How do you guys feel about income inequality?
Personally, I don't give a shit
How do you guys feel about income inequality?
Personally, I don't give a shit
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I think its a distressing trend, a strong middle class is important to a nation's long term viability.
Hey stupid cartoon girl,
You should try /pol/ with this topic.
Income inequality hurts the economy. What do the poor do when they get extra money? Put it back into the local economy by buying products and paying debt.
How do the rich spend their money? They don't, they horde in bonds, savings, and other investments, which makes the velocity of money decrease.
People seem to forget the rich used to pay 70% and now they pay 15%
>I think its a distressing trend, a strong middle class is important to a nation's long term viability.
I concur.
I actually wish to borrow from Churchill in reverse (sort of). A lagging lower class stalls the upper class in the long run - you can only have an upper class of a certain wealth given very poor underlings. See the Medieval period.
Also wish to borrow from whoever came up with excess savings (by 'workers') being catastrophic for an economy; excess savings by business, by not being pumped into wages, kill the economy's ability to maintain business revenues in the long run. We've been kicking this one down the road with infinite credit/0% interest rates for a while now, since about the mid-70s or 80s I'd say.
Depends, are we also talking about mentally damaged, or physically disabled people as well?
Or just, "Im poor"
>We've been kicking this one down the road with infinite credit/0% interest rates for a while now
Just to be clear we've only been doing this really seriously for about a decade.
>since about the mid-70s or 80s I'd say.
Here I meant lagging real wages have been an issue since then. No propping up an exorbitant medical monopoly with employee-provided healthcare does not have the same economic benefits as increasing real wages.
>They don't, they horde in bonds, savings, and other investments,
... Which actually leads to real growth in productive capacity and the standard of living in an economy.
>People seem to forget the rich used to pay 70% and now they pay 15%
Also people seem to forget that income tax in the US was hardly even a thing before the early 1900's.
Are we talking about greedy cunts who use regulatory capture and patent trolling to line their pockets or useful productive members of society who thus are rewarded with riches?
Pretty much all of the poor people I've talked with have had poor decision making.
I was at this ghetto strip club and one of the strippers was poor. She said she never got around to having a drivers license. I was like "wtf skip work for a day and take care of that" she was like "i can't because i have a bill coming up." It's like bitch this isn't a job you get fired from if you take a day off. You need to think in the longer term.
Basically they try and cut so many corners and it ends up costing them. This is especially problematic in poor countries where people cut corners in business too and eventually it catches up with them. For instance our indian branch used a pirated version of exchange for a while and it fucked them.
>It's like bitch this isn't a job you get fired from if you take a day off.
that was not her issue, her issue was that if she took a day off she wouldn't have enough money to pay her bills.
Nah, i think she still would have made it, i think she could have worked harder and increased her earnings when crunch time was approaching. If she has a job with static earnings per hour you would be right though.
>all the poor people I've talked with
>one anecdotal account and at a fucking 'ghetto strip club' of all places
wew lad surround yourself with better people before making silly assumptions
If you work 40 hours a week, you shouldn't be under the poverty line. But what can you expect when they send all the jobs they can to China and India.
I find it crinche worthy when college students think is okay to send all the jobs offshore because it's not their jobs getting effected. You don't think they'll do the same thing to you in a few years when technology improves?
Kys, Bernout.
damn, it must be painful to be this stupid
>income tax in the US was hardly even a thing before the early 1900's.
The rich can only buy so much bread
You'll care when enough people get fed up and start killing all the white upper class.
High standard of living for laborers is extremely important to the sustainability of industry. The consequences of inequality between the productive workers and the less than productive workers may end up being catastrophic.