Specially countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy and France, and also the EU itself. Have most of them socialist ideals and hate privatization? One of my french friends said that everyone in those countries is lazy and loves government spending.
Is Europe socialist?
it's called social democracy, capitalism but with huge welfare state and protection from employers
it's mostly bullshit, our economy is in the shitter here in Croatia
Spanish guy here. Feels good knowing I will not go bankrupt when I need to go the hospital.
I still remember how when that Evola shit happened, the woman that got infected was treated here for free, while the people that got infected in the US had to bring a ridiculous paycheck. Not even for special cases like that they will make an exception. Fucking lol at living in USA in 2016.
why not copy ireland or switzerland you commie faggot?
why instantly compare with usa?
It's not his fault, that's the propaganda we get fed here
Spainball here.
Well, we live in a mix between capitalism and socialism. We have free education and free healthcare. But most of the other thing are private.
The good point is that everyone have the oportunity of get out of poverty, and you will never be let to die in the street if you are sick.
The bad point is that is not as easy to create a business, an the business culture is not as good acepted as in UK or USA. But we made Zara, so its not impossible to success!
Not socialist per definition but they have, after capitalism and freedom made them rich, had leftists who try to push socialist agendas which is why Europe is dying.
>The good point is that everyone have the oportunity of get out of poverty
>The bad point is that is not as easy to create a business
so you get into lower middle class by unemployment benefits?
enjoy your unemployment, idiot
leftist should be shot, glad I am leaving Croatia
where are you going radovan
Fucking cuck.
Switzerland, will need to get visa first though
backups are Ireland, Netherlands
5 years of Germany if I REALLY fuck things up
>choosing not to pay old commies, females, lazy, young commies, politicians and farmers for doing nothing
>choosing to be productive somewhere else and make something out of myself and start a company maybe
>somehow cuck
guess form leftist standpoint it's inverse
like, if I let someone fuck my gf would instantly make my stop being a cuck
>Is Europe socialist?
no at all
To answer this question, you have to understand socialism and it's origins. Where it was strongest in Europe was Germany at the end of the XIXth century. But the britbongs actually made huge progress with labour laws in the beginning of the XXth century.
Also, Spain was the only place where communism and anarchism actually got a strong root during the II Republic and the ideas still have repercussions today.
I'm spanish (hola cabrones) and I believe the whole point of a State is twofold:
a) guaranteeing safety for their citizens
b) evening out the playing field for everyone.
That means that every man should face the same consequences of the law (tips fedora to the King, Leo Messi and most treasurers of the ruling political party); they should have access to higher education and they should receive (at least basic) healthcare.
These are advancements of modern societies that came into effect thanks mainly to socialist reforms, because workers would still be treated like shit if full-fledged capitalism was left to do as it pleased.
Also, saying that everyone from southern Europe is lazy is just plain wrong and ignorant. The best workers I've met were frenchmen.
why not the UK
Ireland is only good if you're in IT or finance. Pretty much every other industry pays miserably
>These are advancements of modern societies that came into effect thanks mainly to socialist reforms, because workers would still be treated like shit if full-fledged capitalism was left to do as it pleased.
God I hate this fucking interpretation of history.
UK is terrifying authoritative social democracy with to many brown welfare leeches and high taxes
I am in IT, however I am in electrical engineering too
my interest for ireland is mainly because of the English language and lowish taxes
Sweden here. Fuck you all! Commie capitalistic scum!
Ireland for low taxes. What a hoot.
Mate if you're at all well paid then you're not going to see about half of your salary
You wish to have spain's social healthcare. Have fun going bankrupt once your shitty wagecel lifestyle gives you cancer.
> they should have access to higher education
Too bad Spain's universities are absolutely worthless.
what's with all these spaniards coming out of the woodwork? and why does it seem like every young spanish person i meet would've been fighting for the republican side in the civil war? have they completely lost their spines like the rest of the west's youth?
Obviously you've never heard of Medicaid.
>b) evening out the playing field for everyone.
100 percent impossibility.
Mate, try Croatia
If you are paid shit you won't see half of your salalry
Oh, and retirement funds are a con, pay 15% directly into pockets of current retirees, 5% in funds that buy shitty stocks in public companies that will get raided at every economic hiccup
as a Irish person you have no right to cry while I am here, faggot
you live in fairy tale land m8, I live in fuckin Zagreb
social programs =/= socialism
yeah same thing faggot