from banks to increase liquidity and promote lending. Period. End of story.
Those purchases can (and are) accomplished in many ways, only one of which is increasing the money supply.
Is it difficult being so dim that you can't distinguish subtle differences in the English language?
If gold skyrockets inflation could start running at the double digits for a whole decade... Contrary to popular belief it's actually perfectly poised to. After gold's topped off (I estimate around $3,500) everyone's precious real estate bubble will burst and that'll be the end of the free money train forever.
>QE is the new printing money without the drag of inflation.
It detracts from the integrity of the market and could have been acting as a primer for the ultimate gold bubble.
Where can I track gold's current value?
I fully admit I'm ignorant of like 95% of this, but I read and hear lots about gold prices and honestly this is all kind of scary, so I want to get educated.
>If gold skyrockets inflation could start running at the double digits for a whole decade
Have even looked at a chart recently? The price of gold has borne ZERO relationship to inflation for years.
>Jesus, this board. So many poorfags.
Crack use isn't healthy
Seconding this for sound and reasonable points, especially about people being forced into housing and stock market
>The problem is they are forcing you into these markets to fleece you good. There is literally no other place to get a yield at this point. Bonds? Good luck. Interest / CD's? A joke at best. The only spot is hard assets and stocks....
Actually what it seems like is they've figured the economy is doing good when the stock market is going up, so if we make the stock market go up that will fix the economy. Sadly what they haven't realised is that this is a one-way causal relationship.
Obama is a moderate in his economic approach, and his military approach as well. Thankfully we have the full house to stop him from doing open borders, though. We lose the house next circuit, so if we lose the next presidential election its game over for conservatives. Faggot canadians and welfare bribed mexicans will see a 100m increase in leftist secured voter population.
Either the republicans would be forced to let the coservative party die and just become libertarian capitalists or the party would just die altogether.