Another day, another dollar

Another day, another dollar.

How do the neets afford this lifestyle?

Don't their parents kick them out eventually?

Autismbux is the way to go.

How much are autismbux?

Here in Canada they're kind of hard to get and you get maybe ~$1000/month at most even for legit physical disability.

Seems kind of low to actually live a fulfilling life.

About £10000 a month for me, how else do I live such a lavish lifestyle?

Whoa! what condition do you have? Which country do you reside in?

That's more than I make as a wageslave! I may need to switch to whatever you're doing!

I have a brilliant mind and a healthy body just like all NEETs and live in the UK.

How do you get NEETbux then? Teach me senpai

You must go to the job centre and say to them that you are "unable to find work". They will then ask you to sign a form and that is it.


Where does the government get all that free money to give to people? What if everyone became a NEET?

If everyone became a NEET then there would initially be massive technological and artistic innovations, however eventually the government would run out of NEETbux causing society to collapse and therefore it is unsustainable. Thats why ragie wagies are needed to support the NEET lifestyle.

If neets live such good lives why do so many on /r9k/ want to kill themselves?


That is ragie wagie propaganda, do not fall for the lies. The average NEET is satisfied in every way.

Why are you on Veeky Forums all day instead hiking mount kilimanjaro or whatever you guys say you do

I'm not on Veeky Forums all day, I spend large amounts of time hiking in the peak district and observing the wonders of nature. Do you enjoy sucking shekelsteins cock all day wagie?

Can you post any pictures of your recent hikes?

Where have you hiked in June?

No, I don't take my smartphone with me since it is distracting. I can't remember all but I walked along kinder scout in June.

I think you are lying and this is either satire or you think this "le epic neet troll" is a fun way of passing time because you're bored of anime and videogames

Hmmmmmmm you got me wagie. I thought you realised £120,000 a year did seemed pretty low for autismbux, I think it might be closer to £999,999,999 a year.

he was a genius scientist apparently
>just become a genius scientist user. good luck lel

nice try op

but 'genius scientist' and adsense Youtube bucks both are not global reaching, scale-able businesses. You'll never be rich or truly free of financial worries. you're not in control of Google/Youtube's ad revenue model. These vid's are a good start for trolling while you're in HS or college but you're not done. get back to work and don't stop until you're truly free

>Scientists is not wagecucks
Most of them hate their jobs because it more paperwork and bureaucratic shit to properly do your research.
>I haz gorrlian dollhairs
A lot of those 1%ers actually worker longer hours than you do as a wagecuck. They have to constantly meet their clients and read up on the client information of their product or company financials. This is why they have assistants do the office work for them so they can focus on the business side.

and that's why i love being the boss !

everyone is replaceable and my only concern is growing the business
