Hi Veeky Forums What do you thing about opening shoes washing business but instead of washing shoes from old fucks i would rather from 13-20 kids that wear 100-200$ shoes. of course i would run a marketing on social media for those kids etc.
I live in small town (30-35k) people in eastern europe but still there is a lot of potential customers
Hi Veeky Forums What do you thing about opening shoes washing business but instead of washing shoes from old fucks i...
Eastern Europe? You better be offering tracksuit cleanings too if you want to be successful
>Cleaning things for others
>Eastern Europe
Something is smelling pretty Polish around here
He's gona be polishing shoes.
>mom can I get 20 euros to pay that guy to clean my shoes
>no Dawid clean them yourself
>mom can I get 20 euros to pay that guy to clean my shoes
>no just throw them to the washing machine
or, In the case you are aiming towards rich kids
>mom can I get 20 euros to pay that guy to clean my shoes
>no we have a maid just give them to her
aw ill just better invest in knee pads
You posted this a while back.
Sorry but i don't think its a good idea. Most people just buy new shoes when theirs get worn out.
Idunno, in eastern Europe it might be different. Especially if we hit another global recession people will look for ways to make their stuff last longer. For example, back in 2008 I was working for a company that cleaned and maintained AC and ventilation equipment. When the recession hit the work was flowing in and we made bank, rather than buying new systems people paid a fraction of the price to extend the lifetime of their existing stuff.
You could market this online, eastern european countries are pretty big, you could potentially sell to a large population.
why won't you just suck my dick clean instead op? more money potential kek XD
on a more serious note shoe cleaning in poor countries is not a good idea faggot.
allot of the posts in this thread will encourage you to not even try.
What they dont realise is that it would be much better for you to try and fail rather than not try at all.
Fail as hard as you can OP, only then you'll be able to get the answers you are looking for in this thread.