Where do great ideas come from?
Where do great ideas come from?
20 yo business administration majors
just kidding
Get it out of your head that great ideas come from anywhere. Even science and academia is all about standing on the shoulders of giants. There might be a novel approach or a new proof, but Einstien didn't just shit relativity out of thin air.
In business even more so. Your not going to get anywhere in life trying to come up with great ideas. Sure, tell everyone your mediocre idea is brilliant, but them put the real effort into excecution. Great ideas are the oldest meme there is.
>Great ideas are the oldest meme there is.
>said on a website, posted from a computer, using electricity, to transfer language, to a screen atop my desk connected to another screen.
straight out of your own ass
From the heart
ayyyyye, you woke brah!
write down your dreams
eventually you will be able to have lucid dreams and remember them
whichever is your deepest spiritual belief; ask the central figure of that belief for inventions (mine is will)
I'd say mostly from doing something you're interested in. usually you will encounter limitations in the tools you use or think about new ways of doing something - and since you're interested enough in the topic at hands you will know the quality criteria needed to make your idea worthwhile for other people feeling the same pain on a daily basis. this will give you and your idea an edge. the only thing left is knowing how to realise your idea, which is a great reason to be interested in lots of things, because that way you have tools at hand to prototype or realise your ideas yourself. ... generally speaking ...
this aswell
Is that true?
Not OP but I can lucid dream often.
Encountering a need for something. Do something, find a gap that exists, and then work out how to solve it. The better knowledge you have of a field, the easier it is to create a bridge for that great idea.
An very high knowledge of a field + Using this knowledge to solve a problem
lol, I should have read previous replies first.
This guy gets it.
I always do this when I first wake up, then later on in the day I read it and forget everything.
There ye go, OP. Now get out there and innovate.
alot of great ideas come are just a solution to a problem.
When radio transmission was originally discovered it was thrown aside as an interesting phenomena with little application. It wasn't until someone could market it properly that it was realised how useful it was.
brain farts
he's not kidding on this one
oh yea, im sure there was no military applications for radio transmission, and even if there was, who would want a military contract attached to their patent ?
The military applications need to be marketed to the military for them to pursue it. If nobody is marketing a product and demonstrating the value then people won't suddenly buy it.
Marketing is about arousing curiosity and educating your audience about the benefits a product will bring you. You'd be surprised how many smart people suck at this.
i know you think you are right , but you are wrong.
u can market a peice of dog shit all u want. but thats not gonna turn it into gold.
Great emotions
on the flip side, a game changer product, with a secured patent, practically markets itself seeing as how every investor in there right mind is gonna be marketing pitching and bidding war for a peice of your pie.
>no that guy but...
You don't have to sell the dog shit as dog shit. Sell it as one part of a fertilization product.
His point still stands.
Usually you can just pull them out of your ass. If executed well, any idea will become successful. As long as there is originality in it and it isn't an imitation of something that already exists. This is why nothing good ever comes out of china. They're only capable of copying our ideas and executing them poorly at that.
yea u talk just like a marketing major .
have fun selling dog shit.
Life itself, if you don't live it then you'll never find something you want to change.
long walks through nature.