How can I make a profit out of nu-males and cucks?
What do they want?
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inb4 try /r9k/
Sell them big black bulls
Go to reddit and ask them.
start making and selling chastity devices for cucks
>Sell them big black bulls
Are you kidding me?
Purchase the bulls' service independently.
Inflate price and lease them out.
A related question would be how to profit off feminists and female SJWs. (Probably been discussed before)
We can assume most cannot into tech or business.
I would really love to anonymously start some feminist social network or app or something. To have that secret power would be quite something, even if I didn't abuse it. The irony of me making money off of thme would give great satisfaction.
It could even relate to the OP question - ownership of the SJW females would likely open up avenues to profit from the cucks, since they would follow the females.
I enjoy that this meme is a perfect of example of just how separated from reality /pol/tards are
Why won't you retarded newfags go back to facebook or reddit or wherever the hell else you came from?
Sell pro feminism shirts online
With something like "FEMINISM NOW" and an image of a large female outline taken from a toilet sign next to a small male outline from a toilet sign
Make big dollars off feminazis
What's the difference between separated from reality and ahead of the curve? Not that you'd know, naturally, because you are firmly grounded in a media driven reality and very much waiting to see which direction everything goes.
If you were to rely on /pol/ as your source of information you would think
When in reality that board is just an autistic spergfest of people who haven't had a social interaction in years, and hence have no idea what actual people are really like.
Sure. pol knows nothing about social reality, biz knows nothing about money and business, and a knows nothing about Chinese cartoons. Just here.
Read "How To Win Friends and Influence People"
Rewrite it with some PUA style shit with an emphasis on "how to get out of the friend zone without being a 'jerk'"
Hire some non autistic friends to go talk to girls on the street and record them from a nearby bench.
Repeat with other self help books until you've got enough traction to write your own.
Self publish a poorly written ebook for a cheap price, claiming you'll constantly work on it, and everyone who has already will get the updated versions for free.
Disappear for about 2 months or so then come back claiming you had an epiphany while traveling/meditating/who gives a fuck and say you've been working on a bunch of new content.
Repeat the old content with a bit of input from your epiphany.
Repeat until it's no longer profitable. If you get too much negative response or the market starts to desaturate, hire a younger, fresher face to be a he mouthpiece for all your ghostwritten material.
>How can we profit from middle class male liberals?
Does this phrasing offend you less?
Do you have anything useful to say?
Perhaps there is some product or service you personally might be interested in?
Just thought of this one:
A crowdfunding website created only for "Social Justice" causes. Get a couple BLM activists or something to parrot the website emphasizing how it'll help small communities rather than large pools of money to one organization.
He's interested in caring about black people, in the most public way possible. As long as it's free and doesn't take too much effort (think 140 characters). If there's a chance a girl who loves blacks will acknowledge his existence, he'll leverage an entire inheritance on a blacklivesmatter t-shirt and take a bus to a democrat really.
>hurr muh black dick memes XXDDD
Yeah, you guys are retarded. Veeky Forums was way better off before you showed up.
Nobody mentioned black dicks. You having a fantasy numale?
Oh look, another one of these threads.
So what are you into? Op is looking to sell you stuff.
This. Target SJW women and the cucks will follow suit.
I have an idea. Pretend you are a white upper class teenage girl who is a rape victim. Set up a bitcoin address any say you were ‘raped by evil white men and the patriarchy they must be killed! The Republicans! He’s a red piller!’ etc. The SJW and nu-males will buy in your poor white teenage girl rape victim status but you also know about technology because ‘she’s a strong smart girl!’. A few fake tweets and posts on leddit and bitcoins will come to your way for 'rape victim donation'. Delete everything when desired.
>What do they want?
Shirts and other accessories with popular notions on them "i love black dick" "women are entitled to beat me" and various sex toys, either multicoloured or black.
go long on BBC
It's called findom and it's already off the ground.
Become a university
Maybe Branded food? What do cucks love or hate?
Sell mini cakes with Trump drawn out on top and Donate 20% to Trump Campaigner.
Get them really angry!
Now sell cakes against that guy who sold Trump cakes, and Donate that money to Trump again.
Had a laff
Browse through subreddits where people are likely to buy things. Take note of what people like and what could be improved, make that product on the cheap and sell it to the average financially-irresponsible millennial.
Biggest thing that comes to mind is Daniel Wellington watches. Started in 2011, watches made in China, feature Japanese quartz movement, and they all sell for fucking 200 dollars or more
Thai girlfriend service
I can't tell you about NuMales, but I can teach you about BlackLivesMatter
Each times there is a publicised shooting, create a website "(insert victim's name).com" or the like. Then bombard the website with ads, while having a picture and a eulogy for the person in question. Profit.
If you want to up it, connect it to your ebay or amazon store and sell t-shirts about said person.
Be enterprising and the first to do this each shooting, and profit.
Isn't illegal to publicize images of a person without their consent? This case being of their parents or you know, people who care about them.
Literally only niggers believe shit like this
I bet you also believe its illegal to take photos of people in public without their consent too..
Tinder for cucks
This ones free you vultures
DESU you just reinvented beta males and ugly bitches that cant get an alpha male.
>he didn't invest in
wew lad, its like you hate money
I'll take it one step further:
We set up a feminist blog project with the goal of exposing the patriarchy and get a gofundme up to supposedly finance our research... then donate the proceeds of the gofundme to the Trump campaign as loudly as possible
Where is this guy from anyway? Source?
sounds like a fantastic way to go to jail
Glasses which automatically update you with the latest oppression hashtag on twitter.
Basically Google Glass with an OS to cater to the daily life of the numale cuck. Directions to Starbucks when the user is heard saying "I literally can't right now." and such.
Nu-males should be literally no one's target demographic. Do yourself the honourable thing.
Chastity cages that unlocked once a week after daily privilege checks using an app, the app also has the option to increase the users chastity length depending on the amount of oppression POC, women and other marginalized groups are experiencing in the users country of residence.
So to summarise:
Someone posts on Veeky Forums asking a legitimate question about the best way to market to, or what products appeal to that particular demographic. You proceed to shitpost because the term Nu-male triggers you. Then you complain that 4 chan "used to be better". You're right it was better before faggots like you.
baka desu senpai kys :^
>What do they want?
But they're not going to get it except by going for the hot-but-broken types and tiptoeing around their triggers and issues.
They won't use hookers or toys because it's 'demeaning to women'. Same with porn.
You can't sell them anything except hair products and body scrub.
nice shout on those watches, it's a simple idea.
i don't use reddit, but do you have examples of such subreddits where i could read about people discussing trends & purchases?
much appreciated mate.
Create an organization that literally pays reparations to blacks that can trace their slave roots. Maybe another that gives scholarships or pays child support to single mothers or something. Give it a nice front end with an app or a website that they can pay money to and receive something trivial in return, like a certificate or a card for their trendy wallet.
Make it tiered so the ally competition heats up and its not enough to have paid, you must have the platinum black ultra edition card to be legit.
If you haven't figured it out already you're skimming ''''''administrative''''''' costs to run the service
1. Open a BDSM dungeon near a liberal arts college
2. Market to nu-males, maybe hold sex-ed classes (SJWs love those)
3. ????
Here's a profitable strategy for ya OP:
Spend time engaging in paid employment instead of worrying about 'cucks'.
How's your first day on Veeky Forums been?
design a sleeping bag designed to fit three adults, so whenever they camp out for some protest, their wives can bring their boyfriends along
>nu male meme
Nice post desu senpai ne~
But I guess sell them Anita Sarkisian tickets .
I-is there a middle ground?
Lmao. There needs to be more videos like this. Find the most ridiculous looking person and engage them in a calm manner and record it.
In reality there aren't clear cut people
/pol/ is shit and only got popular because a bunch of moderates came in sick of sjws and picked up on other beliefs from there
So yeah be in the middle , it's possible
>inb4 cuck
>inb4 numale
Got your memes done famila
Things that make them feel smart, cool and morally righteous without any effort, talent or knowledge required on their part.
If you can find a way to bottle the essence of Black Science Man and market him, you'll have millennial men eating out of your hands.
McAfee at 1:59
Actual cucks would fucking love this. I bet you could make a small fortune with this.
you need a vagina to best swindle them, and if you indeed did, it would not have to be asked since it is already default programming