What do you guys think of Peter Schiff and his claims of the US financial future?
What do you guys think of Peter Schiff and his claims of the US financial future?
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He's been far more right than wrong.
He's absolutely right that this """recovery""" has been nothing more than a green band aid on a mortal wound.
Bubbles pop, but instead of letting the market correct itself, the powers that be dump paper into the economy, thereby easing the pain in the short term and making it 10 times worse than it had to be in the long term...which is what caused the initial bubbles in the first place.
The butt fucked economy then hobbles along for several more years in a so-called recovery, meanwhile the fundamental problems have not been addressed or remedied in the slightest.
The numbers say that this recovery is worse than the fucking recession, so when this next bubble (which is really the same as the '08 bubble) pops, the consequences will be even worse.
The Federal Reserve distorts the economic landscape to make it look more stable than it is, which dupes ignorant people into buying shit they shouldn't, which they'll soon not be able to afford. The Fed makes sinkholes appear to be bedrock.
Schiff, Maloney and others aren't even THAT fucking smart, it's that everyone else is so god damn deluded and they really believe currency can be printed ad infinitum with no downside.
There has never been, and never will be, a fiat currency that never dies and never leads to inflation. This is fact, not crazy innawoods prepper bullshit.
The only reason more people don't agree with him is that almost no one living has ever seen a depression or understands what causes it. Fuck, even most people's parents haven't seen one.
He's right... it's fucked up, but the Fed can do whatever the fuck the want.
>Market is overvalued
>inflation/deflation happening at same time
>banks pass stress test by writing name on form properly.
Nothing he says has any real weight because he works for a gold firm and he just shills for bills.
In russia people have lived through half a dozen times when you wake up and all the money is worthles. Last time last year when the rouble halfed in value. Nobody was even that shocked when it happened. Western optimism is scary to watch.
he's going to be proven right in the long term, but traders and investors have had good reason not to listen to him and just buy index funds from 2008 until today. However I think the chickens are finally coming home to roost.
>predicting that gold would go up to $5,000 an ounce when it was at $1800
exactly, I wish he never said that, no one will ever let him live that one down.
and they shouldn't, that's the exactly the kind of thing that reveals no one should ever have listened to a word you said
>Correctly and accurately predicts the 2008 collapse
>no one should ever have listened to a word you said
please shut the fuck up, if you spend your entire life screaming collapse nonstop the whole time you'll eventually be right and that is exactly what he did/does
But he predicted precisely as it would. Reading his reports from 2006-7 is like reading a historical report on what happened.
but it would and should have collapsed, except the CBs came in and added some zeros in the computer
i hate california. the worst.
i'll start screaming YOU'RE A FAGGOT nonstop until you eventually be right. oh wait, i am right.
that video is pathetic and cringy, all they can do is mock and ridicule pete, because they know he's right.
currencies today are above all backed by the productive capacity of a nation's people. the russian people are essentially worthless (commercially speaking), and so the value of their currency follows...
You are either retarded or shilling
He's been wrong on 99% of his bullshit.
What fundamental problems?
What numbers?
How far up has the price of milk jumped in the last 10 years?
What about the great recession?
we work hard. wipe that frown off your face you fucking faggot.
>t. buttburned ruskie
He is a gold salesman.
His job is to sell gold.
He makes money when people invest in gold.
Do you fucking retards get it yet?