Why does the public opinion say that porn is harmful to underages?

Why does the public opinion say that porn is harmful to underages?

Many things that are much more harmful are widely tolerated, like violence (news on TV), drugs, alcohol, celebrities that promote degeneratism.

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Because the average persons is just average. Think about everyone below that. There's a lot of them and they are all retarded.

its adultery. and sin ruins all lives. not just young lives.

problem with porn is it creates false expectations in adolescents. for example kids might assume that shoving dick in anus without foreplay stretching and lots of lube is normal. you just spit on your dick and in it goes like magic and the chick enjoys it. that's like in 90% of porn. and stuff like that we all know not really part of normal sex life is pretty recurring theme in porn. deepthroat and fisting for example requires a lot of practice fro these actresses so they don't get injured.

>Why does the public opinion say that porn is harmful to underages?

Because it's effortless dopamine releases and it skews your thinking and gets you addicted.

That's why erectile dysfunction is increasing in record-breaking numbers.

Some kid who's been watching porn since 14 and is now 22 should be full of testosterone and sexdrive but he's only been watching hand-picked women, with perfect makeup, perfect lighting, filmed by camera crews, with surgeries done to make them look better get fucked by hand-picked penises/bodies who use viagra and cialis to fuck in all sorts of strange positions for 40 minutes at a time.

So after a few years (or many years) of this regularly, of being able to see 11/10 unnatural women within seconds of typing www.pornhub.com you start to have problems getting aroused by actual women, with their actual imperfections.

Because really, why bother going on 2-3 dates to have boring sex with a condom with a 6-7/10 girl when you can watch a nigger on steroids fuck a dog in the ass in the comfort of your home?

how is this Veeky Forums exactly?

>we all know
Top fucking kek
No gf

Being serious, don't soap operas, movies
, music videos create false expectations?

Those things aren't instantly gratifying in the same way that porn is.

it's like using drugs, you can feel good INSTANTLY without doing anything. That's why it becomes addicting and damages you, because instead of passing an interview for a really great job or hitting a new PR In the gym you can just smoke a little crack and feel the same way

>Being serious, don't soap operas, movies, music videos create false expectations?
sure i guess, but will they make a girl bleed out of her anus?

>deepthroat and fisting for example requires a lot of practice

Personal experience?