>tfw you need a +100,000% return on a $1000 investment to make a $1,000,000
>tfw buying and holding the stock market only gives you a 5% annualized return after inflation...
Tfw you need a +100,000% return on a $1000 investment to make a $1,000,000
Other urls found in this thread:
This is when you get a job or start a business
go back to /r9k/
Also you only need a 1000% return on your $1000
>invest in cryptocoins
>fucking 1k to 1M real quick.
When multiplying numbers like that just add the zeros together
1000 * 1000 is 1,000,000
You're technically right, but I'm thinking in terms of price change of a stock going to the moon
(1+(100,000%/100))*$1000 ~ $1 million
that's why it's better to invest $50,000 instead of $1,000
50,000 * 1,000 = 50,000,000
50,000 * 100 = 5,000,000
50,000 * 10 = 500,000
>(1+(100,000%/100))*$1000 ~ $1 million
Literally what are you writing retard, no wonder you're a NEET
Think through it logically.
1000 * 10 = 10,000
So 1000 * 100 = 100,000 (Hmmm ONE THOUSAND, times one hundred... hmmm that gives us one hundred thousand)
1000 * 1000 = 1,000,000
Notice how the zeros add up in the product, retard?
In real terms, you should be making ~10% in real terms with stock, annually.
Veeky Forums - Business & Finance
>implying that $100 going up to $200 is a 2% return (200/100 =2)
I cannot believe I'm reading this. Do you even know how to percentage?
are you guys retarded?
1000 / 100 = 10 10 = 1% of 1000
1,000,000 / 10 = 100,000
so you need 100,000 1%'s, which is 100,000%
No you stupid nigger
this is a quality thread
if you still don't get it consider kys
2 words
>invest in shitcoins
>lose $1k
also . your investment isn't just 1k
cuz u should be throwing in at least 100
every month.
so please revise your formula to include
the rent your money earns, and the money you will be adding monthly.
i wrote one in javascript if you will give me some time to find where i saved it.
// init = initial investment lump sum , in your case 1k
// reup = is how much more u invest monthly
// yrs = is how many years you want to calculate for
// div= is the dividend amount of the company you bought
// this formula assumes the market will grow 14% a year
function calculate(init,reup,yrs,div){
div = div * 4 * yrs ;
init = init + reup + div * 12 * yrs *14 ;
return init ;
calculate(1000,100,10,10); // this is an example, u can change the numbers acorndingly.
// i just slapped this 2gether, let me know if theres any problmes with it
is the answer that formula spits out for the computer illiterate.
Hey what's up its chad
Today I put all of my money into bitcoin
I Just did a large dose of dmt
I am singing
ITT: Veeky Forums learns math
>let me know if theres any problmes* with it
not to be anal, but you forgot ; after } ;)
Veeky Forums is so wise. Well, it would be if it could figure out how math and interest work. ITT more laughs than anything on /b/ today.
function calculate(init,reup,yrs,div){
div = div * 4 * yrs ;
reup = reup * 12 * yrs
init = init + div + reup *14 ;
return init ;
yea the equation was wrong. sorry , like i said i just threw it 2gether. i guess op should do suicide .
still. if u stick to simple good habits, you should be more than comfortalbe by the time you are too old to work hard, with a very modest amount of money.
just make sure u pick good companies with nice dividends, honestly , i think in the next 10 years teh market will deliver much better than 14% but thats just my cyclical, post 10 year + recession optimism.
fuck off autist. If you invest 1000 in a stock it needs to go up 100,000% in order to become 1,000,000. its that simple.
Holy fucking shit you're all god damn retarded.
Veeky Forums is a fucking joke.
Do you actually think when it says +100% next to a stock or crypto that it's value has been multiplied by 100 in the last 24 hours? Is this board populated by children??
Yeah. I can imagine some here reaching retirement thinking they'll be fine and then the look on their faces when they realise they only have a tiny fraction of what they require.
yea. okay dimwit. keep adding zeros 2 the back of shit and see how far that gets u in business.
Do you suck your moms dick with that mouth?
no ur right . that formula was rong.
its supposed 2 be * .14 then add that 2 init .
dont know why someone doesn't jsut fix the formula, but i will later.
the actual formula is more complex and requires and interator, 2 account for the growth per year . i will try 2 put it 2gether , but im obviously no math genius >.< so give me a sec and be eazy on me, if i wasn't working it out on this board, i wouldn't be doing it at all :p
not that i find those figures wildly unrealistic. based on projections for the markets growth. but
i'd like 2 not be held accountable for bullshit math.
hope u dont mind. b3for i finish this im gonna catch up on some episodes of shark tank.
in the meantime, u can try it urself,
Can you not convert percent into decimal and vice versa?
no one got it yet?
im almost there, even tho im in the middle of something.
This board is complete shit
You could get better financial advice on /r9k/
>Veeky Forumsraelis can't into maths.
>This thread is fucking gold.
did u finish the formula for me?
ur gonna wanna be doing something like this.
so that u can manipulate and redefine the amount of capital per dividend yield.
its not necessarily as simple as just pre algebra
200/100 = 2.0
1.0 is 100%
So 2.0 is a 200% return. U plum fucker
just gonna go 2 bed and leave this here till 2 morrow, maybe good will hunting will beable 2 solve it b4 me ;)
>tfw if you get 4% annual returns after inflation for 40 years, your investment will only be worth nearly five times as much
man what is the point, if you invest your extra income over your entire life it's only going to maybe double or triple. What is one million compared to three in your 70s. There's no becoming rich through patience and frugality. Might as well enjoy it when you get it
cross multiply and divide you fucking faggot
said no wealthy individual ever.
function calculator(stock,div){
stock = stock * .15 + stock;
div = div * .15 * 4 + div ;
var output = stock + div ;
return output
// = 11.66
// so there is a calcuator for finding the expected dividend yeild of 1 particular stock over one year .....
function calculator(stock,div){
stock = stock * .15 + stock;
div = div * .15 * 4 + div ;
var output = stock + div ;
return output
// if u were so inclined u could re calculate manually year after year as shown, but i will try 2 make an automated calculator, that also includes, the years passed, and your re up amount . ofc that can be done manually with this simple calculator, i will complete the sophisticated calculator thusly purely for the challenge and skills/mastery acquired .
i excluded the first year..
hear. as u can see the rent on the money from the dividends and reinvestment is nothing 2 sneeze at
//11.66 year one
//13.569 year 2
//15.76435 year 3
you can imagine , if you were 2 move the decimal place a space or 2 the right indicating a 10 times larger investment .
So reinvest the profits each year.
Keep buying good American stocks, fortune 500 companies. It's the only way to win OP, even if it's slow going.
>i will complete the sophisticated calculator thusly
it may take me a while tho . ur welcome to try in my stead.
/// here we get into fuckin with arrays.
function calculator(years){
var eyears = new Array(years)
eyears[0] = 'zero'
eyears[1] = 'one'
eyears[2]= 'two'
eyears[3]= 'three'
eyears[4]= 'four'
eyears[5]= 'five'
eyears[6]= 'six'
eyears[7]= 'seven'
eyears[8]= 'eight'
eyears[9]= 'nine'
eyears[10]= 'ten'
eyears[11]= 'eleven'
return eyears[years]
/// returns 'three'
heres a start...