Daily Reminder:

goldman sachs is a fucking fagfarm full of inferior little pat bateman wannabes who suck at math...
that is all

i thought they died


I don't see how you hate from outside the club, you can't even get in.

>implying i want to go work 100 hour weeks with a bunch of uptight cut throat losers who have never been curious about a single thing in their life..
I know the type of jock losers who work there...
literally the type of ppl who think ripping their clients is justified bc they work hard...
like a mcdonalds worker who adds a dollar to every customers order so they can tip themselves, justifying their actions by believing they are entitled to it bc of their effort...
ive heard so many stories about the typical math illiteratte losers who work there..'
fucking scumbags

Most of my friends who work in finance work there and have taken PhD classes in math.

Also met another guy who does a 9 to 6 there everyday as quant. Not everyone is in M&A and does 100hrs.

You've either finished reading Greg Smith's book or they sold you a shitty rotten product ?

no, i just know alot of losers who work there and other ibs who are fucking meatheads with a 3rd graders maths ability

My Brother is in M&A and Goldman...what are the stereotypes?

I didn't realise people actually disliked Goldman M&A in particular.

What degree do you have?
Why do you make this thread every week?

Goldman hasn't been performing well.

Personally my money is in VIRT. I think those guys have a bright future.

Dividend over 5%, P/E of 20, Net income of 200m and Market Cap of 2.5b

This looks tasty on the surface

Their accounting is super shady. They publish both GAAP and non GAAP earnings and every conference call they talk (extensively) about how the GAAP earnings don't mean anything. They also talk about how increased financial regulation is good for their business (ok umm yeah sure) while aggressively branching off into less well regulated markets.

It's the shadiness that appeals to me though. I don't think it's a sign of actual malpractice but of them being further ahead in technology than their competitors and miles ahead of regulators.

Basically what I'm saying is that VIRT was the company Goldman Sachs was once upon a time.

Did your internship get turned down?

I just looked at their youtube page, it seems as if they hire EXCLUSIVELY Asians, blacks and females.

How is this bank not an SJWs wet dream?

Regulation benefits good banks because it buttfucks bad banks which eliminates competition.

If I were on the NYSE I would look in to buying it.

Looks like you've done your research
The future is in algo/quant trading.

My exact thoughts . It is like we are the same person . I tell this to my brother all the time

>They also talk about how increased financial regulation is good for their business
Nonsense. I work there and all I here all day every day is how regulations are killing us and that there's no way the company can survive this way much longer... Every time a quarterly result is announced, I see people with sagged shoulders quietly pondering lackluster bonuses again.

Yeah, hence the "ok umm yeah sure."

I still believe in your company though.

>they sold you a shitty rotten product
I'm going with this answer.

I have no opinion about Goldman's M&A, I just know that M&A people work super long hours doing basically 0 math, and they don't even earn that much in reward before they have a few yeas of experience.

I hold no grudge against M&A people, I just wouldn't study maths for 5 years to end up transforming Excel tables all day, all night.

Just saying then, there are also some good people with a solid background in math who work there. Guess you need them to build the actual trading models while the others go do Bateman stuff.

There was some great Goldman Sachs Elevator Gossip tweet about how they make the website look like a benetton ad, but the reality is it's just whites and some chinks who work there