When did you realize that making money legally is almost pointless and that every low wage employee is wasting their time when they should make their biweekly paycheck in two days if they grew some balls?
When did you realize that making money legally is almost pointless and that every low wage employee is wasting their...
So you're making money how again?
Are you telling us to be a mercenary
I'm not telling you anything, I'm just giving you something to think about.
Illegal enterprises can very easily earn you $200/day in under an hour which is already ~60k/yr, with much less work than a full-time job
So, if you're willing to do high risk activities, you stand to gain (and lose) a lot more? Ok thanks for the tip.
I don't really know where this new meme on Veeky Forums of: "just be a criminal" is coming from. It's kind of amusing to watch. I mean do you think that no one's thought the things before. This is as old as mankind.
Generally, the consensus is that crime doesn't pay in the long run.
>So, if you're willing to do high risk activities, you stand to gain (and lose) a lot more? Ok thanks for the tip.
If you do it carefully you have very little to no risk.
>Generally, the consensus is that crime doesn't pay in the long run.
Maybe not in the long run, but it definitely pays in the short run.
That's why you don't do it over a span of 10 years, you do it short-term to scrape up enough money to start a business without loans or to go to a good college without any debt.
Oh so you're not ever going to get caught. I see. No criminals have ever thought that before you.
You know, if you're willing to do the time, then go ahead and do the crime. But you need to factor that little caveat into your dastardly plans.
Sure there are some people who were born criminals, and they live hard lives. But somehow I don't think the NEETS around here who like to repeat this meme like it's some kind of inspired thinking are going to do very well inside the can.
Shit, nigger can't you read? He said you just have to be careful.
I suppose if you are subhuman this is a viable strategy, but then again only if we buy the premise that it is actually 'easy' and 'riskfree' to be a criminal.
Sometimes I wonder if people who post these garbage overly simplified theories actually believe their own bullshit - I really hope not.
This is a troll thread, user.
>You know, if you're willing to do the time, then go ahead and do the crime. But you need to factor that little caveat into your dastardly plans.
The punishments are very low for some things, and the rate of getting caught is also low.
I recall reading a statistic about only 25% of Break and Enters being solved in some major cities, for example. And that's literally breaking into a property and stealing from it, which you'd think would have over a 90% rate of getting caught due to how easy it is to leave evidence and such.
>if you are subhuman
Go back to /pol/ loser
>the goat's horn
>chorizo on egg
he is cartel nigger
Well I don't know who you're trying to convince, but far be it from me to dissuade you from your life goals. Get to it I say! Post updates.
Hi Icycalm
stay wagecucking while real niggas make big bucks
How much do you make a week? Probably $1000-2000?
You can make that in a day, not even a full day mind you. 3 hours.
Wtf does this have to do with business and finance?
Go back to /r9k/
doing what
What does making money have to do with business and finance? I don't know.
Stop forcing your "go back to r9k" meme in response to every thread
Doing what?
Blah blah blah, talk is cheap little man. Get to it and then come back and brag about your success. (With pics)
making money how?
you haven't even told us what you do
Exactily! This is pure NEET material right here.
Sure thing, robbing banks is a viable option if you want to risk your life in prison/ getting shot. Sure thing dude, you are totally not NEET material. Fucking loser.
>You can make that in a day, not even a full day mind you. 3 hours.
Doing what exactly fuckface?
Doing what exactly?
>Why aren't you creating unnecessary competition for yourself by telling everyone
I'm not going to give you a step-by-step guide, it's just some food for thought, something to ponder and come to a conclusion yourself.
I average around $2,800 a week. I work in an air conditioned office, put in around 35 hours a week, and have never been at risk of grievous injury or arrest while at work. I have health and dental coverage as well.
I've been to rehab and met suppliers that made $200,000 a year. They all got caught or addicted. The money runs out quick. I'll take the "paycut" that comes from not being a real nigga.
I came from that life. I've had guns pulled on me and I've run from the police. The majority of criminals are broke and lead awful lives. Get this romanticized fantasy out of your head because it literally takes one rent a cop you missed or a dope addict that hasn't shot up in two days to put a slug into your chest.
>He thinks i'm talking about talking about being a low level drug dealer
>He thinks that there aren't safe ways to make lots of money with worst case scenarios of barely any punishment
>He doesn't think that because of biases due to retarded/addicted/plain unintelligent people getting caught or doing retarded things that skews the results and that there are med students making bank with no risk because they're actually smart and will become doctors and abandon this lifestyle
>there are med students making bank with no risk because they're actually smart and will become doctors and abandon this lifestyle
>I think med students have access to narcotic drugs
Girlfriend is an RN. You either need a pad or someone to steal meds from gomers. Or a discretionary pain med can be pocketed by an RN when administered at a lower dose than recorded.
>if you just did this you would be rich
>no I won't tell you what it is
OP you are a fag.
Want an idea that I found a while back friends?
It's scummy, scammy, and morally bankrupt, but it'll get you money, probably.
OP is LARPing.
I threw the fishing line in, I'm just giving you a suggestion to think outside the 9-5 box for a moment and consider some alternative options.
When did Veeky Forums become so risk-averse and whiteknight beta? I swear scams and shit were constantly discussed on old Veeky Forums, now it's just newfags from reddit or wherever else
In other words yes, you are a fag. Wasting everyone's time with your bullshit.
You have no ideas, and likely no money.
I sell personal info to a ring that uses those credit lines to get new phones from retailers then sell them at a steep discount. It's far more involved than 2 hours a day and, despite being white collar, has huge exposure. There's no loyalty to me, either. They will roll on me if caught. Plus, because the scam crosses state lines, it's the FBI's jurisdiction.
Stop pretending to be a modern day Machiavelli on a Croatian macrame forum, do your schoolwork, and stop shitposting. Old Veeky Forums was actually stock threads, tax dodging, more crypto threads than necessary, and general entrepreneurship questions. But that was at inception.
>Old Veeky Forums was actually stock threads, tax dodging, more crypto threads than necessary, and general entrepreneurship questions. But that was at inception.
lol at it's inception Veeky Forums was nothing but cryptothreads and "Sell me this pen"
Anyway, why does it have such huge exposure? You can't do it anonymously? How are you getting the info? You work for a shredding company or something?
There were regular /fraud/ and /scam/ threads on old Veeky Forums.
Nu-Veeky Forums is the one that only discusses cryptocurrencies, how to get quick with $50.67 or whatever and pretending to be rich with "Veeky Forums approved cars" where they post cars they saw in a video
>I'm not going to give you a step-by-step guide,
Lol, okay tommy time to turn off the computer.
Why do you fags always this shit?
I've made threads before literally telling you faggots how to make money less than legally and you just responded with "xd enjoy prison" "nice lies" "turn off the computer underage edgelord", you guys are beyond hope desu stay poor
>I'm not going to give you a step-by-step guide
>I've made threads before literally telling you faggots how to make money less than legally
Are you excited to start Reading class in September tommy? Big boy what grade are you going into?
>Anyway, why does it have such huge exposure? You can't do it anonymously?
By nature of the way I got in touch with my buyer, it's not 100% anonymous. There's a link that can roll. The exposure is large because of what I don't know. If I don't know something, I assume it's a liability. So what I assume is, I'm his only seller, the info can be linked to a pool, the pool is very unlikely to be linked to me but can be, and I have no clue how careful they are about unloading the phones.
>I've made threads before literally telling you faggots how to make money less than legally and you just responded with "xd enjoy prison" "nice lies" "turn off the computer underage edgelord", you guys are beyond hope desu stay poor
What B&E? I haven't seen any real idea. Does the cartel do online apps?
More like underage B&.
Hope you're using a VPN bud, because I submitted a report to the FBI with a link to this thread. It'll be easy for them to subpoena your IP address from 4channel. Have fun getting vanned
This is a satirical thread :^)
no that was just an example dumbass.
I've literally outlined how to make money for you fucks in other threads and even when I spent over an hour clarifying questions and explaining you still said "Provide photographic, timestamped evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that this actually happened as you described", like what's wrong with you niggers?
For a board of literal NEETs and losers you guys sure do need a lot of coercing to make YOURSELF money.
his ip is
start the dos guys
nice try atf
you won't shoot my dog!
>start the dos
jesus it's not the 80's anymore son
>Hurr low risk
>I've told you guys numerous times, in many threads
>>Alright, how?
>Woah woah woah woah woah buddy I can't hold your hand!
Make your mind up, dego.
$650+ per hour?? Holy fuck, man....what kind of freaky outer-space drugs are you selling that you net a grand every ninety minutes?
....and why haven't you shared any of them?!
....you dick...
Fuck off, cunt.
Out with it, Paco. Tell us how. Anything involving an assault rifle, as your borrowed picture depicts, is going to end up with you shot in the end. Either by enemies, or by an ally wanting to make an extra buck. You know this, right?
>It'll be easy for them to subpoena your IP address from 4channel.
I bet. It'll be even easier to get the search warrant.
>What do you mean unsubstantiated, your honor? He made a post on Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums! Then he called someone a faggot. This guy's a monster of the highest order.
Ur an fagit
Got a word or phrase I can punch into archive to find the thread? Genuinely curious.
You're making me giddy. If the enterprise does produce value despite operating above legal boundaries then it's not really "criminal" and if you're not a subhuman you'll probably be entitled to a degree of respect and given a duty with relatively low risk. But maybe you're just some dipshit that thinks the government is the good guys and everyone else is the bad guys because there's no more valid a token of goodness than a medal.
OP has won my admiration with this quality OC.
>If you do it carefully you have very little to no risk.
if you trade the forex market carefully youll never lose!!! Employers hate him!!
They're so stuck in the twilight zone and they'll never escape it, not even when it's burning to the ground. So when they get messages from the real world they deject them as some sort of foreign fantasy.
>Tell us how. Anything involving an assault rifle, as your borrowed picture depicts, is going to end up with you shot in the end. Either by enemies, or by an ally wanting to make an extra buck.
It's as if you've never realized there's such a thing as a successful operation in existence. Anyway, I'd rather die free than spend 20 years in the twilight zone of media oppression.
>die free
dat meme again
I seriously want to know where these ideas are coming from. Is it thing that I don't know about, or is the product of a lone autistic mind? Or something in between?
You realize most merc/soldier/theif jobs have shit pay, right? If you want to actually avoid legal liability, you gotta spend a long time setting stuff up, and even then you need reliable friends and your gif may need to be called off.
>I make good money sellibg drugs
Nigga please, you are either gonna get ratted out or caught by an undercover client. You might be able to afford an average white person car before you do though, lol.
around 22, when i started sellings 420 and xtacy small time.
lol have you ever been to jail? rhetorical question but there's a reason people wage cuck
> t. edgy teenager who doesn't want to get his first real job
There is a reason that almost all criminals are some kind of socially undesirable outcast. Niggers, manlets, spics, sand niggers, and what not. Most criminals make less than a legit job. The key to success is learning how to manipulate people and succeed legally
how do you even win at forex?
plz tell me forex is a meme.
low expectations
don't go for 10k a month go for $1000 a month
Trade all the exotic pairs you cant get your hands on, then watch the money roll in
fuck off faggot, if you're not going to tell us what you do or even how to get started, then why did you even come here in the first place, you fucking fruitcake.
your assumption (based on the movie you just watched) is that poor people have some sort of hidden talent that would make them rich and competent as criminals.
most of them (you included) would just get caught or get into some shit with real criminals. your sentiment is as meaningful as "just be a rapper/doctor/pro athlete and you will have 10 mansions in a year"
Why is OP always lying?
Pretty much
I used to sell dope for like 4 years until I had enough money to make legitimate investments and finish floating through uni
You don't become successful by being a boyscout, or stupid enough to flaunt your "lifestyle"/money like a nigger
I'll add something though.
When I was like 14 me and my cousin (16) would do a bunch of crime in his suburban town for fun
>one night taking a mini sledge hammer and fucking up a ton of cars
>like 5 am and I'm on the hood of a car smashing the winshield
>see a cop at a cross light perpendicular to us
>had a scanner and were chased at least once for something we didn't do
Towards the end
>his computer crashed and he said 'we're going to steal a laptyop'
>'ok' didn't thing he was serious but was along for the ride
>we scouted laptops through the windows of a set of office buildings
>threw a rock through the window, he smashed the rest with his skateboard and I pulled a laptop out
>needed to uninstall windows to get passed the password
>we broke in a middleschool computer room to lol get windows
>they're all macs and we have no idea what we're doing
>obviously can't get windows
>trash the computer room instead
>see a mac skipping a across desks - like skipping rocks - when we throw it
>he literally robs a liquor store with a fake gun
>only got like $200 (semi a lot for us)
>we steal another laptop the next week
>bring my friend over for a weekend and we steal a bunch of fire extuingushers from a commercial garage (had to break the glass)
>we ride the fire extinguishers on his skateboard - me and my friend carry 4 each (15 in total)
>spray them for fun
>get chased by a bike cop (it's the middle of the night)
>get chased hard the whole night - listening to the scanner - including plain clothes cops toward the end
>have to run through tons of fields
Everything was hard as hell after that, but that was one of the hardest nights
We did a ton of (admittedly low level) shit, never got caught and we were kids
We had a slidehammer to steal cars (never used), lockpicks, multiple scanners.
My cousin was half assed growing weed in his closet. We literally broke into the garden section of a Rite Aid and got miracle grow (lol)
>says anything about crime on a website where the fbi can get ur ip in 0.2 seconds
>listening to the scanner
you lying cuck police com is encrypted digital for decades now they also change the key periodically, no way you cunts got a hand on a real one.
you're a retard, there are police scanners where I live. I have one.
Back in the day you could.
Doesn't /pol/ run threads on live streaming Chicago PD scanners?
>Okay, how do we make the money
>oh, he's just lying
>so why not tell us now
>no more response
This happened like 3 times in this thread.
Come on, OP.
One last bump from page 10...
I read an interesting paper the other day that suggested finding sets of 5 currency pairs using a genetic algorithm.
I sold cocaine and various other drugs at the age of 15 and onwards until I was 18. Being a criminal is not "easy" and most of my friends are now dead or in jail (even the ones who were "careful"). So while you do make a lot of money quickly, the mental toll as well as constant risk associated with the life is not worth it imo.
But go ahead and think you got it lol, everybody has thought they could be "smart" and not be punished in some form or get out of the life after a few years. In many instances there is no leaving, the suppliers will murder you before risking you leaving and talking in some manner.
End this shit tier meme
Tell me how to make money illegally then, genius. It is not that easy, even if you are amoral
1-2k in 3h sounds like crack 2 me
Private mercenaries don't get paid shit. Join a PMC if you actually want to make money.
Source: myself.
at the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Harvard Business School, and I’ve been involved in numerous leveraged buyouts, and I have over 300 million invested in my Cayman Islands bank account alone. I am trained in portfolio management and I’m the top short seller in the entire US market. You are nothing to me but just another piggy bank. I will wipe the value of your assets the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of accountants across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your Roth IRA. You’re fucking over, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can make you broke in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just if I stick to stocks. Not only am I extensively trained in equity markets, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Securities and Exchange Commission and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking done, kiddo. theres many of us.
This would have been good if you mentioned bitcoin. At least 50% of the shitposting on Veeky Forums comes from memecoiners.
Eh it's about the same when I was selling meth the people just gave me a huge buzz kill I rather make it the legal way than get killed by some junkie
Most people aren't tough enough to handle the repercussions when (not if) things go wrong.
I know this is a bait thread but I've dealt with some really, really shady characters over the course of doing business. From my observations I'd say you've got to be born into that kind of life to have any real chance of success at it, relatively speaking of course.
>not just bribing police officers so you can deal drugs
How many dicks do you suck an hour to make that kind of cash op?
how do you launder your money or buy a house then?