Per day, how much do you make from crypto trading on average? I'm at a $150 average at this point.
Per day, how much do you make from crypto trading on average? I'm at a $150 average at this point
How do you make $150 a day crypto trading?
drugs :^)
You're either smart enough for it or you aren't. I've tried to help people and teach them, but they never get it and it's because you just need the intuition. sorry. I'm also an aspie so that probably give me some autistic powers.
some pretty good non-advice there user-kun
What do you want me to tell you, really? You aren't me. We think differently. I poop like everyone else, as in we all trade on the same sites. I'm just better at it than you two, I guess.
>what do you do user?
>just happens mang, i cannot explain cause muh autism.
Seems legit
I'm asking what you want me to explain. I'd have to make like a video on exactly how I do it, and everyone does it differently. probably doesn't do it in the same way I do. It would take a shitty 10 page e-book to make it all clear. There wouldn't be anything in it for me to explain these things to you, anyway. Don't be entitled.
When I tried to teach people before, I'd do it on skype and it just became so tedious that I hate doing it now. Some of you are just clueless.
And yet here you are, stroking your epeen.
I was just wondering how everyone else was doing...
Do you trade a mixed bag of cryptos? Or do you concentrate on just a few to trade?
I concentrate on a few right now. I have friends that make sure to have about 20 and sometimes I do that.
>Per day, how much do you make from crypto trading on average? I'm at a $150 average at this point.
Do you really think it's impossible to make money on crypto-currencies? I've been doing it for months. You need enough capital, though.
In a sentence or two could you explain what you're doing? Something along the lines of meticulously monitoring and playing news/announcements, or something more along the lines of technical analysis/structure trading?
Genuinely curious--been trying to get better at all of this myself. Have yet to really bite the bullet and attempt to trade coins, afraid of how much I don't know.
How do you recover from a bad trade?
come on, it's obviously impossible to earn 150 per day doing guesswork. That's like 50000 a year.
Unless you're only in a short lucky streak that you won't be able to sustain.
double down on it and wait for it to go up
I do my research on potential opportunities and monitor the entire time I'm awake. By monitor, I basically just do what I normally do in front of the computer but I have a window open of all of the necessary websites and such for my crypto trading.
ITT: OP made a good amount of money in a short amount of time, and extrapolated the numbers to sound like he's been pulling in 150 per day
if you said you made 1000 last week, i'd believe you
if you're telling me you have a steady cash flow of $150 per day, i'm calling bullshit until i see some serious proof
how much capital
You're really overestimating the challenge. I use about $1,000 for my capital and typically go on margin, even.
Do a good trade.
Any analysis tips or suggestions for where to begin?
This thread is stupid.
You said nothing about your investment or ROI.
$150 a day is meaningless.
I've made $782 per day on average this year, from an investment of of $80,000 USD.
>boasting on a anonymous site
you have to be a special kinda of special to do this fag.Not even sharing a tip
There aren't any tips to share. $150 isn't a lot of money.
$150 per day is not meaningless. I've given enough information. I wanted to know how everyone else was doing, but all I get are jealous butt blasted faggots shitting up the thread.
is it just technical analysis of the chart? because there are no fundamentals like you would trade a company stock or a national currency. there is just some news stories, but the crypto world is small so i don't know how much crypto news would influence everything.
i think there is some interesting potential in this thread. it would be good if people could give an approximate % return instead of $ amount.
that's what I'm wondering, what kind of analysis he's doing beyond news speculation.
You haven't really given any information at all... I am very interested in learning how to make money through cryptos, I know there is potential.. Could you give us some more information?
Which sites do you use to forecast potential buys, how much do you invest initially to get a return of 150$?, etc etc.
Please and thank you user.
it doesn't help you for me to give you the websites I use. It's what everyone uses. I just know what to do with the information. This is why I don't like helping people. There is no secret or magic shit behind it.
Nobody has claimed there was some magic behind it... You are speaking extremely elusively just to indirectly boast, this is textbook narcissism.
Thanks for the help fuckwad.. Why did you even make the thread in the first place? Oh, it was just to brag again, as you have done in every post this thread.
Well obviously there's no magic or secret behind it, but it's more complicated than "just knowing what to do with the information" unless you're literally a rainman austismo-lord watching the chart project itself into the future with the power of perfect market-foresight.
You're not recognizing patterns, or operating off of experience/past data? At least concede that you aren't telling us anything, which I can't blame you for, obviously it's just a Veeky Forums thread. But don't tease us so hard.
Sure, you recognize patterns. I'm not teasing. If you can't do it, you just never tried.
I'm not here to help.
As a parting gift could you name for me one coin that for all your insights seems like a viable one to watch and try to learn from?
Man you must be the most annoying person to be around.
Fucking autist.
You're clearly angry that I'm not giving you some formula for success or something. It's odd.
That doesn't make sense. You guys just ask questions that don't matter.
I assume those weren't meant to be in reply to me.
How hard would it be to give an example of how you make a single trade? How stunned fucking stupid are you?
Oh wow this thread is still going.
Op is either too much of an assburg or the more likely doesn't know anything and is just saying shit so he can feel good about himself on the internet. Literally hasnt given any information other than
>$150 trading cryptos
i don't think even he knows what he's talking about.
Just play the stock market fuck.
give me one reason to help you. I wanted to make a thread seeing how everyone was doing on a daily basis, and you can't get over the fact that I can't truly help you.
I would have to explain it to you over skype, and I don't want to do that shit anymore. I'm not running a fucking charity.
What information do you expect? for fucks sake this wasn't about what I do to make it you fucking dumb fuckers. This wasn't supposed to be about me.
What is with your retarded superiority complex? Is it because you're literally autistic?
I have aspergers, as already said. You're getting quite a lot from my posts. If I told you exactly what I did, I'm sure you'd be sucking my dick saying thank you.
None of you know what you're talking about. It's pretty ridiculous that you're attacking me over this. Fuck off retard. You need your hand held through this then kill your own fucking else because you're too stupid for it.
>can only explain over skype
>i don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about
You make a thread asking about how people are doing something without saying anything about how you are allegedly doing it, and people ask what you're doing, just the basic concept and you can't even answer that. Not even going to get into the constant downward spiral that cryptos have been in recently.
>literal retard calls us a retard for asking for proof
I'm not asking for how anyone is doing it themselves. I'm wondering what everyone else is making.
That's a nice thought, but I'm still not helping you.
>still can't state basic concept or respond to falling cryptos
Going on the internet and telling lies is rewarding.
I'm not nitpicking. You literally put words into the OP that weren't there. You're just finding a reason to justify being mad that I won't help you. As far as I'm concerned, you and other ruined the thread because you don't make anything and therefore shouldn't have been here.
Im at ~1.5k per day. Pretty easy once you get the hang of it really.
Nopt, all pretty relevant to what you have said so far.
>no concept
>no comment on falling btc
I make more money on average monthly trading stocks. I'm just here to make fun of you and call out your bullshit.
OP is one serious autism, holy shit
>make thread asking how much everyone else is making
>"pls tell me how u do it"
>no sorry
This is why I stopped coming here.
Your asbergs are showing.
Maybe you shouldn't come here :^)
In your mind everyone is begging to know how you do it, in reality we're just laughing about your narssisism and serious case of the assburgers m8
I generally double my BTC every month or two. I don't really care about the USD value I'm not going to cash any out until I reach 1000 BTC.
I'm still not helping you.
I dont want your help nor did i ask for it thank you captain spastic, i was just lurking and the thread amused me greatly.
Again, I'm just shitting all over your made up profits.
Once again, I'm not helping you. You keep shitposting instead of listening.
>you're not listening
>maybe you can do it
>theres nothing to tell
>can only explain on skype
>whats everyone elses made up numbers?
>i use some cryptos in my crypto trading
>can make money, you just need money
>just google things
>do it good
>what website do i use? the same as everyone else, i wont mention anything
>lol i make money i cant tell you
>i just wanted made up numbers, i cant tell you the secrets to making up numbers
>im literally autistic
>i dont know what im talking about
>i still cant even say the basic concept cause it doesn't exist
Wew talk about shitposting
I've been getting murdered lately and am holding bags on a couple pieces of shit. I'm taking a break to study and try to fix my game.
You're kind of an asshole but I get you have social problems.
>I'm smarter than you
Kek assburgers are funny
Averaging ~1k to 1.5k a day/two
Can YOU give us any advice? The OP is a literal autist.
This has to be a troll thread, holy shit
Over 60 posts and he's STILL not explained anything. Yet in that time he's typed out around 20 posts explaining why he can't explain anything.
>Don't be entitled.
this is my new favourite expression
>nigga boasting
>say he cannot help
>he probably got 150 once and want to boast about
>cannot even give a tip
>say i need to skype or video
well meme'd
keen for advice, particularly just how exactly do i buy and sell and what to look
Therein lies the part bagholders don't want you to know about. It's very difficult to sell because no exchange or company will give you USD for you coin until they have someone elses money with a buy order.
You can buy gold from reputable places with btc.
>OP got #rekt
I make about 151$ a day. it's super easy. I can't tell though because I'm not a charity. You just have to be good at it ;^)
So, I left after posting It's pretty funny to see your assblastery. I'm still not helping you, though. This isn't an advice thread.
You actively day trade?
I make ~300$k a day in btc and like 50$k in trump, but I'm basically manipulating the market with how heavy my trades are
you just need enough money. it's not rocket science
maybe one day you'll be where I am
Not really, no.
I make good informed decisions, and be patient.
Shut the fuck up.
OP, hear me out.
If you could write just a short little paragraph of what you do/ a step-by-step process, then I think everyone will quickly thank you and concede that you do in fact know what you're doing and stop shitposting.
This will take literally as much time as it would take for you to respond to shitposts and stop future shitposts.
It's a win-win. Please and thank you.
>all this b8
You're also full of shit like most of Veeky Forums. This is pretty much a role playing board at this point.
>thinking he actually has a process and isn't just lying so he can get attention on Veeky Forums
OP here. I'm not helping you
Guys, there is something called margin trading. They're bitcoin futures, this allows super high leverage trading.
If you have a 1k trading balance and use full 20x leverage, you are trading at most with 20k.
Now that's cool and all, a 1-2% move in your favor can yield 2-400 bucks easy.
However, this is important, if it goes the opposite direction and the market moves 1-2% not in your favor, you are losing 2-400 bucks.
So, the best thing to do is to risk as little as possible and be consistent, and you can to, become a $100 per day crypto trader.
some days youll earn 400 bucks some days you will lose 350, as long as you stick to a plan and keep track of trades, in the long run, you will have a net positive return that will average $100 daily.
Also, keep updated with the Winklevoss ETF, that will be some serious money.
I'm at around $166.
Do you get info from Matt too?
> this thread
who/what is Matt?
or are you going to do this OP style
Proof is required before you even get a serious response.
Just a friend.
Hey, are you in the Pacific Northwest?