Who's ready for $MGT's Moonday landing?

Who's ready for $MGT's Moonday landing?

My first stock. Just riding this waveas I only have 100 shares but looking to buy what may be a big Monday dip(?).
Massive dilution coming from issuance of some 40 M shares to D-Vasive/demonsaw/John (currently 20M share float(?)).
Hoping for new product announcements in the near future.
SH meeting in late August.
Looking for help in sorting out what all this means lol.

Its my first big move also, i got 3000 shares with 4.37avrg cost
Figuring itl bounce up alittle then down alittle then up alot tommorow settle at 5.40 or more

You forgot also aug1st bitcoin op is up and running for 8mil/month revenue

whats going on here? I got an extra $500, come on! shill me! do it now!

got in @3.13. stop order @ 3.98. hoping 2 get rich. wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MGT is a shitty company with shitty financials but John Mcafee was named CEO and they just purchased D-vasive. Veeky Forums is meming it hard due to all the major changes/low price of the stock. Stock is shit and it's worth shit.

>So mad he missed the train.

Because they have just started.

Come back at the end of august when their team has just introduced stuff at Defcon while generating revenue from their huge bitcoin mining facility.

I'm ready to watch all of you retards lose money. It will be a crash landing.

There was all this hype leading up the proxy and nothing came of it.

There will be a huge sell off.

Nothing came of it because he released it afterhours specifically to burn shorters like you lmao.

There was after hours trading on Friday until 8 PM. Nothing happened.

The proxy wasn't officially published until late friday night.

To give the bulls time to digest it but specifically to burn the morons like you that sold before closing and will have to buy back at a premium come monday.

>paying premium for a ceo

If he happens to die in a car crash this weekend your stock will literally be worth penny's on Monday.

>The proxy wasn't officially published until late friday night.

Everyone knew it was coming by 3 PM ish on Friday.

But hey believe what you want, I'll still be enjoying my laugh at your expense tomorrow morning

They released proxy over weekend so people were able to understand it and no knee jerk reactions when they see dilution or 1:2 RS (which was better than their 1:8-1:40 they previously had).

People gotta understand 1:2 RS is to attract institutions and the 250MM authorized shares it to bring in more future acquisitions.

I have no doubt there will be PR on monday to address and assure investors their money is in good hands.

Mcafee did a good job so far with his timings on PR. You can tell he wants to get uplisted to NYSE main board.

It was filed around that time, the SEC did not publish it and release it until 10PM ET. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about, dumbass.

In the span of 2 months, I've managed to make 2K off this stock, I'll laugh at your dumbass when it closes 1 dollar higher tomorrow lmao.

shout out to all the scots up in here. just drank a double WWOOOOO00000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Lol shares issued

Problem bagholders?

To close short position or let it ride?
Already made almost 7 grand shouldn't be greedy oh but the lulls

This thread is just satire, right? I mean, no one is actually taking this bullshit seriously after what happened last time.. right?

Based Mcafee making everyone suicide



AAAAnd it was nothing.

We're already back near $4 and this is without any significant news or developments.

And we dying again

>On track to close in the red again


so what is the consensus here do i wait till august or sell now?

What does your heart tell you user?

90% of my portfolio is MGT at 3.70 it's been the only stock that has made money I'm down 25% from other memes so said fuck it